Another Poem About Finding Yourself
I don’t love him anymore. The residency that he used to hold in my heart has been vacated. A year ago I was terrified when you left that I was over, I was done, that at sixteen I had loved the truest and purest love I would feel. When you left, the hole that was in my chest, did not stay for long, rather it opened me up to love myself and finally learn that I am stronger than I had ever imagined. I was scared a year ago when you left me, but here I am sitting and writing, about how much I have grown over the last year, something I could not have done if you hadn’t walked out without reason. I loved you, wholeheartedly but I resented you. I did everything for you, so did my family and you acted as if I was no better than the garbage on the street and you had the audacity to treat me as if you gave me this great love when you gave me nothing, nothing but torment for years, so I applaud you and I bless the Gods who made you walk out without remorse or reason.