Am I the Only One?
Sometimes....Sometimes it feels like I'm all alone. Alone on a earth, filled with beings that have no human soul
I feel like I'm alone with no being to relate to.
I know its not true
But what I see makes me want to believe it is.
Am I the only person who knows that life isn't all about weed, sex and girls?
Am I the only person who knows that life isn't all about trying to fit in with peers?
Am I the only person who sees female's of this day being disrespected?
Played, lied to, cheated on, and used?
Am I the only person who feels like sometimes women put themselves in those situations?
looking for a Romeo, while dressing like a prostitute, and getting mad when you pull a customer and not Romeo.
You want respect; act dignefied.
Am I the only person who feels that guys need to try to think further than just what their penis will allow?
Maybe think beyond the sex and look at the relationship. Girls think the only way to pick up a decent man now is by dressing like a slut.
And we are displaying that they are correct.
Am I the only one who wants to stay pure until marriage?
fighting the strong lustful temptations so that I can be clean for my future wife
Am I the only guy who has a purity ring and is not shy to show it?
Am I the only black teenager who looks beyond 2chainz, lil b, Trenedad James, and chief kief in order to fill my ears with positive music?
knowing that though their music is catchy, they are polluting my mind and going against my beliefs.
God says to respect women, not to throw money at them.
My Lord warns against adultery; not promote lying in bed with a few women.
Am I the only black teenager guy who is serious about his future?
Not worried about riding on (insulting) someone everyday and going to school just to show off my outfit.
Am I the only black teenager guy who is serious about his faith?
Keeping the commandents, not cursing, praying, and forgiving.
Not considering myself a Christian just because I go to church every sunday but act like the devil throughout the rest of the week.
Am I the only person who knows he isnt perfect and therefore accept his flaws?
Am I the only person who prays for God to take anything thats not good in me away?
Am I the only guy who is looking for a potential wife and not just a girlfriend?
Am I the only guy who is looking for a proverbs 31 women?
Am I the only guy who wants a Christian girl who respects herself and is not shy about her faith?
Am I the only person who sees the new young generation of children as growing up to fast?
Knowing about sex, watching porn, reciting explicit song lyrics, and doing adult things, when they are only in elementary school.
Am I the only person who feels that this earth needs a major change?
Am I the only person who is driven to change it by the grace of God?
Am I the only person who is chasing, running after God's heart?
Am I the only Christian who is enduring through this race?
with my eyes fixed on Jesus.
Am I the only person who stays real to myself and others?
not tring to lie about who I am just so I can fit in.
Am I the only person who wants to be more?
who knows that he is more than a conueror through Jesus Christ.
Life isn't bad.
It's just sometimes I feel alone.
I feel like I live among a set of peers who only reflect on who they want to be, who they see on tv, who they want to fit in with. But they are never true to themselves. They Never find their own true Identity. They are just entangled in a web of lies with shattered pieces of who they are. One can only truly know thyself through God alone. Our identity is in Christ. Then they look at me funny because I don't follow the status quo.
Because I'm different.
We are all created equal but we are all unique in our own way.
So my question was: am I the only one.
Your answer should be "no you are not"
I have God and from God, love and faith. God also has children. I am one child of His. So are you. We are all the children of God.
Thats how I know that I'm not the only one.