At fourteen life is confusing
A rushing river of emotions we dont understand
Alyson, you'll be okay.
At fourteen life is hard
Especially when you think you're in love.
You prove it by carving names in your skin
Alyson, you dont have to do it this way.
I know that the quiet is violent
Being without him is hard but Alyson- look at your scars
Your beautiful skin etched with names that brought you pain.
Alyson, you'll be okay
Alyson, I can take this away
At fourteen we dont understand
that this can get better
That this can end
We only see what we can
and that is the lingering of depression
Alyson... I could take it away
Your headstone is carved in the shape of a heart
Your father is by my side
and I never thought I could understand the pain would subside
The pain is gone, and yes its taken years but i am free
Free from depression
free from rage
I wish you were here for me to explain
I wish I could take this away