Always Running
Feet hitting light thuds on the ground as you continue on, faster, faster
Your lungs burn forests as you breathe, harder, harder,
What made you go this time?
Was it ambition? Was it fear?
You run faster, you go farther, but you never stop to consider,
Where are you going? What will you do when you get there?
How long will you run? When will the running finally end?
It's been too long now, your feet begin to slow,
Your body pleads no more as your soul wills you to continue,
What do you do now? Your emotions have lead you thus far
What are you running from? Is it me or is it yourself?
Are you trying to hide? Are you trying to start over?
"Run away", you tell yourself, "Hide away".
You always run, too soon or too late
You always run, I guess it was your fate
To always run, to always hide,
Like a child at play
I hope that someday
You won't have to run anymore