The Adventure of a Fireman, Myself, and a Kitten
Cowering in the corner
six feet underground,
Sapphire blue eyes pleading,
Pleading to be found
Parents heard cries
From the helpless,
Helpless creature stuck
In the sewer, out of luck
Feeding wasn’t enough,
It isn’t enough
You can’t stop there
With conditions so rough
“I hear it!”
I sprinted,
Sprinted towards the creature
Locking eyes with its beautiful features
“Let’s go” mom said
“No!” I screamed
My tears like the rain,
The rain that forced her through the drain
I tugged,
Tugged at the manhole with no luck
Getting strange looks, rust on my fingers, scolded
But who cares when a creature is stuck?
Minor inconveniences compared to the innocent,
The innocent life I would rescue
Ignored by animal control
But not by me too
9-1-1, fire truck, manhole, ladder
‘Twas all a blur
But by the end held,
Held not just a ball of fur
But a five-week-old kitten
Who had spent too long
In a dark, dank sewer
When people knew it was wrong
Pleading “ignorance is bliss”
But not me
Determined, moral-compass, life, love,
If not, where would she be?