the actual words of the cross (where He died for us )
in the beginning , God created the heavens and the earth
God created mankind to be a perfect image to Him
in His image, He created male and female
in that same creation, He made us
what can be known about God is plain to us
see because God already shown it to us
for his attributes, namely his eternal and divine nature
is clearly perceived since the creation of the world
in the things that's been made
so we are without any excuses
although we know God, we don't honor Him as our Heavenly Father
or gratefully give thanks to Him
we became futile in our thinking
and hearts become foolishly darkened
in claiming to be wise, instead we became fools
exchanging the glory of the immortal God
for images resembling false gods where you pay mortal men to tell you lies about your future
two evils are committed
we as the human flesh forsaken God, the fountain of the living waters
we dug our own wells where it's broken and expect to hold up water
we became lost sheep going astray
each of us turned to our own way
people try to do what's right in their owns eyes
and still blinded by the truth
no one is righteous, we try understand, but little or no comprehension
we don't seek God as we should
all have turned aside
together we've became worthless having no hope
and without God in the world
we fade like a rap career span of five years
and sins like the wind blows us away
we have become one unclean
and our deeds are dirty like filthy garbages in the streets
by works of the law
no one is justify in God's sight
His wrath is revealed in heaven
against all unrighteousness and ungodliness of humanity
due to our stubborness and hearts that's unrepentant
wrath is accumulated for ourselves on the day of wrath
when God's righteous judgement will be reveal
it's horrifically terrifying to fall in the hands of our living God
but God is so rich when it comes to mercy because He loves us that much
so genuine that it's never deceitful like a charmer who words may appear attracting
but it's native tongues is full of corruption
He loves us even when we were dead in our sins
gave His only begotten son
for whoever believes in Him should never perish , but live an eternal life
just read John 3:16 if i'm lying
that's love, not love that we have for Him
but the love He have for us that's deepen if we follow Him
His Son sacrifice His life for us
Jesus is the image of the invisible God
the radiance of His glory that spreads blood so we can live
the exact imprint of His nature who upholds the universe the words of His power
He is the true righteous one
the Author of life
The Lord of Lords
The Alpha and Omega
The Beginning and The End
The 1st and The Last
words that become flesh
God with us
He was wounded for our rebellion when we fought without knowing why
crushed for our sins
iniquities due to our desires full of greed
God cancelled the record of debt that stood against us with legal demands
He set that aside
nailing it to the cross
so God made Him who knew no sin
to become sin
in him , we can become righteous with God
as Jesus brilliantly saids, I am the way, the truth & the life
no one can meet God unless you know Me
as the scriptrure states, He was buried and arose three days later
after purifications for sins
He sat down at the right hand of His majesty on high
in the name of Jesus
every knee is bow
in heaven, on the earth, and under
tongues must confess that Jesus is the Lord & Savior
to the glory of God our father
now that the righteousness of God is reveal
the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus to those who believe
we will come up small to God's glory
and are justify thorugh His grace as a gift
through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ
these spoken words are infuse so that we can all believe in Jesus, The Son of God
and by believing, we all have life in Jesus
for The Lord Himself says
why do you spend your money for that is not bread, and your labor that's not satisfying
I am the bread of life
whoever comes to me shall not hunger
and whoever believes in me shall never thirst
all that the Father gives to me will come to me
and whoever comes to me, I will never cast out
for this is the will of My father
that everyone who looks to The Son and believes in Him should have an eternal life
and I will raise them up on the last day
Those were Jesus's words, not mine
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This is so real and so true.
Many people are too scared to face the truth
while others turn on it simply because they have "better things to do"
Your poem touched my heart and I hope mine touches yours too.
I want you to know you're not alone in this point of view
Yet I will not act like I am the cleaninest nor worthy,
I have faults too.
I've been there, in the dark state of mind
But I am so thankful that God brought me out in time
So that I may be a witness
To His glory and His Love
In the world, the word love is overused...
In in the spiritual world, love from people has been long overdue
So I love you -to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ
Let's get the word out...
Let's share God's light.
Your pieces are life changing bro. Never cease in the quest to spread the Good Word
I absolutely love this, I'm a follower of Christ myself and love reading other poetry especisaly about Gods' word. This is truly amazing how you turned God's words into a poem that can touch so many peoples lives.
Mr. MVP speaks with such passion and depth about the Christian struggle in America, hence 'The Actual Words of the Cross' has become an American classic.