Actions LOUDER than words
The reason I don't share my feelings because when someone listen the 1st time
it just a matter of time when no one will listen at all
friends can be there thought it all but doesn't mean it will always stay that way
So I cover it up and tell myself to be tuff and suck it up
but the moment is no matter how hard you are on the outsides shows how much you are not on the inside
it's really easy to say I'll be there for you when you need me but when the time comes seems no one is there
And I ask myself what would they do without me
yeah more like what I will do without them
plus the words I love you shouldn't be used to cover up like a band aid because all it does
is cover up like nothing happened but with me sometimes i feel a little lost between lines
just to lost to fix the missing place
the main people who say they will never leave you
some how are the 1st person who ends up leaving you
you can say it but not doing anything to back it up
I really just want to be happy its just all the things i keep on cover up seems it always reappear
saying you going to be a friend and being one is two different things
sometimes one day I would just give up trying 'because the moment I do that then maybe someone will notice and be more than an action then words that doesn't mean anything