The Ability To Fly
Second Star to the right
Past Big Ben
Where you must go
Is what I'm told
It's what I've heard
but where to
is my concern
My last thought
b- before I fell
Urgently needing
The ability to fly
A happy place is hard to find
Happy thoughts aren't endless in supply
Point made?
It's hard to fly
It's hard to fly when the young
Grow up way too fast
The time of innocence
quickly pass
It's hard to fly
When Wendy Darling
who lived her life
A fantastic adventure
A fairytale...
Grew up
Her promise to Peter
There's no one
to tell this tale
of Neverland
Tinker bell
With her short fairy life span
That all fairies had
stayed with Peter
For as long as she can
but day by day
her light grew dimmer and dimmer
Her wings gave off less and less pixie dust
until Finally
She faded
Burned with just enough enough time to say
Not many people believed I guess, but Peter doesn't understand.
He'll NEVER understand
Like the child he'll laways be.
He keeps tink in her bed
with not a worry.
She's just resting!
He says to himself
Yeah! She's just taking a nap!
And with a painful smile he flies off
All by himself
For the Darling girls
his acting mothers
have ran away
they've grown up
Each one longed for the affection
A boy could not give.
And the pirates?
The pirates
No longer fly
To capture children in the night
For what use is there?
They never leave Neverland
In fear of Peter Pan
Who killed their Captain Hook.
On that day Peter became a hero
While the pirates?
They lost their leader
So, they hide
tucked in the corner of the vast blue sea.
Peter Pan
forever young
is isolated within his own naivete
For the lost boys
aren't lost
They left Neverland
They grew up
Each had little boys of their own
They've forgotten Neverland
They've forgotten Peter Pan
Hook, the pirates, mermaids, Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell
Most importantly they forgot
How to fly
Their grown up worries weigh them down
cloud their minds
They couldn't fly
Each one thought
They Hoped
that they would stay young forever
They took time for a fool
They took for granted the past
That their memories would last
That their legacy would live on
It did not
Their lives are now
Fairy talies
little tales
told to children
To pass the time
To calm their fears
But all too quickly
childhood fears disappear
No more time for Fairy Tales
No more time for the childhood
That I
With anguish
reluctantly let slip through my fingers
Like sand it fell
And I,
I was unable to contain the grains
The little seconds of my precious time.
It's hard to fly
when Fairy Tales
Myths, and Legends
Start to die
When the sands of time
Quickly fall
Not leaving anyone behind
Time seizes all
Trapping us,
our memories
With such disdain
Our childhood forgotten.
When noone believes
in Faith and Trust
Or even pixie dust
I-I couldn't fly.