2016: The Year Fear Took Over
2016: The Year Fear Took Over
You Think it will be the best year
You Think you will grow
You Think you will change
You Think the best thing will happen to you
You Think it will be the best year yet
You Realize this year will be the worst
You Realize you will shrink
You Realize you will remain the same
You Realize your dreams and goals won’t happen
You Realize this is the worst year of your life
Because of FEAR
Because of FEAR
Because of FEAR
Because of FEAR
Because of FEAR
Fear made this year the worst
Fear made me feel my smallest
Fear made me remain unchanged
Fear made me believe my dreams are unattainable
Fear made me hate this year and myself even more
I Choose to make a change
I Choose to feel my strongest
I Choose to change every single day
I Choose to accomplish my dreams everyday
I Choose to love myself everyday from here on out
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