2016 - A Retrospect
2016 was gone so fast,
I couldn't believe it was in the past.
In the beginning school had me feeling blue,
Especially because I had to stay past two.
Graduation day came and it was a big deal,
We then took my 2 diplomas and had a big meal.
Soon we had to move and I felt,
Like tossing the cards to me life had dealt.
I got my first job at a Chick-fil-A,
Although it was work it made my day.
Soon however, the schoolyear resumed,
my fears and anxiety quickly exhumed.
Classes and days flew by as quick as could be,
then after finals I began to flee.
Home was so sweet after being gone so long,
I didn't want to leave; was that wrong?
The new year crept up like a theif in the night,
But I have a feeling 2017 will be alright.