I don’t realize
I don’t realize how lucky I am to have you sometimes.
A relationship like this is one people wish for for a lifetime.
You walked into my life like it was nothing.
I’m about to be nice so please don’t go off running.
We fight every day and every night,
Sometimes you’re wrong and sometimes you’re right.
By the end, I just want your forgiveness.
But enough with the mushy gushiness.
My big eyeballs seem to make me blind,
As to what is right in front of me.
And your big ears seem to block out everything I say,
Won’t let you here me out.
You’re a butthole,
You’re a brat,
And you’re a devious little rat.
But I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
You’re so mean to me,
And deep down, I’m sure you hate me.
The fact that you stay around is what makes me love you,
I mean how could I not?
You make it impossible for me to hate you for more than a day.
You push me around,
You practically wrestle with me.
One of these days you’ll have a black eye,
And I’ll have no hair.
What a special friendship we have.
I love making you laugh and smile,
It makes my life worthwhile.
I want to talk to you every minute of every day,
Then I remember how bad that would get.
Nobody can ever make me as mad as you do,
But nobody can ever make me as happy as you either.
You have this weird charm,
Kills me every time.
You also have this habit of annoying me--
That kills me too.
You have this way of looking at me with your lime eyes,
It makes me happy and feel special.
Then when you give me the death glare,
I get scared.
You make me want to hug you and love you,
But you also make me want to strangle you and bite your head off.
I hate you.
But I love you.
You’re probably the most dramatic person I know.
And the fact that I am too doesn’t help.
I wonder if you feel the same way I do;
If you think the same things I do.
You’re the type of best friend everyone needs,
I’m glad I found you first.
People continue to annoy us,
Why do they think we’d be so good for each other?
They don’t even know the half of it,
Because we’d literally kill each other.
You’ve been a wonderful friend,
And a terrible one.
Thanks for the good times,
And the bad times.
I’ll never ever forget you,
Because you have a special place in my heart.
Here in a little bit, we’ll both go our separate ways.
Maybe someday, our paths will cross again.
You have no idea how hard it’s going to be for me,
Letting you go is something I never planned to do.
Just know I’ll be waiting for you when we’re fifty.