The Hand is Bridled to the Heart
Why I write? Why I write?
The true query is why men speak
So often?
So often when they do not mean what they say
nor understand what they mean
Or even care to
Politicians, Clergymen, Shoppers making small talk
No more substance than meringue
Monolithic no
There are always exceptions
My mentor My English teacher Cliché I’m sure
Told me to question and analyze everything
including him
including his advice
Think freely think dynamically
Things unclear in fog are apparent when stained in ink or dust
Whichever you prefer
Each clears the mind
But more importantly the heart
The immaterial has become the palpable
The pen is more honest than the tongue
Because to lie with the pen you must involve your own hand
Which is more subdued then the tongue
Will a man not raise his tongue against his lover sooner then he will his hand
The tougue emits the fumes of our burning chasms
Our own personal peditions
Our pains our misfortunes our woes
But the hand is pragmatic
Not as bold
But many times more honest
Our tongue manifest our hurt our feeling
But the hand portrays the intention
And so i will not strike my beloved
But my hand will betray my love
In letter