
Always told that you would never grow up and change?
Watch in learn as I prove the world wrong.
Wait hold up your that boy that will always be childish and a class clown?
That’s when you’re wrong.
It comes a point in time when everyone in life makes a change.
Maybe I was just that little boy that wasn’t ready to leave his childhood life.
Or was it that boy that did not learn from right and wrong?
Only a matter of time will tell.
As I grew older I start thinking into the future telling myself that you will be a better man on the decision you make.
Do you believe in it?
I am who I am can’t take back what happen in my past but I can move forward and learn and grow from my experience in the past.
Knowing that you are doing right is the only way to go and can’t anyone take that away from you.
I wake up and tell myself every day I have changed


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