I’m in the vast desert,
calling for help every chance I get,
but nobody can hear you when you’re in the desert.
I’m nearly dying from the heat,
and I have no water.
“It should be easy to get water, though.
The cacti I see do not have thorns.
You can get water from there,”
They say.
Do you not see that the cacti in my desert have pricks,
that they hurt when I try to obtain water?
Do you not see that if I could obtain water from them,
I would?
Do you not hear me cry for help?
They don’t understand.
They don’t see the cacti the way I do,
they’re not in the same desert I am.
If I told them about my cacti,
they would never believe me.
They would shrug it off and leave me,
dehydrated and overheated.