

United States
33° 45' 30.2472" N, 81° 0' 33.1416" W

Don't need cups no more
Your drink is in a bottle, a can.
You swallow it down until you can't even stand.
Open your closet
Open your eyes;
Skeletons hanging by the throat
Made of your lies.
You can't cut them down
The noose is too thick.
You've run out of words?
Think of a lie to bury yourself deeper.
You say you don't need me?
I don't need you either.
I can make it alone, but you?
I'd watch you crumble.
You're slurring your words dear,
Try not to mumble.
I'm sick of the booze, sick of the cries.
When I'm gone soon don't be surprised.



Wow, strong, clear message! Awesome arrangement and use of contrast!

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