Every Day Then, Every Day Now
Every day you tell me I'm worthless.
Every day you make me focus on you.
Can you not sense this sadness?
A sadness that is new.
Every day you try to change me.
Every day you ask for money.
I should try to flee.
Yet when I try, you suddenly call me honey.
Every day I give you everything.
Everday I try to show my love.
What I get back is just one thing,
You staring at me from above.
After all of this, I still stayed.
After all of this, I loved you.
After all of this, I treated you well.
After all of this, I was patient.
I should have left.
Left far before you.
Now the only thing I regret,
Is haven fallen for you
Now I have moved on,
Moved on to a better place.
A place far beyond.
A place without your presence and face.
I have met someone.
Someone who I can embrace.
Someone who has taught me,
Taught me what love is.
Every day I am told I'm loved.
Every day I am respected.
I am no longer looked from above.
I am no longer inspected.
Every day this person gives me affection.
Every day we care for each other.
I am no longer looking for a connection.
I no longer feel like a bother.
I am happy, for I have moved on,
Moved on to a real relationship.
All the pain that I felt is gone.
This relationship was worth the trip.
You said you loved me.
Yet I always felt so blue.
When this person says it,
I know it is true.
For the words "because I love you",
Have no power to manpulate.
They have become something new.
They have become sincere words from my soulmate.