Even when words feel like they’re not enough to express your love, poetry can help. Equipped with legions of literary tools that move the soul, poetry can be an effective and touching way to show love.
Whether you’re lovesick, in love, or want to show a family member how much you love them, a love poem can be your answer. Even though poetry can solve the problem of feeling like you’re not saying enough, you still have to work hard for your love poem to speak.
Nervous? Not sure where to start in order to tackle this beast? We’ve got you covered with 7 tips on how to write a love poem for any occasion.
How To Write A Love Poem: 7 Tips
Think of your subject. Hone in on your inspiration, on your subject of love. Think about why you’re writing this. Do you want to reveal your love or show how deep it is? Think about what effect you want this poem to have. Once you understand the general intent of your poem and get in the zone, it’ll be a lot easier to let the words flow.
Form is your friend. Choose widley. Love poems are often characterized by romantic structures. One of Shakespeare’s most famous poems, “Sonnet 18,” popularized the sonnet as a love poem structure. You can also try an ode or a ghazal. Each of these poem structures contributes to a different tone and vibe. Think about picking one that matches your subject and intention, or you can pave your own path.
Hyperboles can be good, but don’t get too cheesy. Love can take an incredibly powerful hold on your entire being, so it only makes sense that poems tend to describe such feelings with exaggeration. Oftentimes, hyperboles are extremely effective. But if you’re going to use one, make it original.
Add specific details. Love comes through in the details you notice and capture, especially the ones that only you know. Think about what details and conclusions you can draw from these details. A great example of this is in Craig Arnold’s “Bird-Understander,” where he writes about his lover through her letters about a bird in an airport.
Think about your metaphors. Love poems tend to feel like they’re saying more than words because they are experts of comparisons. As you write your own, think about what metaphors you can use. Carefully pick one and think it through. Bonus points if you use something sensory, like a brilliant visual or specific smell.
Get vulnerable. Expressing your love is inherently vulnerable, so it follows that love poems are challenging. If you catch yourself having writer’s block, reflect a bit. Are you hesitating saying more or putting yourself out there? Think about ways you can be vulnerable but still be comfy. Challenge yourself. The vulnerable love poems are the honest ones and, typically, good ones.
Be you. It’s easier said than done, but when you’re writing, stay true to you. Learning how to write a love poem isn't about making your writing sound too sappy or romantic or rhymey. Be sincere, be you and all your wonderful personality. It does sound corny, but the best love poems are those that come from your heart.
Now you know how to write a love poem! Are you ready to try it out? Nerves are good, but don’t worry too much. Believe in what you have to say and that your words are valid. When you conquer this, join the other brave writers of this community and share your work on PowerPoetry.org. You can explore our other poetry resources too!