I place my hand on my heart and my arm on my back
and I begin to sing then I begin to reflect
on all the people who gave their lives so I could live
So I could come to this event where all these people
are also singing. Yet only some are singing like
me. Even fewer are reflecting, and even less
are thinking of those who paid the ultimate price. So,
now this event is full of standers, singers, thinkers,
and of course kneelers. All of us here love this country.
Some of us hate it at times but say it’s all the time.
I was born into a scary time, a lot is changing.
Technology is a constant reminder of what
can be done when we work together.
The news is a constant reminder of what is done
to us when we work against each other. There are no
lives that matter more but some are in more danger than
others. Officers being slaughtered, black citizens
being taunted, by those that serve them. Why are police
departments being investigated by justice
departments? That Ferguson officer? Innocent.
But not his department. Now don’t go around screaming
like those dudes with attitude because it’s our fault that
the police don’t have what they need. To protect and serve
our needs. They need more yet we give them less money and
more protest. But I digress. This country looks a mess.
But I refuse to stress because this generation
that is almost grown, is one of the best. They know how
messed up the world can be but they’re young enough to not
care. Because they’ve also seen what we can do when we
work together. We can make dreams a reality.
We can free those who are oppressed. We can deliver
rights to those that are owed them. The current state of the
country is good, but not great. That is one of the things
Donald and myself agree upon. But we have the
potential to become great. And we will become great.
Why? Because We the People, in order to form a
more perfect union, established the United States.
So when I put that hand on my heart, my arm across
my back, those words leave my mouth, and those thoughts
cross my mind I realize. Soldiers and officers are
heroes. But they aren’t the only people that died
so I could live.