Mark 5
He came over to the side of the sea;
Out of the ship, Jesus saw a man who was quite unclean;
He lived among the tombs, his life was bind in chains;
He’d bust out of jail because he was wild, untamed.
Night and day, he would cry and cut himself;
But when he saw the Christ, he would run for help;
He cried, Son of the most high God, why aren’t I shunned to hell?;
Jesus said, leave this man, thou spirit of unclean wealth.
Jesus then asked, ‘What’s your name,’ he said ‘My name is Legion;’
So Legion begged, ‘this land, don’t take away: it’s pleased us;
The mountain has a herd of pigs that are great, they feed us;
While the demons really wanted the swine to take and feed on.
Jesus let the demons in the swine, who choked in the sea;
They that fed the swine fled, and told the country;
Told how they came to Jesus, afraid Legion had no glee;
How Jesus said, bye bye demons and pigs, devils did then flee.
The people wanted Jesus to leave out of their coasts;
When Jesus came to the ship, Legion begged to come down in his boat;
Jesus said stay here, tell of my compassion, how it’s the Lord
Legion went to ten cities, telling of Jesus drowning the hosts.