Always Believe
The one thing in this world is people putting down others for their own selfish gain, and with each one leaves an internal stain, the only thing you can be is your own worst enemy, don't you see the pain your causing me? It's one's purpose to define themselves in the way they feel not alone, all they want is to be with friends and become known. The way people get to you is by saying hurtful things that hurt deep inside, the main reaction people usually do is hide. Your not alone, people get treated like garbage everyday and they don't deserve it, but when we rise up and defend and start to believe in ourselves a internal fire is lit. Always believe in yourself and be confident in your abilities, we all have our own capabilities, one thing we need to do is believe and prosper, if we don't we will break down and suffer. The one thing we need is a thing to fight for and believe in, and if we do we will always win.