Flaming and Flawless
Growing up in a rural town, a child is planted in a foundation based on a few societal beliefs
That God is the only un-defyable truth in life and societal obedience defines your worth
And as a male, you are expected to be tough and told that your self-worth is no greater than the manliness of your own bark
But that is not who I am
I am the boy who prefers the dramatics of the stage to the brutality of a football field
I am the guy who'd rather paint a mural or make a dress than hunt for deer
I am the soul who enjoys the melodic sounds of a musical over the explosive action of a movie thriller
I am a being who accepts defeat with humility and feels no attack to my own personal capabilities
I am the man who prefers the feel of another man's strong arms around me over the gentle caress of a women's touch
This is who I am
And not only did I wake up like this, I came in this world like this, Flaming and Flawless
I am not diseased contrary to popular beliefs
I am not corrupted
I am not this way by choice but my nature
I am inferior to no man
I will change for no one
I will hang my head up high and walk as a unicorned stallion among men
I will let my flame burn bright in the presents of any and all I encounter
And I hope I can help light the way for others hidden in the darkness of other's lies
I will love who I love and live life as my heart desires
I wake up like this, my essence and passion as fiery as a Phoenix, each morning of my existence
And I will leave this world like this, just as I came into it
Flaming and Flawless