Behind The Glass
Mirror mirror on the wall, does it really matter what you see at all?
My mind is made up, and the facade is on
You don't really see who I am and that’s the plan.
For what you see is the face I choose
The one I use to keep you at bay
And you're ok with that.
My mere reflection is all that interests you
Because beneath the exterior is a world unexplored
The unknown is always daunting and why should I be any different?
And I'm ok with that.
This other galaxy locked inside it's unstable - unpredictable
Emotions are unbound and free to fly
This galaxy is corrosive and you would be tempted to burn your flesh
You would be consumed
And society is NOT ok with that.
And so...you will see what the mirror sees
This face
This shell
And never the alien world society has taught me to subdue
And I will know better than that.