The Love of A Mother, Who Loves
Faint memories of the times we had.
Now that I have moved out, I dearly miss it.
Laughing, feeling entertained, joy
We would spend forever together.
Just thinking about it makes me happy and fulfilled.
However, all "wrongs" were right
"rights" were wrong..
No matter the critera,
You still cared, and loved.
You are my mom.
My ONLY mom.
And to experience the motherly love,
Of a mother,
Who loves.
I will never forget it.
I love you, always.
And now that you're fighting this infectious disease...plague...corruption....cancer..
I will never cease to love you,
Cherish you,
Call you my mom.
My only mother.
Whom I love.
I love you mom. I really do.
And even though I cant pay for your treatment,
And even though I cant always be your shoulder to lean on,
Just know....
You are irreplacable...
And I am afraid to lose you.