The brush of life paints a beautiful peice of work depending on how the artist reacts to the changes of the canvis.Using paints better known as emotions the stroke of hands that have seen both death and life within the same year glide with grace.
Moving pass and leaving the past just there, the artist tries to find a new source of inspiration. One that hasnt been put on a pedestal but something unknown to the rest of the world. Not having found that the search continues ,but slowly hoping that one day his muse just appears out of nowhere.
Keeping the world curious to his talents and oblivious to his potential the finial painting hasnt been finished,but having an idea to the finish product he waits for his creation to bloom ,and spread the feeling he feels through seeds to take root in the minds of thoes misguided by ignorance. New creations have that affect on people, but only to thoes willing to open there eyes and view a world told to most but seen by few.