Dreams are dead-getaways from reality. They are like remebering the times you loved and missed. You are ever-more longing for it never end. But still you know, it must end. You do think one day, it will real. Alas, it begins to turn on you like everything eventually does. Your smiling, now your falling. Screaming, yelling, grabbing the air for something to catch on to but there is nothing
You're jjbj;j;j;j;jj;j;j;j;jlj;j;jsweating, hhljlh;j;j;j;jlj;lj;ijomojlkhjf Dying
You're njhlhlhjlhp;ghp;fsxhgjfjgdjp;dgj waking lslglshgldflglsglshglflglgldgldl alive