You Don't Say
When your teacher tells you your skirt is too short
or your top is too low
and you know
that when you walk into math class,
the reason your raised hand is getting ignored
isn't 'cause you're stupid,
it's because he can't handle it,
you don't say "Fuck you." you say
It's fine, I'm not cold, I'm wearing tights
and walk away.
When your teacher tells you
that you can do better
that you're wasting their time
that you're losing control
and you know that they're right,
but you're scared to try because you don't know how anymore
and you would rather plan on not impressing them
you don't say "Fuck you." you say
I'll try harder, I never meant to do that, I guess I just forgot
and walk away.
When your teacher tells you
not to turn it in early
and your mother sees you did the project early
and sends it to the front office
and the teacher calls you a liar in front of the entire class
you don't say "Fuck you." you say
nothing and cry into your sweater sleeves
and walk away.
When your teacher tells you
how much they believe in you
and looks at you like you're a genius
like you shine on the world
and they teach you to be confident
to believe that you shine on the world because that's what they think
when they say "the most enthusiastic student I have ever seen"
you don't say "I trust you more than anyone at this school, including my friends." you say
"I know."
And you walk away.