Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

I am the wind The merest breath on The baby's cheek as she sleeps her evening sleep   I am 
11 hours 37 min ago
I come from the sea To the sea I return The cool of the ocean The tide on the turn  
11 hours 44 min ago
The Autumn sky is vast There is no end The swallows fly exultant at Summers end  
11 hours 48 min ago
Crisp crackling curses rattle the windows The witch is in her element of Winter storms  
11 hours 52 min ago
The Autumn is Winters herald her banners red and gold The Autumn is a dancer She holds secrets deep,untold
11 hours 57 min ago
I'll follow you forever Even as you walk away Following a different path Although I wished you stay  
12 hours 3 min ago
The trees are your shelter under the unforgiving sky From rain you have no shelter Yet no-one wonders why
12 hours 8 min ago
Numb the earth The ice blue sky is infinite The birds are tossed upon the wind  
12 hours 12 min ago
The moon born heron flies under the golden moon   Then up on high she soars and all the little fishes
12 hours 16 min ago
Butterfly paper frail born in silken bed Emerging damp you shed your childhood refuge
12 hours 19 min ago
