Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Unwanted "love"... Sent NOT from above. My soul craves it not... Once on its lap I did rot.
1 month 6 days ago
A frozen solid block of ice... Winter wind sure feels nice. The sun, hidden, behind the clouds...
1 month 6 days ago
Words of love SO endearing... When the act itself's involved. Words of love in the act itself's absence...
1 month 6 days ago
Part 1:
1 month 6 days ago
Once there was life within without... The “Purple-Violet-Squish.” Flower power & liquid sunshine shower... 
1 month 6 days ago
1 month 6 days ago
The preordained forgathering An ineffable Dayspring by Night Of the King's subjects... Children of the Light
1 month 1 week ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
1 month 1 week ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
1 month 1 week ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
1 month 1 week ago
