Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Often times we think of grief in stages. I like to think about it as waves.
2 weeks 4 days ago
Never about the mileage but about the miles
2 weeks 4 days ago
Abandoned on the road of distant sorrow
2 weeks 4 days ago
Spawned and cognizant of  Riches and chronicle,  Peering turned glances to knives From a painted monocle, 
2 weeks 4 days ago
It can be hard to keep going when your brain is telling you that you aren’t good enough,
2 weeks 4 days ago
As it echos through your ears It's wave length vibrates Your body hums Lost in the deafening sensation
2 weeks 4 days ago
When It seems like everything is against you Like it was all only set up to fall back down
2 weeks 4 days ago
I got you yeah I got you ooh it was a Saturday night, When it all went bad yall tried to make it right Ended hurting me bad but that's al
2 weeks 5 days ago
I got you yeah I got you ooh it was a Saturday night, When it all went bad yall tried to make it right Ended hurting me bad but that's al
2 weeks 5 days ago
When you tried your best, you seem to get knocked down again,
2 weeks 5 days ago
