Deal Meal
See map: Google Maps
Make it a meal
Seems like a deal
More for less reel
Has squeak appeal
Let's just reveal
What's under the seal
Like banana peel
Spent how you'll feel
The extra you got
Is just plain rot
Sugar/starch lot
Was tossed in a pot
Pushed through a slot
Tied in a knot
Sold with a plot
Gourmet it's not
What's served is all air
Puffed magic prepare
Exaggerate's care
Extremed ordinaire
Sold as good food ware
So bad for health fare
So just you beware
Best before
Some poems have a form
More X is a storm
While Y to conform
Like fast food perform
I'll end with a worm
This poem is about:
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: