Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...
Sunny days shine through leaves,
It is these days she reflects on.
1 month 4 weeks ago
After the death of insects,
walk slowly and mourn.
These words like Dew
hung tightly to the tips of wet grass.
1 month 4 weeks ago
Diffused shadows of tree limbs
Tremble and shimmer
Like a body dancing
On antique-white sunlight shades
1 month 4 weeks ago
Slippery slope,
societies slither -
down and up,
to some
1 month 4 weeks ago
stop punishing yourself for all the things you did yesterday, or a month ago, or over the years that have long passed.
1 month 4 weeks ago
Am I in danger? I look around at your kindAlmost all is the same As a man or a bear
1 month 4 weeks ago