Related Poems

I’m from Soccer
From Nike cleats and hair gel
I’m from the streets of East Palo Alto
From the wanting and not having

Hands up high, morning so brightshoes looking up at me, time to get outsidestep step stepping onward to the daylonging for...

Tough times growing up...
Barely having any food to eat.
Cable getting cut off,
And surviving with out heat.

I am the person you stare at
all heads turning to me
Long lost gazes
With eyes that penetrate my very soul that lacks the...

Pages in a book are white with some black,and some people reach for light to never look back.Monsters and Demons come out at...

I'm prejudged, because of..
what?, the things I lack of, What I have though
is something more beautiful
something our...

The sun has beauty.
No lust I possess for her.
For I love the moon
Daylight entices.
The fool that admires her face

You are a special person to me
You have the key
to my heart
No one has ever had it before
you have a way of making it soar...

One immigrants girl's dream to one day
to see the world in her own way.
Education her only escape from the everyday

Sucess is college
Sucess is money
Sucess is living large
Sucess is reality
Really sucess is where you are

In his eyes I am
the earth
the sun
the moon
In his eyes I am
his present
his future
his everything
In his eyes I am...

The Crash that happen was one of a kind
The Crash that happen effected his mind
The Crash happend back in '99
it was finally...

Do you feel your heart beating?
Listen, hear the song:
It beats, again and again
Like a drum inside you
So loud but yet...

My life has always been quided by my mother
With loving hands she directed me to saftey
Each wrong turn came with a lecture...

Acrostic Poem
Manage. In life there are a lot of things you need to manage, one being time. With all the activities I do in...

I'd like to blame it on the time
It has been so rough
Between the rapes and murders, I've had enough
But is that really an...
The words that can flow like water and the dam that holds them back. That piece of paper that is my canvas and that pencil...

Rumor has it
Im a mess
Disorganized, depressed
Im a lost cause
A failure at best.
Rumor has it
He was ruining me
He danced...

We live in a man's world.
A world that teaches girls
To be sexy.
The trend is thin.
Short dresses.
Tan legs.
Big breasts....

Yo dad do you want something from the store?
Nah son im cool.
Alright pops il be right back.
Cant picture a conversation...

As I wait impatiently for the mail,
I tremle pacing back and forth
Not because I am nervous, but because I've always enjoyed...

What would I change?
People are going around talking about feminism.
Others about the government.
Me? I would like to make...

Mama I'm hurt
Feeling his cold dead hands is causing insanity,
The pain of trying to explain why daddy ain't coming back,...

MY Love MY Heart My country Somalia
my mother told me about the days when the government began to disband
when the people...

I Dream of changing
changing into a semi
like Optimus Prime
I Dream of changing
Overturn the status quo
Make the world...

I want to change
my life around
No more stress, no more anger
How to do this?
Maybe dance, maybe sing
Maybe to draw my dream...

Come and Gone Written By: Faith Rushing
Oh, these ideas
That come and go
I need to keep up
or my brain might let...

Coming to this earth, wasnt my choice
Me losing my mom, wasnt my choice
i came in to the world with out a voice

Lay me down
Lay me down like a mother would lay her child
Unwilling to let me out into the wild
For the world is cuel...

Already built within
Cannot escape it's grasp
It is sound filled bliss
Held closely by most
pushed away by a small few

The child of a construction worker and a factory worker sat by and watched TV
With his little brother in their home alone...

Sitting at my desk trying to get some howework done.
All I can do is to look out the window,
I wish I was outside in the...

"A Darkened Heart" By: Lilly Van Sickle
Pull me down and watch me plunder,
Because I was tamed by love and thunder.

White footprints left behind
Walking through the brittle snow
Having time to see the show
Walking toe to toe
The tree...

There's no one to blame for what happened to us
What we had was destined to fail
From the constant torture & painWe put...

Story of Heart
To create
And portray
A film filled with guile
Never for a little while
To have the crowd stand on their...

Sometimes I wake up and think, “It just can’t be true,
That I have a mother as great as you,”
Every morning, as Dad and I...

A smile doesn't mean happiness
Often a mask for desolation, it seems
pearly whites shelter the blackness.

I like food.
I like food a lot.
I also like money.
And I like food.
So, give me your money so I can continue to eat......