Related Poems


Poetry is the entrance to the heart,
Which keeps our feet on the ground.
Yet we can still reach our dreams
With the yearning...

Captivating conversation
Make sure not to miss the meaning
You are, perfect
Constantly Occluding my
Motivation for a lie...

It’s like a song without wordsLike a number without digitsLike a play without charactersAnd like face without eyes.Oxy-moron...

A Tear Drop from a Child
Is Simply Despair or a Need
But Tears from an Adult can Mean Oh So Much More
From the Warmth of Our...

The music begins and my anticipations increases,
we're dancing now, my inhibitions decreases.
It feels like the longest song...

all alone
in the midde of the ocean
the moon pulls upon the sea
without a choice
the tide rises...
but alas, the moon is a...

Teachers ....
Take a seat
You trying to teach us but you can't speak
Because you barely know anything
You are fresh out of...

(poems go here) smae jod
tho some or odd
all have dream love there theme
some have dreams
people who or mean
can't stand the...

When you're left alone
and have to fight your own;
the world seems so large...
the world, it seems so

On this gloomy foggy day we cry for the dead
We have gold horns to cover our heads
He laughs in the dawn of the day to...

Poetry is like a bird, that can not be heard. Many people know it, but a lot of them do not show it. Just throw your voice...

Good morning!
Good morning!
No Answer
Mama? Why won't they reply?
Mama replied with a sigh
No Answer
Words will never...

The day that ended while searching for where I could wipe out my weakness.
The sky shown me where I'm headed that I can see...

A president, an astronaut, that's what I had envisioned
An actor surviving a 28 car collision
A thread of untruth entwined...

New year, new me,
who would've thought you'd rescue me.
We learnt from the past,
And had a blast.
New year at last,

If you be pencil
I be the paper
If you be the outlet
I be the plug
If you be the table
I be the chair
If you be the soprano...

A flame that consumes; destruction that follows wherever it goes. But with a home in the middle of all that pain; it seem...

The word perfection
consumes us all,
consumes the thoughts of
imperections and tries
to change them into
something perfectly...

You pushed me up against lockers
You sneered my name while laughing
Tormented me from all localities
I just stood
and said...

Do you know how it feels to be in love?
how it feels like you have been lifted off the ground and are now 10 feet above

His eyes opened,
unhinging as if for the first time amidst
a field of Elysian poppies,
red as a balloon.
The sky twinkled...

Flying, floating, fabulous.
Rising, relaxing, rememberable.
They never stay at the same place,
Eithey they will ever rest...

I don't know what to write aboutnothing seems to cross my mind.I think, I try, I sigh, I pout,my mind is quite unkind.
To no...

Heavenly Father spoke to me
If only you could see
He speaks to you too
Heavenly Father told me of his love
For me and of...

Three rooms,
Three people -
Mommy, daddy, me.
We are as one
Not enemies.
But that's what they don't see.
We sit...

God saw you getting tired
A cure was not to be,
So He put his arms around you
And whispered, "Come with Me."
With tearful...

you had a smile that could direct like the compass rose.
you're my end goal, the means to the sunshine in my soul.

I've been waiting,
Such a long time to be by your side,
Showing you that I love you,
Don't you realized that I write this...

And its midnight now
And my heart sinks into the night
With bittersweet memories flowing,
Timeless memories
And endless...

I feel it in my stomach.
It sits there for only a second,
then moves slowly up into my throat.
There it sits, stuck.
I get...

So the knight dropped his heavy sword -
and shook his golden head.
He knew that virtue is it's own reward -
but chivalry is...

I miss your lips that made me fly
But now I'm all alone
With no home to call my own
Crowded room but all I see is you...

The light has risen again
I'm out of this bed,
But I cant sleep and my eyes have turned red,
trying to see things...

My lovely
My lovely’s company would not be called fun,
Smiles are more common from untamed lions.
If skin is cashmere, then...

She comes to school with rings of bruises around her eyes
Her hair looks like birds have nested in it
But no one says...

Yeah I am alive.
Look carefully, no matter how many times, I will rise up.
Yeah I am alive.
Watch me carefully, close both...

This is my fight
My reason to write
Music is my voice
and the world is my audience
I'll speak my wisdom
through a riff and a...

One thing I couldn't live without is my son
He'll always be my number one
He'll always be his mama's baby
Even though he...

She screams as the light beams pushing and pushing the wall of despair.
Times of love from above is just like a dove...

It's not our fault that you are such a bore.
You treat us like were just a number and nothing more.
If your boss came in you...

I remember our playful days
And all of your silly ways
But do you remember me?
I loved the way we were as one
Just two...

Loving you is becoming addicted to pain killers.
At first,
You take them out of true need,
A need for friendship,

The bell has rungOur tests are doneTwo weeks of joy await meWith family and friends My Christmas beginsAt home, warmth...

My mom used to tell me,That the strongest man,Was the last one to flee,When it all hit the fan,I held on to the words,...

In the night, I heard a songbird sing.
It was such a sight to see the most beautiful thing.
Every night, he would flap his...

All I need is music,
The vibration threw my veins,
The lyrics rushing threw my body,
The rythms coming from the speakers to...

Woke up from a dream
Kept seeing I was leaving you
Didn't think it'd actually be true
Although you saw it coming

My dear teacher
One day I will see you again
Passing through the aisle of a supermarket
Or in line at the movies
And you’ll...

This is your love insurance plan, from a man feeling this grand in your comppasion, here I stand in the
sand, as your...

No one ever smiled at me
The way that you do
No one ever was this kind to me
Like you
I said Hi
you said Hello
I didn't’t...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,dance with me ooh my lady your such a beautiful girl from around the way lady take my hand an dance...

As I sit on my bed bored while thinking and wondering
why my father has deserted and alienated me.
The one that’s supposed...

(poems go here) x.
I said my goodbyes in kisses
And so did you. And when you did
You always waited
For the next goodbye.
There was a boy a girl did like
Although he did not know.
She did decide to tell him so
One lonely summer night.
"Let us...

Dear Mrs. Day,
I am not hearing what you have to say today.
The skies are awful grey and my mind is full of static.

the school blues come and go,
my teaches gives us tons of
homework i stay and think
and wonder, theres work
then theres...

I remembered she wouldn't wake up.
Her lips were meshed together in a
horrible shade of red.
They burried my mother in a...

You got brains and beauty. Might as well call you Hermione
Be my Granger, not a stranger. Come fly with me
But no...

(poems go herI am Poem
By Valerie Craig
I am a piece of pork that has been poke with everyday
I am a runaway dog that people...

How dare they say conspiracy I watched the tears run down the cheeks of someone with no enemies A man that will never see...

The room is a cold as her tears
Her body is adorned in a veil of dark roses
In her hands, margaritas dust her with pollen...

Tell me something -
I don't understand
I thought we were living in the promised land.
I believed in each person's dignity...

Blood is lost
demons are slain
The one who is rain
The battle is fought
Victories are won
Fire is doomed by the
setting sun...

The little blue bird is alone on the farm
With no one else to keep it from harm
The little blue bird is still at fright...

Dream Big
Dream Small
Dream through it all
Through the easy and the rough,
Even if it becomes very tough
Doesn't matter what...

Tulips are blooming
and the bees are buzzing while
the hummingbirds dance.
Robins have returned
busily building their...

The mind is like a black hole when you learn something it sucks it in the mind and it stays
There is forever.
Staring and declaring
No known piece of evidence
But my factual mind can prove everything
I could've sworn he was apart of...

From the moment
the first breath
I was adored.
I was sculpted.
I was grown.
I took a life of my own.

We sit here and cry
Reminiscing on the times
That you were on earth with us.
The love you showed,
The stories you told

If I could change anything
I would change a dad’s mind
I would make him still love
By choice; not just to be kind
If I...

I am from where it's white and cold 6 months out of the year
From where you play hockey and ice skate
I am from the place...

the problems i've faced
and evry time ive undershot
have been laced
into the fabric of my reality
I have thought
and if...

The Other Side
What does it mean to be?
Me, I would not know
any more than a fish knows
to survive above water....

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
but forward the light brigade?
Seems odd for soldiers to fight in war
When generals see...

Peel a layer; at first there is no difference.
Try another two or three and I might turn a shade pinker.
Seven is the magic...

Why is it that i find my self waiting around?
For something that's not ever coming back now.
And why do i see you in my...

Why can I not find
the words locked inside my mind?
(The truth that wants to break free).
Truth of this facade,
that my...

(poems go here)l couldn't belive after all the wishes
you made,you broke me as a car,
it hurt so deep in heart like sea,

Nothing ever feels like home anymore. I want to just travel somewhere I never been to, drop my backpack, and say "This is it...

I am the result of higher thinking.
The God I serve sits on a throne
In a heaven
Far past the sky and stars
That we see─so...

This is the way you left me I'm not pretending. No hope no love no glory no happy ending. Theses memories will haunt me...

(poems go here)Growing up southern is a privilege, really
It’s more than fried food and sweet tea,
from the gulf to a pond...

There I stare blank and bare where oh where am I?
At the door the say once more whats on the other side
Dragons dungeons or...

sometimes i see sharp objects
blades that will pierce the skin
till red hot flames come out the body
in time the wound heals...

Why help a student? Why help me?
Help me because, I may not get it at home.
Help me because, I may not recieve love, or...

Day by day journey by journey and mountain by mountain,
knocking down tower by tower with your biggest belief.
Finding out...

Changing skies from blue to black. And all these stars show broken pasts.But you showed me a different way..Your scars that...

In 1961
Battlefield gun are still humming
people are taking lives
and soldiers lay dead in the field covered in flies

im sorry if i made u blue all your life
im sorry for your life
im sorry for you
do you forgive me im sorry about your life

Happiness lost within a tired reality
A reality that rather be fiction
Fiction that wishes to be reality
The mind unravels...

My stanzas have yo favorite rapper feelin some type of way. My mixtape saved a young man's life today.
I ran into a...

Texas don.g.nutt.59.poem.whos love what love whys love is it love hows love whens love i love the way i am whos love is it...

I woke up alarmed, the darkness asked to come in.
"The devil lives inside of me" she said with a crooked grin.
I looked into...

What would you change about you?
I'd hope you love yourself through
Little or big
I have this idea
Forget the boys, the...

(poems go here) You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your...

God is the maker of all mankindHes so flawless he will blow your mindI wanna be a member of his teamTrying...

you played around in elementary
than you played around in Jr high
you thought hischool was a joke
and skipped classes most...

Humans often have the fear
That makes them Scream, shout and cry,
That their lives are meaningless,
That, if we died today,...

Where I come from?
I come from along line of strong women
From picking cotton fields to pulling weeds out their own garden...

I loved him with every bone in my body he wasn't good for me I know but in the moment it felt fantastic couldn't no one tell...

(poems go here)A Poison Tree
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told...

Mi carta de amor,
Que maravilla mirar como caen tus palabras hasta llegar
encima de mis mejillas.
Como una cascada calmada...

Poetry in the soul,
poetry in the mind,
poetry deep inside,
making life an art.
Making the world go round, happiness all...

I'm looking at you while holding my hand.
Like the world is stopped, you can't see me even the wind is passing.
My mind is...

What must life be consist of?
& why must one socialize with one another for?
Should I proceed into making an effort...

When is it over when someone brakes your hart or do you say lets make a fresh start.......Is it over when they tell you that...

I was born into the world
Not too long ago
18 years to be exact
Growing older every day
And Since I was little

If you need a hand, I will be here for you.
If someone hurts you, I will hurt them.
If you need to confess, I will be your...

Everyone says two is better than one
A couple of treasures is greater than none
They say, "You're so lucky, you can do both...

Everyday is another struggle,
another battle to fight which is well underway
Too fight these makes you a soldier
but to...

When love and hate collide,mixed emotions I couldn’t help but cryConfuses the soul I couldn’t hideAs I faced you that I...

That kid crashed his way into my mind
Made his impression, left it all behind
Oh, he’s running distance with my heart

I will just sit here
with disaster around me
You regret your decisions yet?
I bet she will flee
When she realizes you lied...

I remember when everyone else didn't.I remember the gray foggy December morning,when her long blonde hair seemed less...

I know my eyes aren't even
My nails aren't manicured
My shirt has a stain
But Still I SHINE
My insides bursting with...

do you have the courage?
do you have the courage to tell the world how you feel?
to speak your mind about the real.

I Want To Be... What?
Who I am is not what you see
Who I am is not what most people want me to be
I glorify God

Just because
4.0 knows the equations of quantum mechanics
Doesn't mean that he is smarter than 2.0
1.0 might not know the...

When I met him, it was on a dark January night.
He was wearing blue jeans, and also a shirt that was light grey.
And into...

Time ~Closer~
(I was broken)
Time took away my heart
For how many years I have forgotten
(I was soul less)
There were no...

She’s broken.
Broken into so many pieces from everything she has ever been through.
Her heart cries out for a helping hand,...

Always stumbling through our ballad,
Like the ebonies and ivories
of a keyboard
life merges into one clef.
Only to hear...

Life wouthout struggles is nothing
blanck,sad, ugly grey
what? No? Yes.
Not everything is all sugar and nice
Not evrything...

Holding on to that one last kiss.
Remembering what it was like to hold you like this.
My heart is slowly burning to the...

Pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain,
For she is someone who doesn’t know her purpose
She writes her script day...

Oh wretched soul consumed by darkness
The cold...cold...darkness.
The pain and hatred your soul have seen and felt,

I remember it like it was yesterday when I was an uncontrollable teen. I was always skipping school, fighting, I was already...

Love is like a light that shines through an object, a prism.As it shoots its light at what seems to be a plain, transparent...

Summer stars and fireworks
And watermelon rinds
It was on those sky-blue days
We had the best of times
There were always...

There was a wrecked country
Ruled by President Snow.
In this dystopian world,
Humanity reached its low.
The land was...

I live and I breath;
dance in the breeze.
I am on it the Earth,
I stretch up to the sun.
I am tall, proud.
I have been...

College grants are the best,
However how will you cover all the rest,
Scholarships are really great,
What the hack I only...

With this,I can escape.
Shielded by the madnessthat real life rains down on me.
Safe and submerged in their world,this made...

When the room is still,
you can hear the untencil
briskly brush the paper.
I can hear
my thoughts, my fears,

Day by day
The sun rises and the sun sets
The stars glisten and the animals are at rest
All you do is just wonder, wonder...

Skin is what i live in.Home is what you might call it. There resients a litte woman with personality ,...

Let me go,
Hard past memories.
I don't need
To be reminded
Of how much
You still hurt me.
I need to be
I refuse to...

Homework? Tests? Quizzes? Labs?
Is all this really necessary?
I mean, it's not like we have all the time in the world to do...

Exhausted you sigh as you look over the counter at me
Exhausted I think, saying sorry that you are
Exhausted I am from the...

--How much pain
How many tears
How many times must I say the word LOVE
How many broken hearts must I suffer from
How many...

Was i the one you denied
without getting to know
i didnt think my looks would let you know that
i am not what you looking...

You hear the caged bird sing,
mistaking his call, for a call of peace.
The caged bird sings not for happiness
but because he...

I've got so many dreams in my head,
that my eyes shimmer with silver linings
and my ears hear the quiet symphony of...

Memories are they good or bad?
We always say one has to make memories.
Going out with our friends.
Late nights doing things...

Though my feeble senses
cannot comprehend why such a lavish of love.
Yet I believe!
Though in my foolishness
You still make...

Crossig to the other side,
knowing now you will preside;
over me and all my friends.
My love for you will never end,

My dearest love,
I love you, I do what more can I say?
You make me happier every single day.
I want to hold you all day long...

Don't cry, you are okay they say
Don't mope, at least you are alive they say
Don't wallow, it could be worse, they say

Shout out to the cool kids who call the shots, as if they are gods and better than the ones who are not, You make it so...

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Closed to the sun in lonely land,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The day ended and the darkness
Falls from the wings of night,
As a feather is falling down
From a little bird in its...

To the freshmen, and those in between,
Avoid the intersection where the Art Hall, Science Hall, and Cross Hall meet,

Waking before the sun resurrects and dawns on the day...
Face to face with my enemy, the serpent looks to me with deception...

I met you not too long ago
And fell in love shortly after
I wish forever was guaranteed
I wish forever was all I needed

I wanna be close to yoy every single day
I wanna follow you every step of the way.
Your ways are ways are stright and...

I shall repent? I shall forgive? Woe is me. God will you listen please! Don't let it be. Don't shy away, have you seen what...

Behind her smile, there’s a child with enormous dreams and improbable chances of reaching them.
Behind her smile, is a...

The silence of night
Power like Shaquel's height
Whisper of a horizon
Addictive like amazon.
It feels like ride or die

Ten long years have past
Ten long years went by so fast
The smell of his cigarettes burning through the air
As villagers sat...

The sun is light
Light is not love
But love is light
It makes us feel warm and wanted
Protected against the dark
Love is...

There is a place, deep in my mind
Where tales will wind and wind
Sometimes I am hungry and cold
My bones and skin begin to...

24 Things to Always Remember . . .
and One Thing to Never Forget
Your presence is a present to the world.
You’re unique...

ink smeared onto palms touching
smelling of slight rust and the ever present sweat
sweat off of a workers back who comes...

Round and round the track i reace the horses dust flying in my face, the leader than begins to slow, now its my time in the...

The screams ringing in my ears
That I know somehow nobody hears.
Painful memories consume me
My blood's rushing through me....

She feels, against her back, the brush of the wall.
A dangerous wall, one that is a hundred feet tall.
On the opposite side...

I once believed love didn’t exists
But then I saw you there on the street
I was wrong about love, listen I insist
Then and...

It's like
For each harsh breath that I exhale
Vanity diffuses out of my soul
My ego--
It deflates
But yet my Self
It expands...

Instagram is a trend most of us do
Hash tag filter
Hash tag life
Hash tag me
A filter out picture is what people see

Day by day
Wanting more and more as we grow older
Not realizing that our present possesions are plenty
Feeding off...

(poems go here) some black some white
minds or bright
than other or like day and night
they don't know
which to go
and very...

tap. tap. tap. tap.
pen against paper.
thoughts against head.
the question swirls around
and around and around
like a...

The warmth of your heart
Made me fall from the start.
Oh my love I am made new.
The love in your eyes
Twinkles like the...

As the weather changes,so do we
Our mood suddenly changes when the clouds appear and disappear
One moment we are blanket...

See what you did to me?
See what you made me?
See what I have become?
You made me like this by hurting me leaving bruises...

(poems go here) Im trapped in a cell of anger and I cant get out. I look for the exit but only four walls cover me. I cry...

(poems go here)
We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped...

I stare into a pair of sunken yet experienced eyes,
and crumbled to her knees my mother cries.
Through the faint moon of...

As I watch the world around me begin to crumble
I feel my feet beginning to weaken beneath me
I see no point in holding on...

As I came home from school I had so many questions on my mind
Life was coming at me too fast but I was still on my grind

In the rose garden I will be
Here where I watch from afar
As he silently walks over
Here are roses no thug would mar

Never give up on your dreams
Focus on today
If at first you dont succeed
Then find another way
Dont ever say you cant

You feel the warmth of the sun on your face
As he chases the dog down the hill, you trace
The land with your eyes as he...

To me poetry is something that becomes a part of you.
Nothing else will agree with you more other than poetry itself.

Words of honey can lead to arrogance,
And words of vinegar often sting.
It is your job to educate and enrich,
Not engage...

Sometimes I wonder what went wrong
We were so strong and yet look where we are
Remember the times when we said even the sea...

Each peak and valley
every high and low traversed smacks of a time and place covered with barely a trace
Discussion of...

That kid, in the back of the room
Never talks but pays attention,
Always smiling real big
And is always the same?

I would change prejudice in to peace
Allowing anyone who dares to be different to be praised, for staying true to themselves...

Poetry explores the possibility of what "could be"
Allowing me to create a World that under any other circumstances could...
I've slipped;
A mistake I cannot reverse.
I know it won't help.
But for now, the movement of my hips
Clears my mind.

Even on my baddest days, you still tell me I am beautiful.
That is why I am so grateful, every day and in every way.

All though it can be good or bad,
We all want the change we've never had.
It could be a change for the entire world
or the...

love is an eternal gift from heaven
brought to us by ADAM from Eden
love is hotter than the oven
but colder when your heart...

After leaving a normal life
I started living a new life
Seeing new people was exciting
I thought my travel would be...

Footsteps hit the ground, the drum strumming wildly
The hunters quota hang in the air
Lightening crackles defiantly in the...

A father’s love cannot be measured
In petty units of weight and feet.
For his love, however fleet,
Is always held dear and...

You Lifted me up when i was down,
masterfully crafted like artwork by him.
beauty at its core kindness unfathomable,

Behind these big brown eyes
there's a girl that can't
trust many guy's
She's been through so much in her life,
She try's to...

With such tenacity in the eyes of the living
with remnants in the souls of the dead
with persecution of those who do not...
Punch DruNk in
syllable havoc..
Counting cuttersand their
woesof tragic..
sense sorrow and sensual sound..
Babies ...

If only you would let me love you the way that you need to be loved,
You would see that I can fill your heart with the...

When I really think
I think of you and me
I think of the three years we have shared
I think of the years to come
I think of...

(poems go here) If you’ve ever felt the world begin to crumble at your feet,
You’ll recognize that feeling of being...

I'm standing and it feels right.
I’m taller than others but they don’t seem to mind,
They look up at me for guidance,
Like I...

Jerkswhothinkthey can pushyou around
Be Unique, take a breath before you take that leap
Off the Cliff
Known as...

you had a smile that could direct like the compass rose.
you're my end goal, the means to the sunshine in my soul.

(poems go here) We can say and we can do,
Yet we never stop to ponder reality.
Life is anything but stable,
And we never...

My thoughts are knives... sharp knives... I hope they dont cut you...
Because I don't care about anyone but you.
Ha let'...

As I grow the struggles get harder,
the days drag on longer,
the despair takes over.
How to move on from such pain,
a love...

We line up like marching ants
We listen to the Queen Bee.
Tell me what to do
Tell me what to be
I sweat
I smell

Love...what is it with you and me?
Did I offend you?
Because lately you've been my enemy
That's the only way it would seem...

Along his way
he was lost
Trees and flowers
Sparkled in his eyes
But only the ones who bloomed
Along his way
he was soft

Once I was a cloud.
My love was on the ground.
He never noticed me.
I cried for days and days,
Torrents of thunder and...

The memory of that first semester still hurts
Those events that changed my life still burn.
It’s no surprise, if you imagine...

Never shed a tear for the person,
Who hurt you... Just grin and say
Thank you for giving me a chance
To find a better you

My chest hurts. It splits and aches and twists.
I cannot express myself enough. No one hears what I say, no one sees what...

I have a terrible feeling inside a feeling of lonliness that will not subside it feels like somebody ripped out my heart...

When another knocks me down,
you pick me back up.
When I'm scared,
you chase my monsters away.
You feel such as no one loves...

Predicament Now
By David Flack
The tension builtOne more thrust neededI had the will to succeedBut had I succeeded? Then...

Is there pain anywhere beside in my mind and soul? Is there peace at a more desperate mission I prefer to reach? Is there...

Many versions have been told
Of her treacherous tale
But it always ends with a horrific death
And one ear shattering wail....

Personally as I dream I wish it was more reality to want to breath happiness doesn't seems as far as being on another galaxy...

If I Could Change One Thing....
I Don't Think I'd Know Where To Start
To Change Everyone's Mind
Or Everyone's Heart.

It is 6:27 a.m.
And in exactly one minute and
thirty-two seconds the alarm will sound
But I arise from my safe haven and...

Cursed by biology
Burdened by my family
Screwed by talk of teenage dreams
With the aid of government funding
I turned to...

The yelling subsides
he tilts the whisky back
dropping it down slowly
his face turns red built up with hatred
tension rises...

To the young boy consuming dreams, keep negativity restricted from your team.To the young girl who stands on her own, you...

The way I feel some days is just like a rain storm,
The sunlight of my happiness fades away,
Then all the mixed up...

Do you remember?
All of the those good ol’ times,
Times of our imagination,
When it could take us anywhere...

victim who are we those are being down physically and emotionally striving for excellence keeping your head highdoing what...

I was not witness to a father who beats,
I was witness to a father who cheats.
I never said a word, I kept it all in,

You see a kid sitting alone in the classroom,
with a sad expression on his face,
he writes continually never looking up from...

I am a girl
Not rich or famous
Just a girl
Not glamorous
I am just me
A person alone
I am, are you?
I guess it's...

What is college
Why should you go
Is it pointless
What does it show
Getting a higher education
Staying in school
Focusing on...

Why, why
Am I here lying in bed,
Wondering if you ever really loved me,
Each passing day you grow farther and farther away....

Your eyes sparkle like the twilight moon
Your touch warms my heart like a soft tune
I can’t wait till the day I make you...

When you are in need.. I am there.
When I am in need... You are there.
All I have to do is just say your name & you are...

Class, class, class. School, school, school.
They tell you this, play by their rules.
You play the game, you take a roll....

You hear the caged bird sing
mistaking his call, for a call of peace
The caged bird sings not for happiness
but because he...

What can be expected of a broken man?
Whose own heart refuses to barely hum than beat?
No amount of physical pain,
can sum...

Rollin is a Genre That I Crafted, Since I started out as a singer in Church, then turn rapper, then singing-rapper, then...

With ever beat I hear
It washes away my fear
To know at least one understands me
That one is music; it always sets me free...

Is a word
Not a sentence
Means so much more than
Surviving day-to-day
Is only as strong as

This world we live in can seem so bare,
That's why we must explore everywhere,
To find the things that excite and ignite us...

[Cant you see me?]
I know you feel you'd be better off dead,
But please, don't listen to those voices in your head,
I long...

The river flows, so sweet and blueFrom the mountain snow, the stream dose comes,The fish are swimming, the children run....

The line winds and snakes just beyond the gate.
Hungry people waiting to fill their plates.
Weak and tired they wander in...

Don't waste a tear
Over someone who can't
Even see the inner
Beauty of life spending
Time with you is one and million

I am Broken. Yet I will live on.
I'm not open. Yet I will live on.
I am Frozen. Yet I will live on.
My world seems dim. Yet...

Deep in the woods
Where nothing grows
Lies a burial,
Full of lies.
An arm tries its best
To protest
The way it got there,...

The bloated stomachs
In stinking gutterrs
The naked ribs
Of sprawling skeletons
Hoot for a time bomb.
I say
Horror begets...

My mother is unusual, she enjoys different things
I often see her laughing at things that toddlers would laugh at
And it...

They say times a healer but i disagree because i feel as if time is running out for me,
In the morning when i awake i know...

Like a flower blooming in the spring,
Her life about to blossom.
All she needed was rainy days
And a few rays of sun.

It seems as if he is one with his puppet
But in actually reality he is nothing without it
For the life of a...

I am blessed God has given me Knowledge, Determination and most importantly a heart because I am blessed I woke up this...

Still images of the past,
sinking into time,
it was once a vast land of minds and acts,
until a stranger called west stole...

there's something mesmerizing about
an ocean.
being able to sit on the pier
on a cool spring evening
and imagine the...

I loved puppies and horses.
I loved people, laughter, and Cheesy Mac.
I was soft and round and,
The words they used were...

This pain is deep
He feels like taking a leap
A leap off the mountain called life
Stressed with acceptance
Not realizing...

I am the quad core intel i7 chip in the beautiful aluminum unibody MacBook Pro.
I am the retina display in the iPhone 5.

Love always leads to disappointment.
I’m crazy for you
Everyone can see that, but you
I love your voice
Love your...

A man looks down the sights of life and death
Gripping the decision to kill
Oblivious to the consequences of his soon-to-be...

Twas a beautiful girl who was a model
With a figure like a nice glass bottle
Was the coolest person you’d ever meet

My body tells my story.
Of struggling, fighting, thriving, life-saving glory.
Thick, dark, curly hair,
Came from a father...

You the government shut down letting America fall through the cracks of the flag.
Even those who wear name brand tags...

Used like a toy for laughs,
abused till' the brain stews,
left as an abandoned child.
Why do this to me dear?

The world is so bitter
Yet no ones the same
We all crave action
Yet no changes have came
Let us live in peace
That would do...

Its a quarter past 7 and all through the house
not a creature was sturing not even a mouse
The nachos were set on the table...

I twist and turn in my sleep,
Facing yet another nightmare
Once again I was slipping into the darkness
And once again your...

What I can't say..
Why everytime you try to explain something I get confused
I READ AND READ AND READ but still I have no...

why must you sit here and throw your life, why must you let your children do whatever the hell they want, Just so you know...
We’re sitting there drinking coffee in my favorite place
It’s raining but it doesn’t feel like it
You just said something...

You don't think about it
As a kid, that is
Two different people they are
Mom and Dad
Dad and his to do list
Never gets...

Here I sit at my desk watching the world beneath me.
Watching the adventures that surround my dull life.
And here I sit...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,ghetto heaven high up above blue skys gangsta walk gangsta talk ghetto heaven up above this one for...

You think that because I’m a girl I can’t play in the dirt
I have to play Barbie dolls and wear frilly pink skirts
You think...


Click-clack, the LCDs
Quiet, the fears in me
I'm the sane one
This is my celebration
In here, I am a God
I'll take, all...

There’re some things you’ll never understand like the reason your spine chills from the touch of a manlike the reason you...

Your standing in the damp sand.
You look out over the sinister waves to stare into the face of the burnt orange son.