Related Poems

You are the reason why i open my eyes,You are the one who makes me breathe,You are the reason of my survival,You are the one...

I feel I truly loved him, even if we came from different worlds.
Claiming I was not in love would be nothing but a lie...

My day passes me by while I worry
In the cluster of demands and problems
No time to get everything completed
Left out, loved, and back again,
feel as if it’s held within
the soulful corners of my heart,
know exactly how to fall...

God is my strength to him I belong.
He will never leave me nor forsake me,
Therefore I will never be alone.
He will...

Crunchy hayfields
Orange sunsets a blaze
Ravishing lights in summer
Tall pine tress
Excited horses running
Zipping four...

Finally realizing I'm imperfectly perfect.
Listening not to those who put me down but to my own heart and ambitions.

Being legal in America,This means nothing to black skinIt truly is a white mans world,Hatred, powerless, fear, what we feel...

Peanut Butter Alcoholic
A grain of salt,
a deduction in capital,
strewn on the plains
Arapajo, grizzly...

The school year is a drag
And my brain is starting to melt
Plus, the internet here, just lags!
But I got this year under my...

Spanish Town St. Catherine Jamaica is where I'm from
Humidity, Hurricanes, and flood rains punctuates the climate on my...

Homework everyday.
Homework on weekends.
Homework over vacaction.
Do you think we don't have other things to do?
People to...

Reach out to me because I can't seem to find you
Every pain in my heart is because of you, but
Suddenly I fall asleep and it...

Maybe others won't understand what they deem eccentric
Old fashioned, they'll call you
Really, they'll say, aren't you hot...

Forced against a sweltering stone;
Bubbling, blistering, all alone,
Heat cauterizing liquid bone.
Exhales trapped breath...

My dad gone forever he will be.
Why things happen we will not know.
It came to early for me to see.
At least I have his...

Only me in here.
Verly lonely, feeling fear.
Everyone sits back, thinking I'm alright
Reminding me to cry myself asleep at...

My mind is an amazing thing,it can learn to read and write,or learn to ride horses my day and night.
It can make me...

Do you ever have a feeling of the future?
Ever dream of tomorrow?
Just close your eyes, try to remember.
And try to think...

A young girl wandering along the sand,
Letting the breeze take her where it wants.
Excited yet nervous for what is ahead,...

Colorless is how people should appear to a police officer’s view
Offender’s skin shouldn't make a difference in the end its...

Somewhere there someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are...

i am flawed
i have
F ears of the color red of animals of my life being monitored of spiders of bees of ants of germs of...

Love is like a ship
love is like a flower
I have a big ship
I have a small ship
But the biggest ship,is our relationship.

ah, look at you.
you’re a plum pit to me,
a cratered seed of stability
amidst rotting flesh,
the nectar of bee stings...

I never felt this way before,
I could feel my heart begin to soar.
Your smile a beacon of light,
The thing I dream about at...

Why I write? A question so simple and small.
How else could each moment become history?
Yesterday's memories to the wayside...

Another hour has passed
No Idea what he's up to in there
Too late, I'll just go to sleep
How many times do I have to do this...

People tell say that everything in life meaning.
Their are meaning behind everything
But I wonder what's...

Long you've kept me in your grasp
You just won't let me go
Move aside, you're in the way
Every day I live
I want...

To only say the words
And make it right again
bring light, and change,
Bring back what has been
This place a mess

I stare out the window.
Vacant faces pass me by while I
examine each one with great effort.
Bright green eyes and 6 feet...

Feel like we ain't good enough
Like someone else is always better
Always lying to ourselves
Why we make ourselves these...

Distracted sometimes by the music in my head,
Offstage dreams
Meander across my eyes,
Other worlds of melody and cascading...

Beginning to realize I'm in deepInside my head, I'm so hard to reachPushing my emotions in different directionsObviously so...

G is for the way I glow
L is for the way I look
O is for the way I observe the world
R is for the way I represent this...

Many want this and are in pursuit
It’s hard to attain yet easy to lose
Possession of riches or surviving in poverty

I love you.
Lots of trust goes into this.
Others just don’t understand.
Various ways of communication.
Everyone can see...

Flaws do not exist because I am strong.
Legs, arms, but mostly mind.
Acing tests or acing serves calls for vigor.

Lover since the seventh grade
Offed himself on Rio Lane
Said he loves everything about me
Scribbled on the suicide note...

Some days I wish I could see you again, but we both know our
Time together passed much too fast.
I still look at the...

Black absorbs all energy and
Light, but is still viewed
As a negative thing. Black is a strong
Color, really the strongest;...

Be different.
We hear these words every day.
But do they hold any power?
How can we be different
when we are encouraged by...

Acknowledging that
Despair will
Never end until
Strives to
On the outside,
Needing a friend...

Tell me you love me.
Every time I am with you nothing else matters.
A life time with you does not seem long enough.
Out of...

Acknowledging that
Despair will
Never end until
Strives to
On the outside,
Needing a friend...

The little girl you see over there,
Yes, the one with the vibrant, shiny, red hair.
She's not much different from you and I...

Poetry, like none other.
Not just words on a page,
Or lyrics in a song.
But a deeper meaning
Where readers find connections...

(poems go here) its not about corlor
sister and brother
its about all others
here and there
beaware and show care...

Traces of Tears
Why do you allow yourself to return to this place
When you know all the sufferings and pain you must face...

Sittng wth kids
Out they go to new homes
Caring and better
I am glad to see this
All is well
Life is simple
Work is fun...

A girl, a popular girl
Everyone thinks she is awesome
But there is a twist
To this poem
That girl cuts her wrists
And now...

Zebra. Not zeal or zoom or zygote (at least not anymore) nor, god forbid, zyzzyva. Zebra because you don't know if I an...

Unbreakable, that's what I thought you were.
Never sick a day in your life until after daddy died.
Cancer wasn't supposed to...

While walking past your dim lit window,
I see you on your tippy toes,
A violin in hand.
You sway to unheard rhythms,

I always think about you
Nothing ever really seems to help to the point where I don't even know myself anymore
I try not to...


Thursday funerals are not
Happy. None are really. I
Understand they are necessary
Really. Rainy, sunny, still
Sad mourners...

Kites soar across an empty sky,
A spattering of clouds nothing more than cotton specks.
Tree tops seem so out of reach, like...

(poems go here) It’s been four long years,
many challenges, and achievements.
Friends made, and lost
but its time to let...

I perched myself down to meditate
on the stoop of our shed
overlooking the freshly cut lawn
breathing nature in

Why do we endure pain and agony
While knowing the premises of optimism
Is only found in forgiveness.
Why do we get tied...

Art lets me release my pent-up feelings,
Lets me take out my frustrations,
Lets me escape my malicious thoughts.
I need...

Filled with the simple
Audacity to defy Lucifer
In my very existence
Take that you despicable demon
Hide away and die...

Dad I know I've never told you
Three little words that I knew
Ever since you brought me here
You've taught me not to fear...

It's harder to forgive when you've always be forgotten;
Disregarded, paid no attention, hardly acknowledged;
Left there,...

when you sat at your desk years ago,
like I am now,
did you stare at the clock as time clicked by.
Tell me, did you even...

Determined to lose all imperfections.
Eating less because I am too fat.
Flaws is all I see.
Extraordinary is what I want to...

cancer can chemically commence critical coma.
colon cancer close cartilage
people penalize pure patients

I am
Always proud
Marching on to the field with my chin up and my shoulders squared
Always ready to give the best...

Click, click, click to find the right scholarship
Humbled by rejection, but strive to conquer it
Anger is felt, but cannot...

I - I am fascinated just by your powerful thoughtsL - Luminous spirit thought to only be owned by a GoddessO - Omnipotent...

Ruined plans.
Evil at work.
Suicidal, sober, and stardom.
Torture, terror, and triumph.
None can escape....

The shy quiet girl walking through the long halls
As quiet as a mouse
That was me my first two years of high school

Pleasing to the ear when music is made.
Its beauty cannot be defined.
Any key that is pressed; a new sound awakes.
Notes are...

Wrestling is not a sport its more of a lifestyle that must be embraced by the athlete to suceed.
Theres no big notriety for...

the sun
the sun is very bright
its hot like a dynamite
the sun is large
its bigger than my garage
the sun

I don't have pain.
So I sit here talking to myself with nothing to lose nor gain hoping to find a remedy inside myself. That...

The days go by,
The days do come,
Life is nothing without a little fun.
Hold me now,
Hold me close,
Moments like this, i'll...

Fantasy, living in reality.
In actuality fantasy would be considered “fake.”
Creation of word, pictures, if you may,...

Money is impossible as a musician, people say
A real job would be better for you
Relying on others is your destiny

As a child you’d like to believe you could trust the world to be
Everything you’d want it to be
Such innocence in seeing...

As a human, I am an enigma.
Perhaps it is because I feel one way
Understanding the opposite to be true.
Zeal for life one...

you say im smaller than an ant .... i close my eyes and i see strech and i grow biger than the sky.. you say my legs are...
Now the mask of nonentity has been lifted for the world to see
That your voice was given with great personality,

There I stood watching the vast beautiful,body of water.
A deep,rich,understanding shade of violet.
Stretching as far as the...

Because I love you, I will
Explore the depths of who you truly are,
Care for you,
Acknowledge your imperfections and show...

Teacher.... Excuse me, Teacher......Ummmmm Teacher? Well I guess my question wasn't important. Yes teacher? No teacher. I...

Lets not disregard Cupids present but find significance to its existence from up above the Heavens to down below the Earth....

Stands in my soul.
No wind,
No air,
No breath,
Common sense
Escapes my mind.
No realization,

Before the love hit me, I was in pain
Love was an item that I couldn't gain
Every day, I ended up being alone and sad
Life that was given to you
Outlined by the unique things
Very noticable actions done for yourself
Enjoying the world at all...

It's a sad sick world we're living in
Love is a word thrown around carelessly
And here is where the story begins
He had her...

Avearge. Never really thought of as a "harmful" word. Everyone uses it, so what is the harm is using, "average".

What does it mean to be happy? Money? Relationships? Material items?We strive to be the happiest we can be but how?I'll tell...

Why the cold
End the winter and begin the summer
All the chill is a bummer
The humidity and warmth is what...

Snapped both my knees
Never jump anymore
Because you said
I never reached the stars
You're right
I never did
I went past...

its all bad dreams
its not what it seems
i never cried
and so never died
i lie awake 2 hide
from the dreams inside

Degraded, looked down upon, talked about;
the words people say about them, no one can live it down.
To be? Or not to be?...

Click, click, click to find the right scholarship
Humbled by rejection, but strive to conquer it
Anger is felt, but cannot...

Ish you cant say
Taking away your pride and what makes you gay
As she teaches the kids go astray
They are being restrained ...

It’s something everyone wants to hear
but doesn’t want to tell to others.
Why is that?
Is it because we demand perfection...

Birds fly high in the sky
Birds walk and chirp. They even dig worms out the dirt.
Brds are birds, even without wings!

I write to feel. I write becouse I need it to be real. The words on the page solidify my brain, allowing me to no longer...

Caring for those just like you, striking down jedi who befriended youTaking control in 66 ways, Losing the one's you love,...

When she acts shy
Say I Love You
When she runs away from you
Chase her
When she puts her face near yours
Kiss her When she...

His hands are full of wisdom
His heart drenched in hope
His eyes lit up in pride
His mouth wasn't the only thing that spoke

swims or floats above the chaos
watches from above
as skies turn gray she doesn't fade
as bright as the day she came.

What does it mean to be pefrectly flawless
Does it mean staright teeth, pefecrt hair, perfect butt and big...

Wild yet wonderful creatures that sore in the night
Wise eyes set on prey, white feathers shining bright
Wisdom Wings knows...

A human being
Is part of whole
Called by us Universe,
A part limited in time and space
We experience ourselves,
Our thoughts...

Finishing a case of beer was never a problem for you
As you always practiced emptying the bottles during your free time.

We played a game. It's called "love". The rule is simple: whoever falls first, loses.
I played honest, and you played a role...

You broke my heart, you made me cry
and for that i wish you couldnt lie
the pain you caused was just too much
all i could do...

Do you remember that you were the first lips I touched?
The first hand I held,
The first one I cared for,
The only one...

Avearge. Never really thought of as a "harmful" word. Everyone uses it, so what is the harm is using, "average".

ah, look at you.
you’re a plum pit to me,
a cratered seed of stability
amidst rotting flesh,
the nectar of bee stings...

Made an effort to change everyone's life. At a time when blacks had no say in what was right. Determination was the key to...

In the early evening, I come home from the park.
And inside my house there are shadows in the dark!
The shadows are silent...

I, an average college student, would change:
The people who judge before they know,
The people who leave animals outside...

Stand up against povertystand up against hungerstand up for the humanitywith a resolute heart, andlet this be your...

Everyone is waiting to see what you do with the tools left to you after dreadful high school
Damn the pressure to impress...

Above the Salt
You filled courage in love to bloom
You are confluence spirit of two worlds,
Adoring words you caught

Ancestors - How we got hereMilitary - Who protects usEconomy - Why we sufferRed, white, and blue - What we pledge...

The tingling sensation felt in my fingertips.
The crevices of our hands joined together by an inseparable bond.

stop and watch the day go by,
---we can---
start again?
The clock is just simply waving hi.
We wave back and grin.
drop me...

There was a weeping willow tree standing still and strong
Our secret sanctuary lay dormant in it's arms
With ocean waves and...

There is no one in this planet
that got attension besides you.
it may have taken me a moment,
but now i finally realize...

Sadly in a race against, love doubt will linger my mind, selfishness will decompose the inside of my very own soul, and the...

Like a daisy gracefully swaying
or a chocolate, rolled in coco.
To know her, is to indulge in the wonder of living,...

Just one look unhinges me.
Underlying judgements change futures, lives.
Doubt festers, stomachs drop, and fears soar.

Many times I'm beaten down and hopeless
You would know, you've lived through this life, too.
Good friends are
Only human...

She often sat and wondered how they became so distant.He is close enough to touch, but too far away to reach.Every song and...

I can make silly faces,
And I can make you smile.
My face is filtered, yes, and that hides the criticisms.
Now, come on, '...

He's tall and dark,
I'm short and light,
reverse racism is still racism,
it just isn't right,
so he can dunk a ball,
so he...
Brontes, Steropes, and Arges: banished to earthy bounds and lands of punishment for eternity
Resentment flourished and the...

I am not a letter
I am flesh, blood, heart
Your pen to my paper
Red ink lurching
Is not a reflection on what I know...

Currently I'm a Senior who has had a very complicated junior year
Having lost many friends
And coming to the realization...

I look out for him,
As he did once for me,
We are suppose to be a loving family,
Raised on one main value you see,
When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been...

I am here. trying to write a poem.
Nothing short of brilliance, I had hope for it
Trying out different words, different ways...

She looks calm and collected on the surface,
Under her tough shell she is screaming.
Inspiration for life and future are no...

Gender plays an important roleIn all of our livesReciting the same line of whyLooking past the exterior is toughSeeing past...

Forever shall we be together. Until the last breaths are drawn. Complete in one another. Kindred are our spirits.

The age of incompetence has risen to ludicrous heights;
In massive numbers students have become impassioned,

Listen! Can you hear?
Is it here, or is it there
The rhythmic thump, the rhythmic thump
Listen! Where did it go?
Did it stop...

Sam not samantha
Passionate about education
Eater of wonderful cuisine
Always kind and caring
Knowledge seeker
Yearner of...

I am
N aughty. When I am #nofilter, I eat the forbidden fruit, I hurt others and myself, I do what I'm told not to.
O dd...

Poet breathe now,
Because if you don't
You won't make history,
And no one in the future
Will be able to identify this
As his...

why is life just sometimes just I don't know hope you know what I mean I don't know how to explain it it's just, just, you...