Related Poems

We wear the mask that hides who we are
It hides our highs and our lows
This debt we pay to society
With physical apperance...

I flit from branch to branch
among the trees
Humans walk below me
Never looking up to see
The creature that is me

What you don't know
My learning is outside the classroom
My learning is what not to say
How not to act
What not to do

Laying in my bed staring at this picture on my wall,
It is not that big but yet it stands so tall,
As it hung not saying a...

You sit there as I toil,Your legs crossed and body open,Mine a rigid standard of stress,A lonesome stillness.
You read - a...

Los Angeles, California. What is it like?
Sunny weather, super stars, flashing lights.
That’s what people think L.A. is like...

Hair in yellow and navy blue ribbons
Winnie the Pooh lunch box
Naptime was the best time. But that was kindergarten.

The difference of real and reality of perspective.
Two sitting in a table surrounded by people with one clock and one door...

Time goes by, but everything stays the same. Reaching high, knowing we will get there. But when things can’t change, we’ll...

X squared plus seven plus seven --- that’s Algebra’s ease,
The sine of theta is Trig, a breeze,
Calculus dy/dx is fine,

Many times we get hurt my words
Wether we be diffrent or just nerds
We carry much sadness and pain
To what extent will we...
I wish I were among the stars
There is better than where we are
I'd shine above the world below
And sparkle when I wanted so...

Our house, our home, our life, our right.
The spinning world in the spotlight,
Whose deep blue depths, bright...

Behind the lights, behind the smiles
Behind the cheers, behind the beers
Behind the loud,behind the laud
Behind it all,...

A stage of immaturity
A time between infancy and puberty
Early stage of development before maturity
Teaching you...

Many days I've often wondered why,
perfectly good humans are made angels in the sky.
During the night, I think what could...

Full of life and so much more
Bring the tourist up to shore
Join and sing the joyful song
Through the forest all day long...

You laugh I frown; I set and wonder when you’ll understand.
Why deport if were just here to work.
You don’t know what it’s...

Single Dot
In a world of white,
There is a single dot.
It appears to be perfect from afar.
When you get closer to it,

When you see or hear of a child getting raped, Is the first thing you ask did they escape? Or do you just not care, because...
I am not what you perceive me to be
Just because I am a latina , and taina female, I do not deserve your scornful stares...

Teddy bear’s choked with duct tape remind us to
“Please drive safely”
Smoky with his grave-digging shovel tells us:

Flawless? I've never used the term to describe myself. With some wealth and good health, that is all that I...

Improving technology just to keep us distracted
So, we don't notice all the bullshit wrong in the world
People falling for...

Theology twisted, robbing the poor
Sick religions have the saints misunderstood
U.S. economy in it for self
Rich stiff...

i eat, i sleep and i breath writing. i goto school and sleep with a pencil beacuse i love writing. people fail to realize...

I see... people around me suffering everyday
I feel... the need to help if i may
I think... this world is being brought down...

Frozen granite sill
Walking paths lined with new ice
Look down at green gates
Spaces filled by hands--

Only raise your hand whenyou want to sharpen your pencilor go to the bathroom.Repeat every ten minutes.
Never raise your...

“If the world was my classroom, what would I teach a girl?”
I would teach her to always be herself,
No matter what the world...

Ours was a love of gun smoke & closed windows
Remembered in Polaroid photos
Can you feel my breath escape?
I found...
It is the color of January wind.
It is the color of an oily rain puddle.
It is the stained color of raspberries around my...

My brother
Make your legacy live in history
The past of segregation lingers onto our present communities,
And its comedy is...

Being in a town was bad enough but to have my Idenity take was not a case for me to understand ,spending many years with my...

Off lehigh go south bound down coraI street, go to where Coral & Boston meet, see that's where I originated from hargert...

So you want to know
Why happy is the way I look,
But why that’s never ever
My feelings on Facebook?
Yeah, some of my days...

Dear Mr.President,
Remember when you could find happiness arounf the corner,
Instead of sadness upon everyone's face...

Life is a fantasy.
You can get better at it with nothing to worry about.
But the real truth is that no one said life would...

The river disappears into a seeming nothingness.
The concussion of water slamming into rocks,
Echoing off canyon walls,...

There came a time
When I considered throwing away all religion and relationship
As things started to shift
So I...

I wish I could tell my teacher that walking into class a second late isn't missing class instruction. That doing continuous...

It makes you cry
It makes you try
It makes its self longer
It makes you stronger
It makes you jump
It also makes you flump...

I wake up,
another morning,
so cold,
getting up from this warmth that surrounds me,
feels like taking a plunge into a world...

A girl is made fun of because she's bigger than most girls in her class, she is nice and quiet,and she is clumsy.
This girl...

In a world filled with hate, hurt, and deciet
poetry is what helps me stand on my own two feet.
While other people spit...

Once upon a time, there lived an ordinary little girl in America; happy and goofy. Her name was Rani, Rani was growing up...

Morning and the inevitable sigh
A constant reminder of life
So bright in the eyes
Yet so empty from within
The universe,...

Loneliness is a Lesson
The class is in session
A burden with a purpose
Everything becomes so worthless.
Each level has a...

I was a boy who was so confused.
I felt like a hopeless toy.
The joy starts to flow like the skies of my light.
It's hard...

I can see it all around me,
the deep deaths of suffocation
the pits of eternal falling
the sight of a blind man
I can sense...

Look at the girl who carries such grace no one can critique.
Look at the boy who falls for her, regardless of how bleak or...

Life is a big game
That has a certain set of rules
Some of them might be lame
Some of them might have holes
If you would...

The automated words stream out
"It's ok, it's ok, it's ok."
When will anyone wonder if she herself
knows the way out?

The empty sighs and newfound distinctions were all bundled up in a warm jacket filled with a cold breeze and I painted...

You are the flowing and the firm,
The flaming and the frigid.
You are the fledging and the fossil,
The foolish and the...

There is a bee who loved to drink tea.
She loved to play during the day.
She slept tight at night.
When afternoon, she...

So bright
Keeps me warm
Keeps me light
In the morning
You start my day
But after noon
You fade away
Then I start to...

i am speaking to an open door
which communicates, red-faced
and feeds me compliments
that i munch on like almonds
i can feel...

- I did'nt come out the whom hating you
-- I'am the enviornment and the creationof you
-- So if you see me , and don't like...

What Shall I say about their senses,
What Shall I speak about their Tenses,
They're all above the God judgements,
May be...

The cool wind blows, the leaves dancing upon it in a typoon of color. The gray sky reflects the emotions you feel. You sit...

As he walks in,
He sits amongst his peers,
Everyone he knows
He known through the years
He speaks, "I know you are new, let...

The writing takes me away,
To a different world.
A world that is bright
And colorful
And filled with numerous exciting...

Are we waiting on a change?
Or are we waiting on the day,
When men will stand up and take their place.
In families,

I cry out. Help!
I wimper and gasp with racing drops falling down my face. Help!
I am stuck in a dark, molded sphere,...

You want to commit suicide go ahead, be my guest.
But before you do, wait and listen
No one will miss you.
No one will even...

Time is like a waterfall,
always goes forward
and never goes back.
The water is like the current of time,
That passes by...

I am a collection of the mistakes and dreams of those that I've loved
A mind that never stops moving, accompanied by a heart...

Life is full of ups and downs,
stressing all 13 years for our caps and gowns,
learning how quickly smiles turn to frowns,...

Steve Momphete
Mind Prostitution
My mind is yours only for seven hours in the weeks Like a prostitute my mind...

They say live a little
why your such a grandma i hear
cus' I wana do homework
Instead of smoke
cus' I wana purchase

What has happen to this generation,
they lie, cheat, steal , and drink acohol,
you see young kids having kids,
and shows...

The ball bounces against the crack of the drive
Two little girls laugh as they miss the backward shot.
Dusk disappears...

You could see the brokenness of her heart in her lovely green eyes.
Hear her cry of help through her soft sweet smile.

Elastic omnipotent force that echoes through the universe
illusion of transcendence The ever seeing that which knows no...

It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this to you.
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry,
I'm sorry for allowing...

Right behind these high gatesThere is a placeWhere people fall silentQuiet even in a face of violenceEveryone is one, as if...
Powerful word:
Ignored. Emotionally and physically.
Why does the world have the mentality of every man for itself?

What makes a photographer good?
Patience, settings, or things that would,
make people stop dead in their tracks,
to observe...

today you've stopped looking through me
finally deciding to see me
we'll journey through the cycle
meet. converse. become...

She is a blooming flower although they don't see it,
she is a more than just a shadow sitting in the classroom,
she is more...

Flawless? I've never used the term to describe myself. With some wealth and good health, that is all that I...

Time is a healer.
It's a concealer.
It waits for no one, no one.
Time is a healer.
It's a revealer.
It silences everyone,...

She is mellow, creating what I saw as ordinary;
The loving, ebony colored tree tugged tenderly at the velvety skin of my...

What would it take for every adolescent in this room to get a spark?
A famous person, a teacher, or bright dreams and...

The woods are a place of mystery. The rivers that streame, the animals that live,
the trees that know the worlds history. ...

Why is life so easy, and for others it's not. How come I get to go to college but some have to get a job. Why isn't life...

There was a dream I once had as a child, about a city of lights covered in white- where the skies were red, and the ocean...

I've seen a lot of things i thought
i'd never have to see
we've hoped for many things
that are just so far out of reach

As the night sets in a still motionless type of beauty. The lights dim, the stars arrive accompanied by the moon. The...

Families of Seasons
The feel of love; and all around the year,
Seasons, Winter and Spring, Summer and Fall.
The love of...

The road almost meets the skyas I drive my tiny green caracross the bridge.
Its like I can imagine my car fallingoff into...

I don’t think they understand it
This building is not where our lives end or began
When I go home I don’t think about...

Man ol Man... This is what I feel I look like. Can it be the big flat nose that I have on my round flat face or my broad...

Sun sets,
Leaves descend,
Waves crash,
Clouds glide.
Nature gives to every season,
A beauty all its own.

Constructed of understanding.
Emotions and ideas from head to toe,
from left to right I see and know more and more.

tie my dreams down with rules burn away any chance ou have my defiance will give you fire it is just...

Worn out from every readers use,
A mildew smell, some pages loose,
The lines once black have long been gray,
And crooked...

I came here with the seagulls
I’m a born city-dweller
but the water crashes
in a way the late night sirens can’t.
At the...

Who knew that staying home would be such a hassle
I would have thought it would be such a dazzle
Believe it or not, School...

I know the change that tricklesIs like a diamond mineAnd my cupboards of canned foodCould feed the starving childrenBut I’m...

Addiction how can you sentence me?
Who do you think you are? my judge ?
I got habits not leaving , Nope wont even budge ,...

Songs of the dying echo through the vents
Ringing alarms for the hermits.
Get out, get out; it's all coming in.
All the...

I was to be in the middle holding both of your hands
….. to swing.
childhood was hard for me was to understand
.. leading me...

you billow
you bluff
you can't blow enough
you twirl and spin
you craft waves and dunes
you blow through full moons
you come...

What the world gains from optimism.
How about I summarize it for you, I'll not write nor lecture because that will just...

Way back in the day when the world was clean
When air was fresh and the grass was green
When in the middle of sky, colourful...

My name is A'Jayla
All of Joy and Anger,
I'm Young
Filled with Longing and Amazement
I live in a world with a single mind...


Overcast, a small sun peeking through the clouds, still but tranquil
Suddenly the sky opens up
Rain hits the window and I...

What color am I?Mixture of shadesMy heart filled with yellow; but a touch of black.In my eyes, an emotionally intense...

Its Now or Never
The doors are closing
So may places
So little times
Two Roads ahead
You can go left or you can go right...

How come death is never ending?
It seems like it always it’s always trending.
The moldy hoary granite situated deep within...

A write this for ma country kenya,
The land of ma birth,with beautiful nature,
The origin of legends and diversified culture...

He inspires me to paint
To write
I feel the love
Burning inside
Like a flame so bright
The world would be blind
He gets me...

Remembering the past and what I used to be is a part of my present
Eighteen years old with eighteen months clean and sober...

Do you ever sit around and ask yourself
What if I could start all over again?
Take what I know now and make a change in my...

Your phone is so old, so last year, not cool anymore.
That dress you are wearing is so last season.
You haven't post...

Inspired by the New York Times Article “The Me Generation” By Joel Stein
I’m 19 and too smart
I think so
I’m the center...

Each day, I call out to you,
Starting to wonder if my voice gets through.
It's so hard down here, so many people dying,...

While the world turns we've disheartened our
life styles
for nights that's wild
temporarily holding moments
just for a...

It's difficult to cope
With a death.
When they die, they take your breath.
And when you breath,
There's nothing left. ...

Who are you to judge me, am I not a person. You look at me you see them, I cried but I never gave in. What am I? I am human...
Eyes open, waking at the crack of dawn
Early, to early to feel anything.
The practice place is packed no one is calm

Drinking tea with a smilesitting on the beach with my imaginationLife is perfect as the world is minewith the smell of...

Hear em' shots from da Trumps n' Saxes?How bout' the drops of the Basses' beats?Whata' bout' the Piano's keys swarming...
I write . . .
I write . . .
I write . . to inform of faith and prayer
The none believers to believers . . . that they do...

Hello teacher Do you know what you want to teach us today? Or do you want to seat on your big, luxurious, comfy, and plush...

Mapping it out was one of the ways that I can be me
In my eyes I see what it's like knowing
The world around me is...

Its 3pm time to poke my finger again to see if im high or low, 53 now its time for some sweet tea
everyday I do this to see...

I put a pencil or pen to paper
All because I have to let mky emotions vapor
They can not be released into the atomsphere

I am not the sway of my hips, i am not a fully figured women with a nice waist and sweet lips. You can compliment me on the...

It’s crazy how things and the times change.
Crazy seeing how Social Media is ruling things.
Kids learn their...

Weak minded I once was
Made fun of because of my flaws
Put through shame in misery
Throughout my life history
From home to...

Expressions are life
the story to be told
all of the pain and strife
the plot to unfold
sorrow greif
happiness to day

Sleeping soundly in their beds
children rest their little heads
but what lurks beneath their beds?
creepy creatures from...

Do you see it too? The strange creature in my home
His fickle ways won't leave me a lone
Watch your back with every step...

Day by day
Night by night
Hour by hour
Minute per minute
We go through the world with our routine
Its a constant cycle that...

Mr. never really had a real thrill for lies despite the tries leave u stuck-without a motive...
knowing while u craving---...

I am interesting and weird.
I wonder if ill ever make it to the end of the rainbow.
I hear the sound of children laughing.

Dark and Cold
part but whole
blood droping from my soul
kicked and rounded
lights come on but still it's dark and cold...

Walk with me to find a clover,
It times of sun and rain,
Share with me your laughter,
Which echoes down the lane,
Walk with...

Her heart pained
but a faint smile flickered on her lips
as she bid her son,
her only child.... farewell
A war had broken...

I had one goal and that was certain,
Oxford and Cambridge is where i sought success.
I had the brains i had the wit, all i...

From the unforgettable words
To the unspoken lies
They pierced through my heart.
Like your gallant green eyes.
I believed...

Your hands against my warm skin
Kisses that will melt your heart
Looks that set your soul in fire
Love that burns like...

Everyday we all struggle but yet we still believe
We find our hope in times of grieve
That love we share will never fade

This World Of Mine
Looking at the mirror of my future i see Kids dying that are why younger than me.
Seeing that young girls...

I complain that the world is not full of sun,
not full of vibrant colors that drip off my surroundings.
But I am the one...

Dear World: We are trapped in you, a world of confusionEverywhere is disturbed by the cruel, sick minds of your time You are...

The hate of the world can beat on you
The hate of the earth will make you blue
Bitterness can harvest, in your heart...

A beautifully hand-crafted wooden chair
Allows for youth to sit without a care,
But when youth becomes ripe
Scratched and...

Hard and strong are you I see
Thick red block, a builders need
Paste keeps you in rows all neat
Trapped you are, and in the...

I walked and walked,
I paced up and down the streets,
I noticed "them" watching me,
but I just followed my own beat...

I write because I am free to DREAM,
I can be no one else but ME,
it helps me to ESCAPE from REALITY.
I am a DEEPER...

sometimes i feel like the whole world is against me sometimes i feel like nothing ever goes my way and it seems that things...

Laying in my bed staring at this picture on my wall,
It is not that big but yet it stands so tall,
As it hung not saying a...

This is a poem of a diffrent type
yeah thats right
I made sure the mouse is tight
next time I might just grab the mic.
If I...

Laughter on the faces of the young kids; I get so caught up in the rapture of the sudden Bang! The silent pauses like in the...

I cry because every day a memory is lost due to somene's carelessness.
I cry because families are struggling with hearing...

Spiders, spiders,
Crawling in my room,
Smack them, whack them,
Or they won’t leave soon.
Spiders, spiders,
Hide in the...

i feel like im in jail
four walls,
but its filled with noise and work abuse
8:13-2:45, IM IN HELL

Why do I right? Because no one else wants to hear me
I write because I have a voice a talent that no one...

you build me up just to tear me down
Society's pressure like a car in a compound
Society maneuvers around things

I walk into the class, Room nine
and all I see are boys behinds
I wish they would take school more serious
cause what they'...

Everyday we wage war
against othe countries
but in reality we are at war with ourselves
everyday we wage war
on our own...

It’s like a new world
Vision blurred
People wave their fingers in my face
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Two wait now...

Midnight moon shining down on me tonight
I am wishing for a way to make things right
I know I will never be able to undo all...

One Love
Look me in my eyes, now try to see. What i go through? I know its kind of hard to believe. Not a product of the...

Ambling on the heap sullied soil,
A zephyr from the wild blue yonder
Appeared very slowly and very softly
And grabbed my...

I'm tired of being quiet
there is something that i must say
why can't I offer my input in some way
your teaching methods...

The squawking of the seagulls
the calmness of the waves
seashells shining gracefully
in golden sunlit caves.

“I Am From…..”
Adapted by Levi Romero Inspired by “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon
I am from the living room
from the...

(poems go here) In line we stand, waiting to see what once was
All dressed up, but why?
Tears become inevitable
So many...

Am I wrong for wanting brighter days? Am I wrong for trying to learn? Am I wrong for wanting sucesss? As i get older i feel...

I am Eija Shellman
I hear people talking
I smell Japanese Cherry blossoms
I taste alcohol,
I touch fabric,
I see clothes,

These changes keep coming
life is not the same
as is once used to be
back when I ran and played.
Now I've got chores to do...

Like a rose growing out of concrete
I’m standing alone in a vast society of unknowns
No one knows why I’m here, nor do they...

Summer time is here and along with that brings the family out.
Out on break from school and work, out enjoying what nature...

Captured and still
Painted with skill
She waits with grace
A darling face
Heavenly glow
Painter will show
Beauty behold...

Thank you lord
The dawn of a red sky
Thinking oh my lord why
The heavens opening upon us
As the whistling bird may fly

Well, it's easy for you to say
That any day is a good day
It's easy for you to think
That we all have great reasons to blink...

It's gon' come.
When it's time, it's gon' come.
Though I have time, a day will come,
Where I think I'll have some more, then...

The life we travel is everlasting the noises that shatter the minds of power. Living in the minds of those who are confussed...

Growing up I didn't really have a momOr dad I had to play that role from the first time we were left aloneHad to make my...

Small words, big meaning
To understand, to finally know,
Emotions that leave you seeing
The world and the woe
Of unheard...

The sky is gray
Puddles are filled
Nobody realizes
How beautiful the slippery pavements,
The muddy grounds,
The fresh air,...

I am a girl who loves to smile.
I have a great family who loves me.
I fear judgement from the noises I feel.
I am a girl...

From the moment I saw you, I reached to be a kind friend. The Time i finally met you I knew I was blessed to have you as my...

I look at what used to my home
My domicile.
It was my heaven on earth.
My sweet escape from the cruel world
That tore me...

Pain is like snow.
You look up—
And no matter how hard you squint,
You can't quite see where it's coming from.
From time to...

They crawl along the trees and through the grass
They bounce off the smoky red flare
They sneak through the night,...

It's eight o' clock and class has begun. It's about that time where theres no more fun, It's like this desk sucks my...

My name is A'Jayla
All of Joy and Anger,
I'm Young
Filled with Longing and Amazement
I live in a world with a single mind...

When I was little
I ensured everyone I had the loudest scream
One that would shake the world
I could feel it brewing up...

I had zits.
I have zits.
We all do, it just comes with being a teenager. And just like zits, that awful “I’m not beautiful”...

Sure, I "am able" to go to the restroom,
but what will go on when I leave the room?
Will I miss an important lecture, time,...

Money is the motive in the streets of Ea$t Oakland power in the gun keep a nigga stay posted mobbing on the track keep a...

Like the earth beneath a popular tree, life is shaded.
The existence of knowledge stands firm and strong,
yet, some and many...

In this cold world is there no place for me
it makes me mad how hard society has it
for me trying to stop me and make me...

Once an ideology is accepted, regardless if the idea is constructed in the abstract or in the reality; the ideology will...

I can feel it!
I can Feel it!
I can feel the energy pulsating through my veins. An energy unlike that I have ever seen...

5, 6, 7, 8 numbers in my head
Adagio, Arabesque, Allongé
Perfection in motion
5, 6, 7, 8 numbers in my head...

I'm good without a roof over my head. The government tryna force me to use gunkead. But instead, i'm still tryna get two...

You judge that person for who they love
but you love to do the same thing that they do
but your hiding behind curtains and...

I live in California, miles away from where I was born
in Oklahoma the tornado tragedies have my heart so torn
I mourn for...

Red Bone, Yellow bone
Is there not a back bone that praises the black bone?
Is there media that praises the mahogany skin...

Yeah they aren't going to trust you, they use to what they see. How that makes you feel. Vice versa Imagine coming from...

She watches us all,
and yells down the hall.
Everyone runs,
and yells "hear she comes."
We call her Dresscode Natzi.

Like the pain that spreads after you're cut .
Like the confident model shows her strut.
Like the...

Many colors can be found
But there's only one stands out
What do you think it is?
Could it be blue?
As we look at above

The sounds of roaring fire
Falls heavy on mistrials of ones individual mind
Essential to those never had the nothing...

I walk in and I can feel the heat
as I sit it intensifies
By five minutesn'i can feel that familiar pain
that pain that...

Do you thinkyou understand who I am?
I bet you can't even answer with the right choices
But you will give me your own...

When You Walked Out The Door.
I Should Have Known.
You Didnt Say Good Bye And All I Wanted To Do Is Cry.
My Father.
The One...

On the back porch looking out of the screen
There is beauty that is before my eyes, with
The green hills that span miles and...

I am a beautidul black woman at heart
only if I knew that from the start. But from the start I knew that
I wouldn't be...

The evanescent of life,that glows,
The dusk to dawn eyes;
Though feels through flesh not awake but still sees,
the cool blue...

Why do they love her city?
A place they’ve never been.
Some believe its hype while,
others believe it’s all a dream.
Allow a...

I told him the it was clear and it was okay for him to cross the street
Biggest mistake I should have just went across to...

by: Luz Alcala
This world aint perfect
yet no one is,
theres lots thing to change
and we try to do our best,
more trees...

Its days like this I feel like I'm at war
Ironically, it's raining and it pours
Memories are days when such worries

Is it because me and my gurl dropped out
Our sophmore year of high school, for
becoming 16 yr. parents?
Was it us taking...

Weakness in my soul
held down form bold moral convictions
A woman is here to be sold
Is what the merchant says to gain...

I am tired of smiling in the faces of those who disappoint me most. I’m tired of looking for people to help me and them not...

You send monsters to kill me,
Yet sings that I never die.
How is it that you praise my ending-
And hold your breath as I...

Scarlet lips as red as a rose,perfect hips in a seductive pose.On the outside this is what I may be,but what about looking...

Proud of who I am,
this is where I stand,
hand in hand.
I'll do me and you'll do you,
so please don't tell me what to do.

Your hair looks terrible
Did you even try to use a brush?
I mean I think some birds are living in there
Seriously I just...

Ten years old,
major depressive,
My parents can't deal with me;
My teachers won't put up with it;

It's days like this when you're sitting all alone at lunch,
no one to talk to,
eat with,
no friends,
dang it's just so much...

dogs barking
pure darkness star twinkling in the midnight sky
I dream about flying in the midnight sky
silence is key they...

Of many colors I am combined
into one beam of light
Patiently waiting under the clouds
Until the drizzling stops
One color...

What has it all come to? Children dying, Adults crying out for help and no one answers... Hearts beating slow and feeling...

Why we making a songs about strippers and your poles but not worrying about to disappearing in North and South Poles. why...

The Image of Beauty
What is beauty?
Is it shaped, colored, living, a symbol, an image?
Can it be found in nature?

An hour could pass
as a bear rolls around
My twin den sinks in
but the spring buds abound
Nine hours too little
my email...

I am from the rolling hills of Scotland,
I am from the white sand beaches of Spain,
I am from fighting, tears, and divorce,...

In the battle, on my last leg standing, heart still beating , but its cold and turning into stone . Taking on challenges-...

My parents spent most of their time fighting in their bedroom because they didn't want my sister and I to see them...

I sit in my room shedding the most tears . I'm wondering if the struggling is going to stop or is the end almost near ....

To me, art is the ninth wonder of the world,
The yin-yang, the peace, and the harmony of life,
A mystery yet to be unraveled...

The pensil is you.
The paper is your canva.
The moment the ink touches the paper, I can't stop.
I write to not only...

All i see in the streets today is the visions of dope dealers and drug dealers,
As im listening to the radio, i hear that ...

(poems go here)
Marriage is tuff with good and bad days.
Marriage takes work but it starts with someone whos...

I walk around my little suburban town with hope tucked away in my heart.
But this hope is tested by the deconstruction of...

Student advice is not often heard, even though we repeat every word. We appreciate your help, and all of your time. But...

Here it come there it goes, As time flys through it cant be stopped, Life time takes, one day at a time, it comes here and...

Speak beautiful words to me.
Let your love be the sun I need to bloom.
The comfort of your hands shall be the water I need...

Let us die
In a world of blue
Where no noe soul
Bares a clue
Though to walk the streets
None to wear of the cheats
This land...

Welcome to the lost city, a gathering place for broken souls everyone is lonely here but that seems to be the path we were...

He gets mad because I yell at him too much.
I yell at him for not texting back in ten minutes
and not knowing when I can see...

I write to express
when theres no one left to understand, I write to those that are in the same postion as me
wondering if...

I did not know candy was dangerous
Getting a pack of skittles can get you killed
Or wearing a Hoody while Black
I did not...

Powerful, Heavy, Fun You're sitting on your board You feel like a knight with his sword Then you see something on the...

Because, let's face it, we've gotten all too big.
The Earth is huge
but we make a difference,
we're making her sick...

t is in the process of
visual signals
Traveling through our brain
Like seeds planting
Our emotions feeding it
Our perception...

I’ve grown up country strong,
I know every single song.
I love wearing boots and jeans,
everyone in the school can...

Like summer cockroaches
they come out hot & defiant -
scattering swiftly in all directions.
Breaking free
from decency...

Hey Zimmerman, are you happy with your life right now? Do you think you go off free? Even if the courts say you are free,...

I love you
Meaning every last feeling and emotion is true
You always made me smile
To the point where I dreamed of me...

I am a bull waiting to ram.
I stay calm avoiding conflicts
untill you raise the red flag.
Then we discover the true hues of...

waiting for it
my time grinds down and i sit still
waiting for it
trying to make sure that i am ready
waiting for it
my mind...

Look at the disasters of the earth
See the troubles at birth

I wish I didn't know that dandelions were weeds
That fairies don't live among the trees
I wish I didn't know that people can...

Once upon a time, there lived an ordinary little girl in America; happy and goofy. Her name was Rani, Rani was growing up...

Being African-American I’m suppose to talk and walk a certain way,
What it means to be “black”.

The world is changing at the speed of light,
The fighters love and the lovers fight.
The meaning of love is no longer known...

As I look into the sky
I notice the worldly light is different.
It's something like a twinkle, but there's something else in...

Clouds, clouds forming with swift action.
People looking in the sky with hopeful reaction!
Rain coats and boots ready to be...

I had one goal and that was certain,
Oxford and Cambridge is where i sought success.
I had the brains i had the wit, all i...

Everybody deserves to be loved, but they listen to the ones that call them dumb. No matter how many times they've fallen,...

Growing up I was differnt from the norm
wheather is the way I talk, think or dress there was
always something wrong.
I was...

You're more than just a flower in the dirt
You have so much worth
You're more than just some city girl
Someday you're gonna...