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I'm not a begger nor a changer
If you call me by my first name
I will respect you
I'm not a begger I do not jump for the...

There are many ways to change a picture of yourself
But without any effects to them
Who are you really?
I stared at a...

Do you feel like a teenager?
In this day and age it’s so hard to place just how we fit into this world.
Movies and famous...

I sat here thinking
How am I going to write this?
I don't hide behind a mask
I'm proud of who I am
but then, I...

So many things I be want to slur
So many thoughts I want to want to ask as time dies
I keep it to myself, that is the best... better im the best theres no front its a bright future im in the better the best man who wins the...

Flawless Anyway
Rejection and Acceptance are heavy wieghts
Flawless Anyway
When I look up time is Lost

A concrete prison
With the walls several stories tall,
And the durability of a bomb shelter.
It's many rooms used to shape...

The scars of time haunt us,
The trails of time follow us,
but it can't keep us down
Its hard to pull up your head.
Its hard...

I have a love hate relationship with swimmingIt seems like it’s up and down every weekBut my tolerance has grown over eight...

Our horoscope makes us confident
We believe in ourselves always, but yet
When we're feeling alone, needing to vent,
We stick...

Fear is nothing but an illusion,
A confusion,
A lie in disguise,
A friend and a foe, here to outwit us,
An everlasting...

“Wow, you never ask for help
You’re mature beyond your years”
under all that calmness
My body’s full of tears

texas,don,g,nutt,59.poem,thugg,love,thugg ove withpassion from the hood known in the streets this thugg love is greatly...


Your Little Girl
Slowly grows up
happy and beautiful
thinking she will grow up to
become a smart and talent girl
3rd grade...

I'm not gonna pretend I know much about my home land, Palestine
heck I have never stepped on its rich soil, that people have...

petals dance in the wind
The cold breeze brushes against you.
You shiver.
Arms are around you.
Warmth and comfort takes you...

Abuse is like a dream.
You wake up with confusion.
Wondering why this happened to you?
It seems too bad to be true.

I lay back,
and the sheets consume me.
I fall with my feet planted to the floor,
backwards I fall through the...
Hands clamped, fingers warm, beautiful sky
You know you're beautiful, he says, I love you, he says
Dinner dates, lovely...

texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,fuck with you day are night fuck with you cause you deserve baby im so much boss word fuck with you...

Let The Caged Bird Free
Assata Toney
As the free birds fly by
The caged bird watches with envy
She opens her wings

Whats on your mind?
I alwyas ponder this question time to time.
We often wonder about our problems and what puts us in...

I am what I am
and you are what you are
without panic the thread of life
it comes down to our situation
never wearily

Many kids today pull back from letting other people see their true identity because of the judgemental and jealous people...

The pain in my heart went Away because the day you stopped caring was the day I said okay. .. Noo you said okay.. you...

Basketball is what gives me that lift
to me it's life pure gift
boucning the ball up and down the court ...

The greatest lie
it all never sense
I wondered about your absence
Now I condemned to hell, eternal damnation
I was fooled...

texas.don.g.nutt59,poem,fact, im a fact just like here i go here i be thats the truely fact about a man like me fact to be...

I am from numerous stories:
Of love and faith
Of hardship and
Apple picking
Raking leaves, then...

I see you hiding behind the pain
black eyes on your face but you're saying "I'm okay"
no person deserves that inflicted...

I am not the way I chitchat, nor attained the materials I discover, neither am I the substances I consume. I endure all the...

I start to lose my mind In persistent time, MyWires intertwined, non vine I'm going 9 more.Mentally disturbed,I'mMentally...

It sends bitter orders through your veins.
Infecting your bloodstream and eats away at your skin.Borne in your soul,It...

A troubled child, split amongst herself,
A ravenous alter with dastardly plans,
A fragmented mind and troublesome past,

Love is not a game that you can take lightly
Love is tbe very thing that people need
Even when your alone love is there to...

I have feelings for you
Your the one I'll always love.
It's just one think
You'll never fee the same about me.
If I ran away...

What is happening to me? My mind is being ripped apart. Everybody is pouring their feelings into my skull. Pain and...

His assurance gives a distance
The spaces of solar lights and magnitude
reflect off my eyes, only wanting to gaze
A Day in The Life
By: Gabrielle W.
A day in the life of who you are;
a day in the life of me.
A day in the life of who to be...

I am
A woman
a student
and a friend
I think deeply
listen intently
and have a passion
for life
I work hard
and I play...
We all know the cops
The ones that we look up to
The ones who are
our heroes
our saviors
our proverbial
knights in shining...

Unblemished, pure, soft
Rubs against the soft touch of new life
Undamaged, forgiving and at peace
Scrapes and...

Have you ever, just sat and wondered... Whether or not a certain person cared? Whether they felt the same way you do? ...

I've been living in fears
because i thought nature don't care
i told my friend about it
then he said that i should not worry...

Finding Me
Freeing my mind is something I tend to wash away, something I tend to have to stumble upon in my inner sanctum,...

I've never known her or seen her to be
the mystery behind her. The black long hair
silky, and her surliness stands aloof....

The world as I see it,
is not shown through our screens
is it?
My freckled face,
is now in valencia...

They were twice removed from the past, and like a dog it follows in the futureThat constant reminder of failureor, that...

Everyone puts filters before a post
They want everyone to comment and then they boast
but its not the real them.
People see...

All he needed was a friend/ But he was different/ So he was invisible/ His life more than miserable/ He had nothing already...

This is going to the be the best day of my life
You are a princess
I love you
Now I am older you can see that all the...

She thought she seen something special In his eyes
She thought she saw love In his eyes
She thought she was the only one he...

I am feared by many I am love by many I am hated by many I am a color that seem inferior yet we dominant.I am a gender where...

I'm being passed by so many of you.
You're glancing or gawking without a clue,
I'm not into you.
My friends, we laugh...
Fifteen years old,
You finally can fill a training bra.
The boy behind you in class whispers,
Words of things you...

Its been an few years now wow time flys it seem like yesterday i was wiping my eyes from my cries of you Levin' but...

I may not be a size 2 or even a size 4
But I am still beautiful
I will not let the mean things you say to me bring me down...

You wake-up, FLAWLESS
"You are everything,but flawless"
"You are worthless"
"You are purposeless"
"You are powerless...

What It Means To Me
By: Jaeden Brame
What does it mean to me?
To simply say, I love you?
That not what it means to me

Tonight I'm lying here aloneAs the nights gets cold and the rain comes downTears start to fall, my body becoming...

I AM..

I wish i had the power
the power to change the system
the system that claims so many innocent victims lives
so may...

My Overalls by Jasmine Exinia
Dark blue jeans Minnie on the pocket
Skechers lighting up when she stomps
Little girl in...

Life as we know is passing,
While we look at other lost souls thats crashing,
As society kicks flicks at these tender hearts...

Voices , Voices and complete silence
Death is everywhere..
Children are dying
Mothers are being slaughtered
Whats it...

I speak in silence just wainting to be heard
Speaking in silent words only my muse inspires me to speak what I speak in...

Fire is burnig with in my eyes, wanting to kill everything in sight wantig to strangle you with all my might.the care free...

I hear the crickets chirping absent of rhythm.
I hear the clock ticking away the seconds.
I hear my blood pumping through...

there is something truly rotten about me
deep down in my core
and i keep wondering
when the elixir of pure hatred

Hoping to ease my mind
I opened my diary
to pen down my thoughts.
Before writing another page
went through...

I can't live without the joy of the simple things that bring a smile to my face. The simple actions that can mean so...

are we allowed to be in love?
hes just to good not to love.
he loves me,
and i love him.
though they dont like "our kind",...

When i
look in the mirror
i dont know what i see
is it because of the
pain in my heart
or the hatred i see
what should i do...

Since when does one become "evil"?
Is it my pride that broods you?
Or my age of wisdom and fairness
No one
Not even my...

He sent me an attachment that
attracted me to attach myself to him and
Start to flow a vaporized love from my heart and

I have to keep following.
Never trying to flee
Keep true to thee.
I may suffer but I will never leave
But I’ll always be...

the calm silence covers my ears, my eyes taken over by bright lights, i see nothing but faris wheels, and prizes for my...

They say life is like a box of chocolates,
Well I beg to differ,
Life is what ever you make of it,
Life is people bullying...

The Lord said, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the...
Many think they know who I am,
But the truth is you don't.
For starters my name is Akeylah Giles.
Many know me as the girl...

As my mind races with thoughts from school,
As my dog barks, asking me to play,
As my head pounds from the stress of the day...

The town..ship is a vessel that carries poverty and violence.
In silence it sinks heavily into the blood of the township...

family time, up a tree we climb. We run around, falling down to the ground. This is our time we'll spent, turning everything...

Because i love you, i think about you all day and
when i lay my head down, with my eyes shut
i can still see you looking my...

I am Laksh
I am from Dominican Republic
I am from the sideburns from my dad and the colour of my hair from my mom.
I am...

Though it was my fault…Though it was my fault for forgetting the day
The day that I heard the trees whisper away
In the...

Im destined for greatness
I am headed towards the path to success
Success leades me to peace
Hope is my destiny
I can reach...

A word hard to say.
A word most Women don't describe them selves as
because they listen to what others have to...

In a world where have nothing but breathing.
In a life where hate is heard more than song.
Where violence trends faster than...

my beautiful papa.
He doesn't look at me anymore.
His smile has disappeared from his face.
Papa's bones are as thin...

I feel the chill across my face
as if the sun has been melted by time
The beautiful coating surrounding the human race...

I walk around with a smile
Showing the world my happiness
while really I'm in plain
I look around at how happy others can...

The cello sat in the corner
Dim charcoal cords run down its spine
Still untouched and without pure rhyme
Like a sparrow,...

Is it me or am i gay for loving myself?
Think about it i am a girl
and i love myself which
means i love a girl
so am i to be...

You see We All Have A Story To Tell .. Is Mine Reality or is it A Fairy Tale I never knew until I looked towards the sky and...

The atoms of imperfections fog the mirror these two eyes stare into
They search for meaning in the midst of it all
Life is...

Everything is awesome
Take a look at what the world has to offer.
From the deep blue sky
lightning quicker than the blink of...

I look forward to this day every year.
Feels right.
I am ready to go. I am on my way.
I arrive. There are a lot of people...

The Wind leads through the woods
the forest is silent,
over the hills comes the glorious sun rise
Music spreads through...

I do not define myself from how many barriers have appeared in my way.
Though I define myself from the strength I have found...

Waking up crying has become a daily routine, because from here on out i don't know where my life would be. Sometime i feel...

Lullabies sung in the wind,
Sing to be heard once again.
Hushing rivers rise to meet the tides.
Summer rain, drown me once...

When I walk in the depths of the unknown, you are my only light guiding me through. You are my only defense, when I don't...

It's not about believing that everything in life will always be perfection or bliss. Or that by merely thinking something it...

Poetry abuses me,
Flirts with me one minute and
Abandons me the next.
She gives me palaces
And then she burns them to the...

Life of sincere and integrity,Life of hope and freedom.Living our life free from the pain;Live our life not knowing what's ...

My heart-- you are my compass.
You guide me.
But if you keep pointing me in so many different directions
How am I supposed...

As I drove along that treacherous bridge
The cringe worthy icicles pattered on my windshield
Oozing from the frozen...

The goddess of sleep and dreams
Has beguiled me of you!
She has robbed me of you completely.
She forbids me my slumber

I have a declaration; a declaration that is the storytelling transformation testimony of how God has moved in so many ways...

If I could change the night sky,
You would see all the stars,
If I could change the wind,
It would blow you in the right...

You danced in the wind,
Such beautiful little flower.
Given birth by a sweet, lovely mother.
Ready for any type of weather...

Being with you is like going to the symphony
or wait, being part of a symphony
sometimes I can't tell the difference

Hipster in the navy overals,
Chillen sipping soda, Guetto blaster bumping old school, Biggy smalls.
Eccentric child with...

Putting pen to paper
Is more difficult than it sounds
During the night
It's easy
I'll write of adventure
Of fights

What is the world if not a mere collection of memories?
Some which last a lifetime and others legions
But which of these...

Of all the things that make me tick, it would be HIM.
Everytime he chews, a completely UNNECESSARY amount of effort is put...

But be the night, your love and dream
Your body only fosters your creativity
From Aphrodity love to acrimony war
Who wouldn'...

Dear Self,
Time travel is real
I know what you're thinking
she is crazy
but it is definitely real
it's hard to find...

Walking thruogh these streets,dirty sneakers matching concrete with so many words to speak on this world, its a brand new...

If I do not relate to you
Then how could you relate to me?
I am just keeping it real
Getting involved with me
You must want...

Mirror Mirror on the wall,
I want to kill them all.
I know im the fairest
No need to tell me.
I want to rule the world, ...

Why do people ask so many questions if they’re already sure of their own belief? My favorite example is when someone asks...

America the Brave
But only if one behaves
Eagles fish
and only dare swim
when humanity pressures habitat..
to that

Sometimes people dont get it, fighting on a bus ,packed with adolescence is plan selfish ,and ignorant. THE lady in front of...

Why does everyone want love when they know what it can do to you, it can break your heart so can you tell me why does...

The way you speak to me
only shows the way you speak to yourself.
-so please stop hurting the both of us

Step One: Start by accepting the fact that you cannot cure them. No matter the amount of "i love you"s or acts of affection...

i awake, ready to enter again into
this poem called life.
to filter the moments,
the quivering of water’s meniscus in a...

I have been given the power to change.
To change anything I want.
The word itself summons up clever ideas, yet it is...

It all starts somewhere.
Or neither.
For me, it started inside.
Not exactly happily,
But, a...

Snow as white as the thickest creamLike living in the clouds of a dreamSlowly coming out from my denSnuggled at home, that's...

Who will cry for the woman's sufferings?
Who will cry for the woman's painful past?
Who will cry for the woman's...

Faith is NOW, if its not now its not faith
Great faith requires us to stand on the word of God
Faith is the title deed that...

I am, currently a forgotten child
I'm someone who's brutally honest, and is from a generation who doesn't know how to stand...

When nobody knows
and nobody cares,
its our job to find it out for them.
We don’t sit in one place
while the others

A crisp wind blew beside the quiet town,
Darkness covered his thoughts as he gazed into the horizon,
He searched as the...

I try to live my life as you see fit
To be the person you want me to be and not who I desire to be
My heart yearns for...

Death scares me
When I forget
It takes care to remind
That it leaves no one behind
Death haunts me
Foreshadowing my own...

I poor it on my pancakes in the morning
i write on it everyday
it dies it dies
i want to to have privacy
so I close my door...

Wrapped around my neck, trying to breath *gasps* for air as i hold on to my neck to check and as im checking my pulse to...

We all have demons inside
And that's not to say that
We can't truly be fixed
See, lately I've found that
Even the most...

I'm just a body made up of atoms. In the grand scale of life I am small.
We live in a universe where anything is possible....

How well is my destiny written down
That times are exact
Situations are perfectly placed with the ideal obstacles
That made...

Every night punches fly to my face like angry ravens, i lay there helplessly knowing that life is passing by as fast as a ...

Check out this little treat sitting on the stand.
She looks sweeter than anyone else in the land.
So many boys drop their...

you look at me with soft brown eyes
the ones you hate and you despise
you hold my hand and get upset
because the sweat...

I am not another black person telling their story
nor am i some thing push aside
I do not take things for granted
nor did i...

Because I love you, it shouldn't matter right?
The abrasions and bruises that you place on my skin again and again
Their ...

I am the queen of disorientation.
There were bumble bees building nests in my hair and now I'm made of honey combes;

You always see it coming.
But when you're too dazed to see it, that's when it hits you the hardest...

My life is like an apple falling from the tree, when I grow up soon I will be, successful and proud of all of my...

Dang Can I Be Me ?
Born and given a name, an identity
Already born with my life in the hands of someone else
Told What to...

Kursus online bersertifikat di Indonesia dalam dunia pendidikan sangat membantu para pelajar dalam mendapatkan materi...

Time is unstopable!
For it is gone tomorrow.
What we need to seek is the future
for it is all we have.
The Past is gone,...

Decisions, decisions, decisions
You decide.
Let your voice be heard
Louder and louder,
Scream until someone hears.
Use your...

Today I'm feelin' good, I dare you to change that
The sun greets me with a smile while birds sing at my window
I'm grateful...

Who hides behind this mask of mine,
The one given at birth so fine,
The one who wishes to fit in,
Yet identity sticks like...

Who’s to say that who I am is wrong?
That what I do is dumb?
Who are you to say that I’m not beautiful?
Those eyes of...

I live in a world where 1+1 equal 2I live in a world where 2+2 don't equal 4 but 5I live in a world where women are...
Yep, I am Melanin
In fact, I am a beautiful Melanin
My hair is everything from nappy to kinky
even the straightest strand...

Ferocious, Fierce, Uptight and Angry,
A person like me sounds so unfriendly.
Take your time, unwind and relax,
And I'll tell...

The silence assaults meIt spreads with the windMy nostrils flaringAnd my strides,the only audible thing,the sound of the...

What really grinds my gears
is a mirror who's reflection does not look as it should appear.
In the middle of the night it...

The Princess and The Frog with modern dialogue
It was the prince but he is obsolete
The world is at its knees and but we...

This dream.
This one I so vagly remember.
Falling out of my head like raindrops out of the sky.
This dream.
This one that...

i have never fit in anywhere. There is always a sense of outgrowing,even when i’m sure i have kept the growing in

My diamond is not for you
My diamond does not need your approval
My diamond does not want to be told what to do
My diamond...

You Saw Me For Me When I Didn’t Believe
You Never Gave Up On Me
You Taught Me To Be And Face Reality
Without You I would Not...

There has been dark days
we all had bad times
most of us truly just wanna run
in our own shadows away,
away from all the...

The world doesn't owe you a thing
so take back your out-reached hand
an arrogant,choosy begger, is someone I just cant stand...

Why am I here
I ask myself every day
To live, to love, to laugh maybe
I don't fully understand my purpose
Hopes of being...

The color of your eyes are what stay in mind.
I know they shouldn't be in my head
but I can't forget you.
Even after...

I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a...

Whenever I get sad,
After the day has ended,
Before the Sun rises,
As I prepare myself for tomorrow,
I look at the Moon and...

I am the truth
For the mind, a fountain of youth
I am the devil
I was in hevan, but i turned into a rebal
I am ...

Lurking in the shadows always listening to others.
Having no voice nor opinion growing up.
Knowing I was full of potential...

The inspiration I have gathered and grasped
from the ashes of this exhausted relief
fuels a fire untouchable to man

Save me , This is a plea the revolver is loaded to the back of my head as he demads the cream. seems im being robbed for my...

speak, i dont know how. Praise you through every test and trial, teach me now. when i break, when im lonely, your there to...

To the person I used to be,
I have nothing to say,
Only to scream.
In Middle School,...

A love full of lust
A love full of trust
An invisible connection
That I have seen in your eyes reflection
An interlaced...

I expect to be optimist, my concious is imagines a life lavish call it benjamin metropilis. schalerships accomplishments,...

The tiniest speckle, dominated by the biggest star.
Overlooked in its eyes, deep down hiding under its body scars.

My dreams frighten me,Not because of the killer clown chasing me,But because your not in them,I search all the rooms,But...

Lost:[ lawst,lost ] 1.The opposite of found: I was lost when he found me! But i was also lost in my mind. Given I was absent...

Winter. The cold, icy name cutting through the azure sky. Hearts frozen over like slick ponds with dead lives within. Trees...

For as long as I can remember,
I have felt inferior; This uncomfortable aloneness and constant fear that I won't be accepted...

Boom! Slap! Boom! Slap!
The noise I hear every night,
The permanent sound programmed in my mind,
it won't go away!

my family is a framed picture
sitting on your nightstand
my grandma is flawed
but takes care of it all...

A towel used and uncleansed
A shirt with no hem
I feel lost with no sun
In a maze with no rope
Guided with no tour guide in...

So many things happening around me and it just amazes me how God just continues to keep his hedge of protection around me...

The world ahead is not yet known
unwritten futures, soundless time
The world ahead is out of focus
fuzzy shapes, colors...

So there is school, getting your education, and sports hmmm is that the only way out ? NO we have green uncilvlized "gerson...

The dancer stands on the stage unmoving
Eyes watched him with intense stares silently
Music starts to play, volume...

The opposite everything that I thought was real was fake I began to pour out more water than a lake I ask people to forgive...

These dreams they are always attacking me
If only I had the blast of the past
I keep on hearing words of blasphemy

This fox, this fox which was boxed, trapped in a box.
Boxed from its prey, the prey that mocked.
The fox was afraid from the...

Dear Police Officer,
How do you feel?
Do you feel?
Are you scared to feel
Being empathetic with apathetic tendencies ...

Not one of the Me's
-But all of the Me's-
All of the different variations of I
-All of the I's in me-
Only one you will...

I have no reason,
It's not because I think I have nothing to offer this place,
I have no reason
I have no reason...

What is the true measure of happiness?
All the good times as well as the bad
And the ones who went for the ride
A tender...

My name is Elandra Rene
From the distant planet of Chicago
Right here on Southside
Don’t call my home, “Chiraq”…

Like Shakespeare said "A rose by another name would smell as sweet"
So there's no need to introduce myself if i will still...

Scars. A past. They only bring up the past because they are intimidated by my present.I am weightless when I engulf myself...

You were suppose to make me forget the first one who killed me. Make me forget the years of tears. The years of wanting what...

A B C, it's easy as one, two three
It's simple as do re mi
A B C, one two three Mixed with Poetry
A B C, it's easy as one...

I don’t want to be a robot, someone’s invention
I’m not a super hero, I must mention
I’m not the center of all attention

Don't forget where you came from,But remember who you are today.The trees that harvested in the fall are now blooming buds...

Look at what I overcame.
I try to get it off my brain
but we are all just the same.
This is my NAME
But my story won't...

Cancer took my friend
cancer took my homie
cancer took Gods Child
football fanatic
marquis could be so sarcastic
base god...
I sit down
First day, first class
New faces are all I see
I see smiling faces
Faces, all staring back at me
These hands do all of the hard work in this life
They build, they fight, they break, and they die
I have the power to be...

She’s like New York City
She works beautifully
The yellow cabs racing
Nothing slow pacing
Just like her thoughts

Texas.don.g.nutt59.poem.more glory more glory i have i got i get i receive the glory glory the lord christ i be glory glory...

Who am I?
How do I describe?
Will I tell you the truth?
Or what I wish was the truth?
I'll tell you what i do know
I am...

Flawless? yes me!
The way I walk into a room. The way I carry myself. The way I talk. I'm not stuck up or rude.

There's a lot I have to say to the people that has and still been through a lot in life. What ever your good at, keep...

You can’t stop the future
Let her die
Don’t look behind you
You don’t know what you’ll find.
Don’t tell me what to do

On a never ending highway
In a never ending pause
Pondering for it like a maniac
The answer was unclear.
I sat uneasy in...

When I woke up from laying in the fresh cut grass.The fresh mowed lawn.The grass was freshly cut with a dew scent.The garden...

WHAT..and IF.
Seperated...two words of seemingly insignificant consequence, yet together weigh the heaviest on my...

how can i love you when you're so distant?
how can i love you when you're so emotionless?
how can i love you when you're not...

Your temperature changes
And yet, you soothe and you rage.
Bring life across your surface
And destroy without a natural...

if all I've known was you, how do I maintian without you?
it's like having a cup of coffee every morning, knowing that...

Open up my heart all you'll find is a black hole, so I jumped inside to see where it will go. Not so surprising I found out...

Our life is like music.
the very air we breathe is an amazing symphony being played beautifully.
our veins are the string...

As life gose on
The wind blows by like nothing has changed
Time gose by as quick as a flash
Life get lost and born...

Living in a new world,
I got nowhere to go.
My brains aren't enough,
And my looks wont show.
I can be as strong as a lion,...

A love story has no end;
but as they say, it needed to be bend.
Relationship don't last,
because some things are going to...

As the weather gets colder; so does my heartAs I don my wool jacket - thats when the doom and gloom startsMy friends turn...

When my desire to succed
Turns into me taking lead
I admire what exheeds
Out of the the mind of me
No matter the need,

When I close my eyes, I see pools of blood, black blood, radiating a message . Smooth enough for scrying, pungent enough to...

I know you think I’ve forgotten
The days of yellow peril
Your fear of Asian invasion
My Asian persuasion
The massacres of...

Please excuse the format,
For I am a romantic who doesn't live for that.
Who needs structure of words, when you have the...

A green stem gives life to a blossoming rose.
Its petals soft as silk and a pure white snow.
The rose, so beautiful it...

Get out of my way. I don’t need your help.
You think its okay? I can do it all by myself.
I am dangerous. This is glorious...

In the beginning I'm granted with life. How can this be?
I'm blessed with a soul that lasts for all eternity
There's a...

Does time bug you to your nerves?
What more can you do that's absurd?
Oh surly time is not curling around your every move...

From the first humans to modern day society we seek knowledge from those of our past,
We try to understand where we all have...

My body, is My body.
You can not have My Body.
They can not have My Body.
Children, women, and men.
Stripped of Their...

What's perfection,
without a little imperfection?
To the outside
the US is a safe haven,
a home,
a melting pot,
but inside...

In the black of night
not a twinkling light in sight
he shone as bright as the sun
too bad we were on the run
Had we not...

I wake up and wonder if i am actually happy today.
Was i happy yesterday?
The day before that?
Time will tell.
Take it one...

Be yourself to the beyond the fullest
Who cares what people about you
Take pride of the person that you
You might be wierd,...

Time is unstopable!
For it is gone tomorrow.
What we need to seek is the future
for it is all we have.
The Past is gone,...

BLACK LOVE I watched her... watched her as she slowly undressed.Supple Nubian Queen.My eyes rejoiced at her beauty,as she...

Nobody understand the love here
i show you everyday im here for
you , but still nothing is presented
to care...

Eccentric is what I'm refered to. Its probably the best term to describe myself.
I became in this manner because of mostly...

As I walk through the streets of the city
I see people stare as I walk by
My mind makes me think of why
but my heart knows...

Black Men laying face down in Blood
Their futures slowly,slowly Dying
Like garbage Dragged through the Mud

Mama says I'm beautiful
But, the pod shows me some else
Yellow and small you see
A regular chick that's me
Why can't I be...

Texas.don.g.nutt59.poem.straight to the top. I go i come from the deepest part of the mudd never ever was a srubb to the top...

Dear love,
How could you do this to me? You hurt me, letting me fall hard into your arms.
I trusted you.
You promised...

I gave my love to a world that never gave it back to me
It's crelties are unmeasured
As Boundless as the sea
And so I asked...

You go open your mouthbut nothing seems to come out.People look at you all the timeand get jealous and don't even know the...
I will end your night if you happen to forget about the way I look at dusk
I will twist your fingers the way your tongue...

Beauty is like a flower,
Fragile yet lovely,
Fierce but calm,
When you pick a flower the beauty can only last so long,

The most powerful word in the world is Jesus.
Simply calling on the name of Jesus we can do many things
Calling on the name...

A place where education isn't so high,
where a country doesn't rely on
the oppressed
to show the corruption of a system...

Roses are red violets are blue
The bees are dying
And we will too
Without there work
There will be no food
So we must all...

I was that one lost sheep and he left the 99 to come find me.
I was broken and you were my healing.
I was an orphan now you...

I'm not one to say there is nothing to be done about this country
But, Yes. It is My Country.
My Country is not of perfect...

The stoner rolls up his weed. As he licks the blunt it hits him harder than before... he's a loner. No ones around to marvel...

You began your life with a simple dream...freedom!
A desire to live as you please!
The day you said no to your creator

I tried to roll the melanin off my skin
Again and again & I couldn't win
I tried to down size my thick thighs

"What would you change?"
This is such a difficult question; one that is full of conflicting ideas. I mean, what would I...

Respect Connects
I respect your religion said no man ever
Our views--differing, but my respect will last forever
It is...

A villain in disguise,
everyone has a little pride.
No tongues of fiery red,
it's all just in your head.
Clouding those in...

the struggle starts when your born in this world as a sinner.the struggle is here to break you or make you.the struggle...

Space can be defined as a room
A Room empty with four walls
A door and window its space
Space is wide or narrow
Space is...

I look into the mirror and hope for a better life. When truly the calm of the storm is right around the corner.

Am I blind still can you see me for who i am,
Always in the shadows of others,
The sad and pitiful truth which is my own...

Traveling afar
A crowded bus
Moonlight bright
A world unknown
Unfamiliar faces
Destruction, despair
Sent on your behalf
I am...

Hamlet speech To be or not to be now that is my question/
Weather to act to or not react and then explain my confession/

Her blood was filled with viruses,
and nothing could be done.
Passed without me even knowing how it came about.
Left with...

The voices that are telling me "no"
they dont know the power inside me
all the things I knew
they no longer belong to me

She is the woman that birth you.
She is the sun to your moon.
Your emotional healer.
She bandages yours wounds.
She is all...

Fly High
Squeezed within a surface
Gasping for air
It's hard to live your own life when someone wants you to live theirs....

Because I love you…
I will never let anything come between us
I will never let anything hurt you
I will never let you be...

Fibronacci Theory of natural priced the begrudged fury swipes
Banter Fodder water downs the spiral
Viral aspects detoxed war...

By ishianna
Why do people blame themselves for a tragedy? That I shall never understand. You have not caused any pain or...

Moles tiny on my face plus one at my right side waist
Marks like tiger claws grazed across my inner heavy thighs
Contrast to...

I become myself,
When I open my eyes. Heard your voice and I took a glimpse of you Every smile stills my heart. I wish I...

I am from boom boxes blasting with music
From Ancho’s chili powder and steamin’ hot beignets
I am from the old Chevy truck...

What Am I Worth?
Just A Fuse Or Dust.
Maybe I Need To Find Ones Self.
Cry Each And Other Day Or Their Just Really Wet Sobs...

As I grow bored
with my daily routine,
I imagine a world
of life and people unseen.
This is a world of nonsense,
of no...

hiding behind the black, and white scene
people always being so cruel and mean
losing all self worth and respect...

Don’t joke about love,
It’s to be taken seriously.
Don’t lie about love,
True feelings shouldn’t be a mystery.
Why would...

On the outside, you see a young girl that tries to fit in,
but there is never a way to fill the void she has with her...

When reality gets too tough,
and my imagination isn't just enough.
I turn to that fantasy world,
the one I've known for...

Sorrow comes in peculiar ways. The father
kneels next to his motionless son, icy tears
rolling down as he grips an icy...

An artist stuck in his works that he's studied for the longest
From his depression to his anxiety to his love for poetry, to...

Being in the state of mind I’m in now, is crazy I never thought I would be the girl who sits in school thinking about what I...

My People talk as if we still are free, the media scoping and molding our mentality. So before we go on with our wrath of...

Ive always loved poetry
Whwn i discovered poetry i was able to express
who i was and how i felt
poetry has gotten me through...

Time to Take
Two roads diverge, I've heard
I haven't seen, for I haven't driven
I've merely gazed, wondered, wished...

Change starts with you, when you change others will follow in the direction you want them to; just stay positive and you'll...

What am I? Some may say a human-being.
But.. I lack emotion on my surface, but it swells in my core.
I laugh with this...

The way she makes me feel
She makes me feel so real
Relaxed in the sun
Now nothing compare’s, she’s the one
Many hate her...

I'm coming out, that is my destiny
To rise above what I call home,
To rise above what Society calls poverty
I am a young...

Walking down the street
Looking for something I don't know
Why don't you try looking for it yo
As long as you don't steal my...

I've never heard such a ruckus,
Even after the rocks, and the hail
panging against the clean window.
Scratching, tearing...

It's been 11 years since he dipped
Left me heartless
It's down rotting in life's bottomless pit

There are two ways to label,
numbers and categories.
Height, weight, and the circumference of the waist divided by the...

You never left my side when I got sick
you pushed in my mind not to quite
When I got sick I put my problems in...

I was just here in this window
waiting for your shadow
Wondering if you'd ever walk this near.
If you never knew
all that I...

A girl alone at a lunch table.
A huge cafeteria, with hundreds of teens.
Each one giggling and pointing fingers.
She tries...

As i look in the mirror i see potential,
A girl with courage, stability and grace,
I will make it, i say,
I will become...

Sticking out like a sore thumb
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know i'm different
Looking for confirmation
Looking for...

If my heart were a train
I wouldn't call her Thomas
Thomas was plucky and steady
And she feels like the shakiest thing about...

My Grandparents are the best in the world
They had a great son and two baby girls
My Grandpa he works as hard as he can

I am leading a warrior’s life.
I am watching survivors and battles.
I had dyslexia and depression.
I had a learning...

“You seek rebellion,”
the lady says to me
Respectfully madame,
i disagree.
Rebellion is no prize i seek
No metaphoric gilded...

There's many out there
But there's none near
I've had a few
But they were'nt exactly like you two
We'ved laughed, walked and...

You saw me as your porcelain doll
your darling girl
Your perfection
but There was an immaculate exception
you thought i was...

people say they know the real rochealle inside and out but what they don't know is that I have secrets and pain within me,...

Your beautiful smile,
Once meant heaven,
Now, it just gives me hell.
The smell of your Old Spice,
Once had helped me breathe...

Expecting a better tomorrow
well assured that it will come
keeping deaf ears to things that discourage
but focusing on the...

I hated running the 400 race,
everyone was starring and giving a weird face.
i knew I had to finish for my team,

yo im so
flawless i go
baldness no fro
real talk fo sho
play in the snow
so flawles yo
yo yo yo yo im flawless, YO...

"The sun enters through the window, caresses the folds of the sheets.
Fingertips that circle your chest, and hands that comb...

From my window I watch them pass by
Small, young, tall, bold
My gaze drifts from their fearul eyes
Injustice, death,...

Tell me your passions. Tell me your fears. Tell me about a time when you were young, reckless, and crazy. Tell me the...

Gone.Never there.It was always like that.I never even met you.But I never cared.And why should I? You never gave me the time...

For most of my life I wanted to be like everyone else.
The want and need got so bad I let it consume me.
The idea of being...

We eat it
We need it
Is it a necessity?
Or is it less to be
As we crave it day and night
Our stomachs choose not to...

Don't, for today will be the last time you give me this excuse.
Don't, because i'm not sure it is an excuse.
Don't, for I ...

When I look in the sky I see a world with no limits
When I look in the sky I see clouds of different shapes and sizes
When I...

Because I Love You my stomach gets in knots when I see you
Because I Love You my heart beats faster when you kiss me...

There are obstacles that one cannot seize
Thats part of my illusive creed
But as long as my Lord over-sees
I shall not be...

I am poor then we should not meet at the first place.
You should start to be friend with me.
You should not help me no...

A sick woman,
Her voice was strained.
Yet to the hearts of man,
A grateful thought remained.
The lyrics question
We are...

I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what it means to feel motivated in something that you really love doing since...

People always tell me to wait a little while longer, life is passing you by and time flying knowing you not getting any...

I am labeled, yet not defined
I am not perfect, but once a week, my page is refined
I am kind,
More like the kind who’ll...

Cool air comes through the vents in a hushed tone
Tough purple knees hit the floor leaving 20 girls sore
During break all...
When you ask “How was camp this year?” my mind freezes.
Time, revolving infinite, shudders, grinds to a halt as I close my...

As I sat in the cold, colorless room,
Tears spilling from my eyes, I think:
'Nobody needs me' and 'Nobody cares'
My friends...

My identity.Begins with me loving me. Sincerely. Accepting freely.Love Purely. The way I am .How I stand .How I walk .How I...

Oh, tell me, tell me what could this be,
Could this be love that enthralls me
Not just any emotion
But confidence, affection...

Once Upon A Time….
A fair princess was born.
And all the land adored,
The little babe adorned.
How soon would she be...

Im walking and its HOT
thoughts driipping off me as if im swimming in them
I feel kinda okay my self esteem is not low

I've heard the stories
And i have heard the cries
The evening howls are deafening
And the lust is ever-growing
Hate is at it...

You have ripped bellbottoms a shaky smile,
The sandy curls that cascade down your back.
You smoke till your lungs go black,...


Consuming the fruit
Of fruitless pursuits
Social online in our rooms
Pose for others
Hope for acceptance
Ferry other’s...

This tale is true and mine.It tells when everything seems perfect but can change in a blink of an eye. Remembering how my...

Today is awesome, so Hold Your Head Up.
No, higher. There you go.
No, don’t put it back down again, hold it up.
I am like the sun
blinding and radiating
everywhere I go.
Throughout my life
I have experienced
hardships and pain...

I smell the burning image of heartsThis day I watch everyone walkA line, into perfection of solitudeI never knew feelings of...

It is my year. My year to be all that I can be.
This can be my year, for all eternity.
My year to be fruitful, my year to...

Dreams cower to no one they fight harder than time, waking to blood in your eyes hearing a voice that makes you hazy. Trying...

In life you either rule or be ruled
I choose to rule, do you?
Life's about having faith, love and hope
What do u have?
Are u...

Thoughts raced around my head
Caring how people judge the way I am
But the wasted energy was for me to only see
The best...

As red rests o my chest,
I know to who, for why, I gave my best.
Not a hint, I will not give a sign.
For I wear my scarlet...

Shh, listen can you hear?
That thing that articulates from there to here
That's my voice that bounces off the walls

I am a young woman with a thirst for an educaiton
The one with a mind
Flowing! Flowing with creativity.
The writer who's...

i had one foot in the river styx
counting change for the boatman
when i woke up
only wet with perspiration
i was mere...

Myself and no one else
I am
A twig under multiple peoples feet
I am not
The strong young lady my mother has raised me to be...

Speak Your Mind Slam
What do i got to say, my head a mess, just a stress
dont want to cross its path, setting your death,...

For a while I live in darkness
For a second I live in the light
I'm lost in my own mind and in this place called earth...

oh dear little girl
what were you thinking
falling for a boy
like that
i know what you say
you loved him
he could have...

I love my boyfriend
i love my fiance
i love my husband
he loves me
he slapped me and told me he loved me
why does love...

Waking up to the crisp air I yawn as the day begins, a shower to put a pep in my step and start a new adventure called...

If it weren't for the cross, then we would still be in our sins. We would be held captive in the chains of guilt, shame, and...

Power in our nations land ,
power in our fathers hand ,
struck those who deceive
and bless those who believe.
Power be in...

I am a figure
Someome people looks up to for an uplift
i am some one you can count on when you have a down day and felling...

Our being, the infinite circle of souls that connects everything on this planet we call Earth
Existing life revolves...

My name is Muhammad and i like it
people have called me terriorist but they are hypocrites
I am peacful and i bring no...

My roots will hold the earth together.
Just like the roots in trees.
That hold the ground beneath.
From breaking apart....

Listen to me, and listen well.
If you dont change, then straight to hell.
Youll burn for eternity, or maybe infinity.

Hardwork loves success
Who is the relative of money
Hardwork strikes a ringing
Cord in success heart,
Hardwork uses its...

Texas.don.g.nutt59.poem.pimped out pimping pen an ink straight hood tipping the scene pimped out on the set the words of the...

I once read that you can either be courageous or comfortable, but not both at the same time... I guess I'm just hoping that...

once just a messenger,
but now someone important.
He is known by all,
the person everyone wishes they could be....

Luke warm was the weather that maybe kept us? And beautiful were the leaves that fell
when he left.
Summer was gone and ...

I was not the only flame beating
I had another which gave me warmth
We grew from each other yet became distant
I grew faint...

I am...
The breath of air in the back of the class you coudnt hear
drowned and caressed in my own fear
a heart which flakes...

Close my eyes..
And drift into a silence
Not to far in do I realize.
There's no boundary, no fence.
To what is now, the...

If I could change anything I would change the law.
I would change the cost of living.
I would make food free to all.
I would...

Life and time is too precious to waste,
Travel around and go to different states,
Find that one that you can call your soul...

Its her the one I love the one I care about with all my heart, Her. She adds the light to my eyes and the beat to my heart...

I guess people think that I'm pretty smart
I do have knowledge, so that's a start
I've learned many things
Things, that are...

I want to choose
but I feel like I'm going to lose.
Who am I
even when I try
I still don't know why.
I feel like we're...

Is the thing I do.
Will always shine through.
It runs through my brains, body, and heart and now it's...

Not planned, and yet not a mistake
My biological felt it was too much on his plate
in search of an escape, abortion was the...

Crystal water and golden sand,
sunshine and peace of mind.
Such a beautiful paradise,
it’s almost easy to ignore the...

Be this poems
Creative means writing are
And for everyone singing
Write listening songs.
Write differently every show

i realized i am better now
and i was proud for the first time
since april
i took down the sheet
that has...

In a world where you see souls instead of bodies, I'd imagine it would be terrifying, painful, beautiful, amazing, and crazy...

At some point in my life,A bitter seed was planted in my veins - Or perhaps it had been there all along,And its roots slowly...

I’m a regular high school kid.There are many things that I have learned up to now.Now that we are putting it all under a lid...

No more hurting, no more suffering.
For in suffering, there is hate, and in hate, there is no love.
Love, is what we need to...

I want a million thousand bills couple masions in the hills.but my people.Dien soldiers in the field.but they...

Kids waking up
Parents going to work
How about you go ahead and suffer under the curse
Why;p--p;p-- it seems so...

All in a free jail
do what I please
when I please
don't even have to pay a fee
All in a free jail
trapped between four...

The pressure of making the top notch grades to be accepted.
The annoyance of people's "advice" telling me what to do with my...

"After high school, I do somely swear to attend college.", I told my dad.
A thought of not going to college never came...

When did it happen
And when did I know?
When I first saw your picture
Or heard your soft voice?
When your eyes first...

Female- Delicate
Lovely- In looks and manner
Artstic- In craft, style, and thought
Woman- Yet strong
Lady- Held in high...

Flawless means a standard of perfection with a set highest point. Flawless means you have no problems. Flawless means me.

Tears are wrongly looked upon,
As something only sorrow.
They show weakness,
Or they show anger.
But truly, tears are meant...

My sister you are
With the soft brown skin and eyes that smile when your lips are plumped and closed
The right height...

Wrapped up in a thick material
like a fragile piece of glass.
Down to my thighs.
Solid black.

Based off my understanding ,
Poetry can reveal, come through pain ,can politely hide, or it can simply amplify anything...

To fight for love is what I do,
To fight for us is what I'll do.
the past , like waves washing up on the present...

If I hadnt gone through what i gone through i wouldnt be me,
I been through what been through but this is still Lee, (...

Oh my lady
Passion now is very different
You’re Condemnation of my heart trembling
While hurt sadness tampering
Between the...

You agreed we could still be friends,
As you said it was over in front of the
Whole school during dismissal.
You ran at the...

Good day. Good morning.
Evening I greet again and yet my words hang l o n g
Maybe short
Like this poetry is something inside...

A year and 8 months spent very well,
A year and 8 months later I am in hell
To say I want you back would not be a lie,
But I...

Poem I Wrote <3
I grew up in a place not most kids called home , I was alone and had to get everything on my own , my...

Creativity is the drug of choice
Addictive and euphoric
Allows you to get lost
In a wonderland forest

Most people think I am a threat to their lifes but others say, yes! you are my key to success. Who is
true? I am the stars...

I hate that I feel like we don't connect anymoreThat we no longer talk the same wayI long for the days when my heart was...

I woke up early in the morning
When I looked out the view was boring
All I saw was old homes and grey cement
No more green...

Father Time
It wasn’t my father but I allowed himYou must understand I had no controlHe was very well structuredAs he stood...

Vines crept out of the brick trail like swindlers
Haunting shadows lurked, whispering wishful sins
Promises of...

People ask me why I stay up all night in the pouring rain or climb on the roof at midnight with a bottle of vodka in one...

Tears that my piers would never hear
With a fear that truth would adhear
the disapointment in my thoughts
but a smile on my...

I refuse to be another number
A social security number on the government computer
Another dead body out on the corner...

I am bright and stained,
I wonder, that if I tell- their minds will wander.
I hear my memories release from their crumbling...

Oh I’m sorry,
Did my originality offend you?
Cuz’ last time I checked
the message was ‘be yourself’
not ‘be yourself as long...

A beautiful pride loitered in the air
The day our dear Americ was born
Ecstasy lit the eyes of her people
Shining as bright...

A body fashioned in all directions
When it glides across the wind
Filled with the white drops of hope
Pain; love.
You were...

Born to be mexican with two great parents and six annoying siblings
My ups and down at six flags
To smile and to glow the...

Starting at herself two unreadable green irises stare back. A naked soul is curled in a fetal position clinging to her knees...

Worthy of symbol
Worth a gallant fight
God' grace unite the brotherhood
Bought at a...

If the world was a classroom and I had the opportunity to teach the young women…
I would initially teach the females...

I seem to love everything, especially my master,
I never really loved myself or understand how.
My heart is so big that I...

Yea I’m the friend you guys are always excited to see,
But truly am I, or is it just the thought that I’m easily...

Lost dreams found in the
time of impeccable innocence
irrelevant to unnoticeable
causes hidden with brilliancefear was a...

My love is a mathematician always counting.
My love is a predator always lurking.
My love is stalk always watching.
My love...

Take my hand baby
You know you drive me crazy
Everything about you is so perfected it's amazing
How do you feel right now...

Who am I to you
A beautiful inpirational women who has hid in the shodows for to long
Who am I to you
Someone who needs...

Here I lay, for the third day
The clothes i'm wearing have yet to be washed
My hairs in a bun
My makeup flushed
Having no...

No matter how long it's been,
the hurt of depression,
and self-consciousness,
lingers with pain.

It’s not perfectBut because I love youits imperfectionIt is the very definitionof perfectionfor me
A gentle squeeze of the...

Through beauteous fields we wanderOur minds free wherever we roam
A rainbow of color surrounds usLuscious petals striving to...

Silver shoes taping backstage
before our perfect production.
The chatter of the cast saying
‘break a leg’.
The swoosh of...

Who am I?
I am the type of girl who is hard to figure out
Who talks about others but never reveals herself
I give advice...

I see the faces
I see them all
Even through the lies and fake laughs
I see the faces
Through their hoods and headphones

The hesitation I had to take this medication, wasn't a celebration because my body
Did not have the proper preparation to...

Stop assuming you know everything. Why lie to me like I’m nothing
Do you even care of what I say and do? Don’t need me,...

To my Former Angel,
I would always look up to you. You were my heaven, my unattainable goal I strove to reach. Everything...

Long time ago, there was the Nguyens.
They traveled far like the shepherds and 3 wise men.
Instead on land, they traveled on...

Beaming Yellow
Layers of makeup coat my anxious cheeks,
Tutus glimmer under the incandescence.
An eerie silence follows...

If not for humility
None would
Seek to humble myself
From day to day.
We are born
Gifts and with faults....

I had a lot of confessions
So poetry became my discretion
Through my rhymes I learned various lessons
That everything was a...

When I was younger the skies were always dark.
The rain followed me everywhere I walked.
The world was black and the sun...

She sees me but doesn't hear me
I say I love you and she says it back
Does she mean it
I can't tell anymore
I don't know...

i will always catch your tears.
and i will never disappear.
i will take your scars,
make them my own, and when i walk you...

These words that sit at the tip of my toungue, feel like bullets coming out of a gun that has just been blasted, this pain...
I will call you Serendipity
Because you always delight me
You make me smile
Even if I tend to be vile
Bring me hope
When I...

Say they give you the greatest joy.
And say their pain cause you the most ache.
Give so much of yourself and

Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still
for once on the face of the earth, let's not speak in any language...

On Wednesday's there is a place
With food, fun and friends astray
I call it the Farmers Market.
There you can find all sorts...

When I met you,
I knew I had fallen in love
For dear God,
I knew he sent you to be my one and only
As we became closer,

I remember the day I went to get
my friend, he was small but, of course I wasn't
any bigger. His soft dense coat was...

I wake up & smoke my cannabis!
Smoking my way out of depression, cannabis.
Smells so good, it’s that fucking...

Potions didn't take it easy on me last night
When the bartender made me feel like a dipsomaniac,
Everything I saw sadly...

Sometimes We don't know how to show our emotions
Sometimes we shine like how the sunshine
The sun can be orange,red, or...

Loneliness Lip's Gave a Silent Scream,
Enveloping the unwary with its silken snare,
Opaque crystals glisten with lifeless...

Today no really knows what love is that it could be something spical
That it comes from the heart not the mind
Love is with...

Behind the smile is another world
An unseen world invisible to many
Dark in the day
And light in the night
Behind the...

She, she knows all of what love is not. It comes to her like a foreign language nobody has ever cared to teach her. She, she...

Everyone has a name.
Everyone has a story or background that they wish to share.
Everyone has a dream or future that they...

Warmth.It envelops my being,like that feeling you get when you pee your pants.They always make sure to keep me from...

Rap, Tap, Dat,
Rap, Tap, Dap,
A Doo Dah Doo Dah Doo Daat Doo!
A Bling, Cling, Ching,
Cha-Ching Cha-Ching,
Do Tat poo wat...

The clock of life is ticking
And my dear the nails of death are clicking
Drumming out the sound, until silence when your...

Why is it that I'm being punished for being honest? I'm not comprehending.
This companionship that we believed to be...

Pay no attention to the girl behind the mask.
There’s smoke in the mirror changing what I see.
I don’t know who I am or even...

I hate to be a bother ,
but i would like to take a second to say happy birthday to my one and only father.
The one who ...

As I consistently remind myself that
for a seventeen year old,
I don't feel as if I'm living up to life's fullest potential...

I'll die in practice to live in the meets
Spikes to rubber, and grass to cleetes.
i will never ever admit defeat
I will...

Love is filled in the air.
No one wants to be lonely.
There will be somebody for you who cares.
You are my one and only....

I see a lot of people going through stuff—
And little things they claim,
I too, have pain.
Maybe, my pain could be bigger...

We are all trapped, stuffed, tooken apart and put in dark place.
We never know why we are here
We hear laughter and loud...

I know i've got an education. For what i have tried to build my path in this worthless foundation. My life is my creation. ...

Was there ever a place the storm had not been?
The storm shrouded everything.
The sea's azure peaks and emerald valleys ...

Dammit! Here i go again
Letting you back in
I should have known you were gonna pull this stunt
Why is it that my well being...

written by a victim of Misophonia
Prevent me from eating dinner with my family.
Make me tear through...

When you truly love someone, their heart is yours.
That one person is your other half.
You always have that spark
That can...

There are moments when I am so in love with life,
When I'm so in love with the person I am becoming.
When I'm so in love...

July is hot, slepping under trees
that smell like skunk
We better wake up the snow has rrived.. i gog o be a
Long Nite...

I hear you, I am listening
Every word exiting your mouth, your soul, your very being
I hear you
But hearing is

In and out
He shows his face
Then shy away as it touches the tips of toes
Rolling away so subtle
Whispering a continuous...

What is change?
Is it a goal?
What is change?
Is it imperfection transforming to perfection?
What is change?
Why do we...

Singing a lament of answers
In the rain of pooling tears.
Experiencing someone stomp
In the puddle of my raindrops.

What would I change?
Id change alot,
But the main thing would be a home,
For everyone no matter who you are,
You will have...

The difference between you and I
is that my experiences molded me into this unqiue individual
I like to call, me.
You see...

Why is it that girls like me aren't allowed to wear what they please
Why is it that the ones we trust most seem to...

My mother had adopted the myth of the black cat crossing the road is bad luck, and when a cat would begin to cross the road...

I was in love. And you were too.we were together, through and through.but you left me alone, Stranded in an ocean of my...

I make mistakes,it's normal, right?So long as you don't judge me,we'll get along. But lately,you haven't been supportive.You...

Quit saying I cannot
Start saying I can
You can do all things
Do all that you can
Can all that you do
The power is in you...

I'm a pest,
And I'm a thief.
Though, I do not mean no harm,
I disturb your peace.
But can you give me my peace?
Can you give...

These words that I avow:
I'm only here now, and only now.
But, soon I'll be gone.
I wasn't born to be anything, I feel it...

Lost, Lost in this Horrifying Night.
As you came close to me you threw the acid.
My face was no longer bright

I want to be remembered
I am aspirannt , determined and driven.
I am a young lady with goals and a dream.
Some may look at...

that smooth chocolate skin, those big brown eyesthat non existant waist and those thick thighs
nice plump lips that encase...

Grey swept the skyline.
Thin fog hovered above the ground.
She knelt down to tuck the seed deep into the soil.

Its a dreamy day of sunshine blue
but cloudy gray of full of sadness to
If it gets any worse then this
We will never...

Rowan Faine
Oh, what a beautiful name...
Dark Brown Skin
Oh, how it glows and gleams...
The Sweetest Smell
Oh, how good you...

I lay on Summer's grass,
Imagining winters contrast,
Everything dies and new life blooms,
The squirels hybernate,
The nuts...

At an early age we are tought that
the U.S. is a utopia, and education is a blessing
but a question still remains.......

Targeting the cities of England, the savages rushed in,And, the sirens started to sound, the young pilots charged to their...

I wake up every morning wondering how I made it to another day
All the strain , headaches , and heartbreaks why stay
I long...

Millions is what I accumulate
And if you’re reading this its too late
Like I always say better late than never
But never...

I know fear and loathing
It takes shape in the form of frothy golden liquid and like fool’s gold it is transparent and...

I ate too much chocolate, they said.
Eating too much chocolate, makes my eyes and hair brown.
Just brown.
But I wanted blue...

Somethimes what we know is so wrong feels so rightWe try to satisfy our flesh only for a nightOur grace our favour our...

Part One: The Lost Boy
Who will cry for the lost boy?
Not the angels
Definatly not satin
Not strangers
Not even...

She smokes her lungs out everyday
hoping one day her lungs would rot away
she smokes the gray mist down
watch as people...
Anger is imbeded deep within my demolished soul
it consumes my body and engulfs it with hatred a resentment
im fadng away...

Crying, lying and fear is what they see and feel.
To want someone to hold them when it gets to much to deal
It takes someone...
You can be lucky and find a girl who
is a hopelessly romantic but also
with a dirty mind.
You should hold onto that....

A sad day amongst the rest
The day he lost a friend he knew best
Lost time can't make up for the things he done

An idle idea.
That's how it starts anyway.
The days turn to weeks,
the weeks may turn to a month or two.

secrets are held for a reason, maybe they dont know but its because of treason. Others say school is easy, but they dont...

We are created Human,Human! Human! Human!To think with our minds,see with our eyes beyond our sights.Breathe the same air as...

The Moment whe you become numb to everythting around and / or the world. It okay, you may react to certain things. But...

Whose life is that? I think I know
Having to grow up early was no fun
Forced to work two jobs and go to school
Forced to be...

If you really want to know me…
I prefer to stay outside of the box-- imagining I’m a fierce
Someimes I put...

All I need is my Bible, my faith in Godpursuing through my blood and enveloping loveFrom the man who taught me to hate, and...

When life begins
And we start to look for who we are in the world
we create ourselves
this distorted image of perfection...

You know I have never figured out why we love.
Is it because we can or because it something that society thinks highly of...

if this is my story
why do I feel like it's yours?
I do not belong to anyone.
sometimes I wish to
be a part of...

When I walk, heads turn
"Who is this girl with all the confidence in the world"?
Lift my head high, you would'a swore I was...

I hope you look through these steel bars
realizing your mistakes are
part of who you have become so far.
As a menace to...

If I could change one thing,
it would be the process of educating.
I would change the way we learn,
because tests really...

Dear Mi Amor,
All it took was a pie
And two little girls playing way up high
Every day was a day our friendship grew

I like to think I'm strong
I used to be smart
I used to think I had some feelings bottled in this heart.
Maybe I used to be...

She looks him in the eye, but can't bare it.
He reaches for her face but she looks away.
"I love you" he whispers

The beuatiful glistening liquid,
Such a turquoise shade,
moking my facial expresions
as I stare into the cup,
I pick up its...

I am the rain, I pour out as please on
anyone who's there
I am the the trees, layers and layers of
secrets hiding the core...

Who Am I? You ask
Well if you must know,
I am part-time,
I am all cold.
There's a part of me that beckons,
Beckons for...

they say life is all about the struggles,
bt i say no u dont have to struggle when you have goals to achieve,
you have all...

There are many adjectives to describe me--
I'm not the averaged colored crayon in the bin.
Soccer and track; sports in one...

The power of the kings is a life of solitude
Always existing with the endless flow of eternity, utterly alone
But I haven’t...

In Your Image I am who I am because you are who you are. My heart is big because Yours is even greater. My mind thinks the...

Now all she does is stare into space
Thinking about what used to be
Looks like the life was sucked out of her face
If only...

Everytime I open my eyes there's a battle
So focused on physical, yet spiritually doubting
We as a community have the wrong...

browsed through selections ,to get a question so epsent, who sent it, must be a majestic magic, bury i the phantom next to...

“Stop being so shy.”
“Be more social.”
“You need to step outside your comfort zone.”
Some of us, we cringe reflexively at...

One job may change my life you say,
one has changed my life I know
It's just a small farm and home store,
though most days...

You used to excite me, I was always so happy
I was never perfect neither was you
But when your vibe changed I realized who...

I am not static, I am ever-changing.
I do not lack growth, I am always rearranging.
I will not be defined by my race,...

The Me Unseen is a me who is keen
One who lifts up spirits
But is only just a teen
The Me Unseen is one who has a bite

What people don't realize
This world is too short for us to be wasting our time
Some of us out here fighting, stealing, and...

Oh Chicago, how you eat its young with passion in the night.
Oh Chicago, how you reveal a love soliloquy from Frank himself...

All alone,
hiding from the unknown.
The lavender on my skin,
is not as sweet as the color promises.
It stings, and the red...


First it was the day met
Then to our endless conversations
Our first date to first kiss
Two weeks in and went down hill...

I look upon the stage, the one I once fell in love with.
The stage that shinned my true potential out
I walk onto this...

As the first snowflake falls
All you can do is recall
The precious times you have seen
Moreover, think of the most wonderful...

My world is becoming cold like a tomb
All my dreams are turning to be just illusions
My faith on life is slowly draining

Because I love you…
I will call you every chance I get.
I will never forget about the times we have together.
I will be by...

ENOUGH!Cry! You cryFight! You fightI’m trying to make things rightBabysit? Hell no! got two kidsBut you a grown as man-get...

The washerwoman turns to me and asks,“Did you hear about Damalis?”Our hands dip into the cool river waters,Cold linen draped...

Broken homes, broken dreams.
Cracked cement, cracked skin.
Dirty floors, dirty hands.
Children in despair, parents working...

i go outside
play around and i dont get tired.
i fight with my fist,
and i get hurt but there is no pain.
I build a house,...

"You're a strong Black Woman!"
People would say
as they watch her carry
weighty bags like an overworked mule
The title,...

It’s the sound of my fingertips
tapping against computer keys,
the sound of the wheels in my mind turning,
the sound of my...

Chapped lips
Pale face,
Little World
Big mistakes.
I may seem troubled from your point of view
But I have no regrets.

I'm fifteen for a momentlife full of drama,you would think you were on an elevatorwith little kids pushing just about every...

Who am I to hide behind
a dark red curtan time after time?
Who am I to act as if
I really don't have anger fits?
Who am I to...

I miss the swings in the playground.
Watching all my friends running around.
Pretending to be who we wanted to be....

Imperfect, heart broking, and helpless
Those words do not define me
There are just a stage of my life
I am sure not where I...

He sits waiting, thinking how everything went. Clenching onto the arm of the chair inpatiently. Watching the clock tick tick...

I have this flame that lives within me.
I call it passion.
My biggest dreams would be nothing without it.
And neither would...

Quiet, they say.
I grew up in a strong set of beliefs. No need for conflict.
“Know your strengths.” I listened; I am...

Leaning on northIn-brace scaling truckOf a whiten tree…….. RattlingA thinly narrow light is strayed from the...

Brings warmth to my soul, and I wonder why in the world I ever let you go
Or why I stopped calling you, why I didn’t just...

Hidden away
Scattered amongst the city
Are kids that yearn for parents
Pupils that yearn for a teacher
As they fantasize...

I am the future. I use my mind to change the world and to make a difference. I walk the streets and to realize were i am...

Carpet, I’ve lain on you all these years
Yet you still hold me up
I’ve cried my anger unto you
Yet you still soak it up as...

Once upon a time there was a widow
Who fell in love with a widower.
The widower had a daughter
The same age as her two girls...

Africans, Mexicans, Indians, Eskimos, Ricans,
Indians, Chinese, Anglos and so much more.....
Thats America to me. Not the...

I am a Black woman
That is full of white folk
With riches and small talk
That a Black person can't stand
Black slaves with...

Poetry is a gift from God.
Given to us as a way of expression.
A way to express our heart and mind.
Whether on a page or...

people keep wondering what the definition of love is. some say its when two individuals have strong feelings for each other...

Title: Breadcrumming
Breadcrumming, drumming, drumming
Fleeting on my wings feet running
Its sunny, sunny, sunny
Each morsel...

They Ask Me: Why So Personal?
I Reply: Cause Life is Real It's Hard to Tell Life Is Hell, Heaven and Even a Sea Fails.

All you see, is all about me
The life I live is the life to succeed
Me, me, me, it is I on top
For power, for money, I’ll do...

My Way
My past is filled with sorrow.
i try to hide my emotions
from the rest .
it has always been My Way.
I have done...

"All my love is in you your Word unshaken"
Daily we step out to the world
Daily our mind travels with words
Renewed with...

Will I ever receive love?
Will I ever receive a home?
I could make a great friend
I could be your best friend
I have...

I sit motionlessly, watching the bright rays of light dim over the horizon. I can hear the soothing sound of the waves...

What to say to the ones who feel small,the ones who are hungry,the ones who have no home, whose everyday battles without an...

Cars,clothes,money is what all people want i suppose but never think abut al the drama it could bring.Dont get me wrong life...

The Legend of the Illimani and Mururata,
a story of mountains in which,
takes place in the middle of the Andes,
in a...

Sitting here feeling empty, not understood, an all alone.
Completely gone off to a place unknown, wandering through trying...

Dear America,
Look past your built in pools,
There are kids lonely and afraid beyond them,
They have seen life sized doll...

Raindrops, Raindrops
Tiny little raindrops
Falling from the sky
Dropping on the leaves
Looks as fresh as a morning dew...

Manipulative and condesending
He controls every aspect
Of every situation
Targeting the most sensitive
Yet highly...

Her name is not what matters.
Our first encounter was on my 12th birthday.
Her magnificent tune chimed throughout the house...

ok this isnt really a poem but just a way for me to vent my emotions for those who can relate
i saddens me that i cant cal...

Stop trying to change me.
Stop trying to rebuild me.
I am who I am.
I may be different,
But sometimes different is good.

Success to a man
Is like food for a dog
He wants it
Nourishes it
Cradles it
And loves and basks in it
Sucess means...

The world is heavy when your in a Black Man, in a Black car, outside of a Black house, in a Black neighborhood, in a White...

Why? Why must you be created? Why did you have to become a scar? A scar that is forever burned in my memory, forever...

There are many adjectives to describe me--
I'm not the averaged colored crayon in the bin.
Soccer and track; sports in one...

i maybe not be perfect,but i know my flaws...
im beautiful no matter what...
im a individual ...
and one of these days im...

These weeks move like minutes
These days like seconds
I gotta value my time 'cause time is of the essencne
Lost in the...

I sat in the ashes today
And even then I ascend down the stairs
And when he and his bonnie came again
I whisked him askew...

When did it happen
And when did I know?
When I first saw your picture
Or heard your soft voice?
When your eyes first...

Pag narinig mo ang salitang mahal kita Mula sa aking dilaDila na kayang sabihin sayoNa dakila kaNa mahalaga kaNa espesyal...
And now here I am.
Struggling to connect to a place.
A place my parents called home,
In this foreign land.
I watch a man...

Five score years ago
Martin signed
the emancipation proclamation
A great beacon of hope
he ,
was to millions
but in billions...

The Journey
Sometimes life feels so hard and heavy
Maybe even sad.
It happens...
Maybe you take a drive to the top of a...

Jefferson was no man of equality
spitting lines about freedom
and individuality
while holding the chains
of my brothers and...

Feeling Quite Beautiful
He said:
“Don’t blink, don’t cry, don’t smile, don’t try.
Don't. Be. You.
Nobody likes a girl with...

In a world where compassion is our strongest suit,
we choose to let judgement get in between and all the way through.

She stands strong as a stone but delicate like a rose
Strong as the wind comanding the waves but soft as the gentle spring...

To realize the beach is arriving soonI can barly see over the herizonTo see the bright blue skysThat reflect beautiful ...

I think you took something from me
I don't want it back:
The fire in my heart,
The music in my eyes,
The sea inside my...

I find you all so funny. How easy you can play with my heart. I’ve been through so many boys.
Not sex but experiencing what...

My life starts on a mountain;
where there is grass, trees,cows,farmers and mothers
every morning making coffee and cookies...

Ekse higher power! We've seen it all.
We get it. Well atleast i hope we do
Eh bafethu, stop it.
We are dead.
War, rape,...

Dear Future,I want to take time to say this nowBefore things get too complicated andI don't have time to sayThat I'm glad...

Kevin Smith
Started as a small task soon turned mission. No bread rising my brains heated standing in this kitchen. Recipe I...

I walk up and around the halls
surrounded by people
whose faces are
made to portray the masquerade
they put on...

I became grown-up
Much quicker than many
I was only 13
When they found a tumor in my belly
Technically it was in my ovary...

When I'm on my bed sinking
Into my sheltered mind thinking of my past
Watching the words that written
With golden...

So many things happening around me and it just amazes me how God just continues to keep his hedge of protection around me...

Ten years ago when I was seven,
All I ever wanted to was a teen.
I’m seventeen.
I always thought it would be different.

They say a year can change a person,
Let’s try to envision,
A pretty princess in her bed,
Crying over decisions,
Wishin’ a...

The positive inside me trys to revive me.
All I can do is think about the life around me.
I let it be known with the notes...

I love you.
You might as well know.
I didnt want it to be true.
But all the butterfly crap,
That's real.
I used to pride...

When you were dying, I was dazed yet ambushed.
We were fusing, and I got cold feet.
Who knew I wasn't cunning, firm, nor...

I'm having one of those days
Where every insult I can tell myself
Is rolling around in my head
I'm not smart enough
I'm not...

Poem I Wrote <3
I grew up in a place not most kids called home , I was alone and had to get everything on my own , my...

It's not the fall that kills you,
It's the landing,
One step, One mistake, one moment,
Cords and rope do little,

It's Senior year and its supposed to be about cheer. Yet i cry everyday i have to wake up. Dreading going to a...

When down comes the sun,
Up comes the moon.
As the stars shine brightly down on the children of the world,
They go to their...

Love is a gate that many of us want to enter
with a code that many of us seem to forget
But #BecauseILoveYou, I seem to...

I'll spread myself across this page.
be present a pound the stage .
maybe then my memory won't fade.
my life no longer a...

I am a soldier, a guide for man.
what do you see when your eyes stretch upon the land.
Sadness,pain but there is beauty...

Changing heart, changing mind.
Stuck in the past is a thing of the past.
experimentation, opening doors, broadcasting...

My great grandfather lived part of his life
in a cave
in Mexico
as an orphan.
Living within rock walls
he learned

Mist fall upon the roses in the field and the greenish grass grows greener and rouse in a blissful uproar
Knowing something...

The body that u live in doesn't define your mind
The amount of fat and no fat on you doesn't define who u are
Your thoughts...

You saw me sitting hear you'd think that i would be something
something that doesn't involve physical labor
Maybe a office...

Head in the clouds, I see skyscrapers
below, the ocean seemed crystal clear,
so i search the deep blue waters and,...

Got them haters waitlisted for later. Got them weighing me down like a bunch of favors.
I be in theweight lifting room,...

Because I Love You
“Because I love you”
Is a beautiful phrase
It means more than life
And it should never be used in vain...

What if all my dreams came true?
Then I'd scream to the world
and tell them they can too.
What if all poverty in the world...

In today's world,
We tend to let society label us.
But yet we do nothing to stop it.
We let titles be placed upon us and it...

Sneakers are Art
Not to be hung on walls,but worn on feet
in a variety of forms,
Giving me freedom,
Like an artist and his...

If I run across the moon, Can I be your best friend?
If I touch the blazing firey sphere, Can I be your best friend?
If i...

I'm beyond what I use to be before
I look at life way different now
Trying to find the real me, its starting to feel...

I have been judged about my troubles but do you not care to listen about my struggles that cause a knott in my stomach , an...

Staring at myself in the mirror pointing out my flaws
Sobbing on the inside wandering if I will ever be stunning
At 15, I...

Where do I start,
This thing that I should do.
Where do I start,
With people that have never known you.
Where do I start,...

I just really need a clean slate
I done messed up so much
I just really need an escape
I desperately miss your touch
I need...

I could hear the devil singing his victory song.
The waves of fear and doubt are crashing over me. I don't have the...

Aye, it’s time for a recap
Rapper Kristen in the house,
Now let’s hit it!
Y’all take notes from my amigo Hayek.
Say’s new...

Im judged becouse of my skin color..
But to me it doesn't matter..
You try to kill my generation..
Fear of building my own...

Music pulsatesin time with my heartresonating through my bloodrattling my bonesWords flowthrough my fingertipsdripping...

the calm silence covers my ears, my eyes taken over by bright lights, i see nothing but faris wheels, and prizes for my...

Stay strong for yourself and others,
Make life worth your time,
When you look at the sky it shines so blue,
Have you ever...

The Thing About The Crave Is That It Is Unpredictable
The Unknowing When Are Able To Fulfill It
Everyone Craves For...

Sometimes it’s hard for me to function
Jhene Aiko keeps me from crumbling
She told me you gotta keep going
All I need is...

one job...may change my life
Who could ever make a true statement to me?
saying that i can never choose what i will be!
Oil perculates from the deep yellow skin,
a false smile perfereates deep from within,
the heart feels like this could be a...

Seeing my self in 25 years?
A nurse.
To get there listening to my teachers is key.
Smells of students smoking linger.

Why stay in the darkness when you can light up the night?
Why stay hidden when your eyes can shine?
How do you not know how...

Chest concaving,
Every ounce of blood burning.
Vision blurred, eyes engulfed.
Sadness I had never known.
Your soul had left...

There is a world much like this one.
A world I couldn't live without.
One where everything is right for me.
One crafted so...

Thinking that she is invincable
She dances in the Jaws of Death
She picks plack from the creature's teeth
She dares it to...

I use plenty of filters on my selfies,
although my mouth could use a few itself
I'm the type that talks too much,
swears too...

I can only imagine what the day will be like, when I see Jesus face to face and see the one who came and died and rose again...

Mothers, talking the bottle warmer or the nob that starts the washing machine. The mothers Brickell, Clorox queens, mattered...

You look at me. I look at you. You look at your feet. I look at.. it. What is it? It is everything but also nothing. What is...

Beauty resides everywhere on our Mother Earth
Beauty comes in all different shapes and forms
Beauty is pain, beauty is...

There is a thing of all things that is posed
My head is hurt in a bad ill way
The brain I have is sure to stop and rot

I remember being 13 one time.
I played Bright Eyes all afternoon,
and actually cried.
A beautiful girl told me that she ...

The year I was born, was the year I chose my path of life
I chose the anger and strife I would go through
I even chose the...

You’re showing up everywhere nowadays
I’m seeing pieces of you in everything I do
Every breath, every step, every thought...

My life, defined by a roller coaster of trials and tribulationsLike the prisoner, thrown in a lion’s pit, unprotected and...

To walk with no shoes on thick cold ice,
It's the feeling of been stabbed over ten thousand times.
What were to happen if...

What if we change who we are.
What if started to appreciate what we have.
What if we showed people we do care
What if

lets not hate but be great and establish a great american state and worldly state, put the weak hate down and make the...

We look in the mirror and see a thing,
We are so set on what this thing should be,
The hardest realization that goes through...

The epitome of selflessness dogs see past imperfections.
If you need them theyll be there with unlimited affection.

So lost, still lookingWhere's the never found?I gaze with fixed eyesThis dark quest has me cemented My heart is dementedMy...

America, The country of genocide, suicide, homicide
America, The country of proslavery, bravery, not savoury
America, The...

She Knows that she' Need And Wants to Be Accepted So She shows off her assets, grinding Twerking Seduceing The Dudes,but all...

I am a Leader
I am Determined
I put my mind to something and I succeed
I am Kind
I am Friendly
I never judge someone by what...

Predestined for greatness
‘Cause of God’s love and favor
Still I work hard, no doubt
‘Cause that’s what I’m all about

Being A Hispanic was hard
The black sheep they say, the same but different
Looked at ashamed by the ones we call our people...

Dont take me getting myself together for granted
I acquire a lot of attention , I'm very needy and just want to be love
I ...

I miss you so
when you are gone
I cling to the memories
of laughter
of times left untarnished
by falling out
it wasn’t...

I have not found the anchor to my soulBut many tell me its not what I think it is.They tell me that its all around me But I...

concerts blasting so loud you can barley hear,
screams of the crowd, everyone dancing,
splashing in the pool,
having noodle...

I sigh breaths of fire
And spark static from my core
I leave ashes where I stand
And singe this very floor
I swallow...

Approaching The Stars
Leaving The Atmosphere Becoming Closer With God
Vibrations Of Manifestations Manifested Out Of The...

Voices fill the air
People often walking by each other and stare
Society so quick to judge, but don't know what lies with...

If I could change a thing,
It would be that we all live in equal harmony.
World peace seems cliché,
But what can I say...

I walked down the aisle
Wearing a pretty smile
I woke up in the morning
And found a wish by my side
Everything seemed so...

Bring back the old land
the one we used to be proud of
like the times we still uphold our own values
when we still care for...

Godspeed to the little girl whose heart just melt
just stopped announcements to her brain
She just split her body into two...

Long time ago, there was the Nguyens.
They traveled far like the shepherds and 3 wise men.
Instead on land, they traveled on...

If time would rewind I would change a lot
The day my mother was lying down in that spot
Shots were fired in the morning...

the Awesome mother of three, was crazy indeed
she runs all day chasing, playing, and frolicing in every way
messes, spills,...

A poem is something I didnt think of as money
But when you think about it my words can be as sweet and cunning
So why not...

texas.don.g.nutt,59,poem,river,flow,row row row your boat gentley down the river flow stream its the rock the roll the shake...

Things have changed
life, divine grace
all day long, we will reign
My life transformed
looking through the word of his grace...

Nothing but a pretty face to the masses,
A smiling face with a steely gaze,
Moments of weakness and the nations last hope;...

I came with one expand my education in math and science,
I only meant to get good grades and pass my classes...

The same thoughts are on repeat every single day.
Should I end it now?
Should I wait for nature to take its course?
It'll be...

Walking the dreams of something that will never come true
Why love when you know rejection is on the way
When a boy is going...

Born to be unloved.
Made to be broken.
It’s tough love and shoves.
Quick slaps whenever miss spoken.
Made to be broken....

I grab the mic with the quickness to vision whats scripted, im ignorant sometimes beligerent, but most unconsiderrate on how...

She calls us “petulant, self-indulgent”
My voice cracks
Society says we’re hot for now
Look at all the new inclusive media...

I might not live to take in my next breath,But as sure as jesus walks I'm tryna take my next step,Just knowing I'm closer to...

What I was Thinking Sinking to the Bottom of That PoolDear Old Sport, I am one of the few honest people that I have ever...

The most important thing about my grandpa is that he will aways love me.
He also never stops joking, touching peoples' lives...

If you knew just what I knew
About him and his boo
And what they tried to do
To make me look like the fool.
They met me on...

People being together is an odd thing, stranger in a digitized
environment/in-between Facebook messages, Twitter retweets

I find you all so funny. How easy you can play with my heart. I’ve been through so many boys.
Not sex but experiencing what...

Sold at an expensive cost
Very easy to crush
For some easy to get
Still very easy to crush
In you I...

My mind is my timemachine.But its different from others'. It's sources of energy are nostalgia, hope, but most importantly...

Opportunites are diguised by hard work so some people decide to look over it. They're to lazy to see its right...

pins to the paper making my thoughts bleed
wondering when the world is gonna kill me
to much heart ache and misery

pop goes the pistol through my head
I lay in the bedroom unspeakably dead
No one will ever think about my body...

Beat goes on-
Corner crack house where hoes with cracked teeth get the taste smack out they crack mouth
Till the point they...

I think the first time I noticed that love tears us apart
Was when I finally experienced it first hand
It can be a beautiful...

My Mother was born of Apache blood
She was taught to respect the earth and her people
To honor the traditions and remember...


What would you consider calm?
Maybe a tropical palm
Or a vibrant butterfly on an infant’s
Sprouting hair
Yet even a single...

Dear First Love,
I’d rather be anywhere but here,
Here where I sit,
Here where i wait,
If I could be anywhere
I would not...

What is a stress
For one we miss force
And that beat Lagos
Lead to miss strong
Let me express a stress
By explanation of...

Look up into the sky, young man,
after a night of your worst ordeals
and place that star between your palms
the single...

Who the fuck am I, you asked.
I think the real question is who the fuck are you?
What makes you think you have the right...

In Your Arms,
I've been set free,
In a world full of sin.
In your arms,
your love saved me,
There is no turning back,

All I Need by Melia Candelaria Your lips, your eyes the way you smile at me when we brush fingertips in the store as we...

Here thy lie son of the great unkown.
Born out of the land with no chance nor hope.
Father surpases the many conflicts in...

Technology can make a person look fake or even plastic
Changes your facial feautures oh lord the changes is drastic...

If I could change anything I would change the school system. In Ohio we are being bread to become factory workers. The...

My Life is not simplemy life is not extraordinary for it is stressfulfor it is lovingfor it is pain my life has meaning ...

You like what you see? I like what you do
Don’t just stand there baby. Why won’t you make a move?
I know you’re not very...

The stress of you pushing your weight all on me
it's so unfair i just want to be free from your cruelty
the pain of your...

Skin so soft, color so unique
Will I take this paint brush and alter a masterpiece?
My reflection says no, My insecurities...

who am i
i am me
me is who
i am
with out make up
is where i feel more me
no fliter nor effect
can effect
my personality...

In the crowd of strange faces,
Your seemed familiar.
I did not know you,
But you looked similar.
You were my distraction,

Air fresh with excitement,
Breeze flowing through the trees.
The sun’s rays kissing my skin,
Leaving me with a...

Trees surround A field of waving grassStars wink In the dark of the nightSmoke Moving freely through the twilightFilling...

For everyone it means a different meaning
To have the sucess
But becuase it is different
That is what is making it unique...

Has anybody found courage?
You do this everyday and just don’t know the definition
It is easier than addition or even school...

You think that I’m playing
And just being Asian
Acting like you run the world
Pasteurizing this little girl
Well guess what...

Everyone is BEAUTIFUL.
FLAWLESS is unattainable;
GOD is the only being of Perfection.
He created us, in...

There's something poking my stomach
A sharp angry pain
It's hard to cope with
Maybe if I lie still it will subside...

Your boldness, Your Heart
Your soul, Your art
All of you, which gives all of me.
Your intelligence, Your brain
The way you...

Somone so special and so unique as if god made her just for me
our eyes lock on to eachother as we go through the journey of...

I’m 6’5’’, wear size 16 shoes, built like a bull
That bull’s name is Ferdinand and his flowers are computers and video...

You put yourself on a pedestool
When in reality you are lower
Than the dirt you walk on
Pride will only take you so far

The baby sits on my whomb
I cry as I lay on that tomb
No heart beat
No movement
What has my body done to you my sweetest?...

If I find you
will you make me feel secure
and never let me go
Will you stick by my side
help me grow
through my lifetime...

I'm very settled with my life.I go day by day.Each day,I make it a little further then i was.
Work 5-10 on weekdays,And 8...

Bestow upon me thy wings,
So that I may fly, soar, crash, burn, rise
covered in blood and feathers
forever keeping in mind...

The bell tolls, and from its brazen lungs no elated chord is breathed.
The bell tolls when Death here reigns victorious,...

I was tiny, I was crying,
The smiles were all shiny.
I saw a man and his wife,
It was my first day of life.
The first pretty...

There was once I felt lonely, and at times I felt hopeless.
It's in those times I wondered where you were or where you went...

Have you ever stopped to just watch time pass before you
On a quiet Summers day
Not many do
To busy with petty wants and...

What I want is just a dream
To others, that is not what it seems
I want better for myself
I want love for the nation
What I...

Life is like music
It has its ups and downs
You have to go with the flow
And get in the rhythm of both
Life is like a...

Loneliness is a phase where people are
Surrounded by the world
The world twirls
With the lonely right in the middle
Like an...

Stress, pain, sweat and tears.
For a moment of either,
Making it or breaking it.
Climbin the paltform,
Wet and slick.

BeesBees buzzing all aroundFlying everywhere in townHoney sweet honey is what they makeAs sweet as a piece of cakeWhen...

I went to great America
I ate a meal of fries.
I went on a roller coaster
i didn’t puke... big surprise!
in and out, up...

Out of the womb and here I bloom,
Mom I know this hard, but college is here.
I want to go out of state, don’t think I’m...

Love is Shady, Love is Tragic Love is suppose to be affectionate, a motivation, a drug, a disease but all I got...

I was raised to be proud, confident, to embrace full.
To ignore the mugs of the brighter skin, Living Melanin.
To wear my...

When you look at me, what do you see?
Is it the dark complexion of my skin
Or the fullness of my lips
Is it the way I...

Who are you? You help make me, you birthed me , but who are you? Did you meet any of my friends, were you even there for...

Terror, my terror…
It’s making me crumble
Liquify me, making me becoming gloomy
It’s alone, it’s alone…
Walking like the...

I am a combination of two histories
One makes me who I am
The other shapes who I'll be
Both make me the kind of Zuni I am...
Their warm and furry.
Soft to the touch and one look in their eyes makes you fall in love.
They bark, meow, chatter, and...

At the start, it wasn't so clear
We met each other, with drinks of beer
I lost my phone, you gave a call
And that's what...

I open my mouth with words ready to express
All that escapes are jagged chokes that fade into the atmosphere.
She verbally...

Education is the key to success
and school is the lock !
You can not open a lock without a key
You can not pass a test ...

The subways in New York remind me of our minds
How each thought can rush past us
How life can be such a blur because we are...

Invisible feelings
The frozen river you can’t see,
It flows through your eyes,
How delicate it may be you won’t feel it,

I’m not handing checks because it’s not season
Can’t trust the government, better call it treason
I operate for my own...

Oh my lady am really honest
Of all I have met you are the finest
Your glow engulfs,every single moment
the best touch is...

You tell them the truth , your secrets. You let them fall right through. Misjudged them as somebody you can trust , then...

All i need is maybe my cellphone
or a couple of other things. You
tell me im stuck on this island and
can only bring one...

My heart is conflicted
I feel bemused to begin with
I feel treed inside
Like what is freedom if my heart cannot enjoy it

Behind Walls
Like Martin Luther King, I too have a dream
That I can stop hiding behind these walls that now trap me.

When I look in the sky I see a world with no limits
When I look in the sky I see clouds of different shapes and sizes
When I...

All of the pain, sweat, and tears come down to this
The bonds built will be tested
It wont be easy
But the reward will be...

From the first moment I learned of you, my heart became a spook
A little life inside of me, how amazed I was with you
I was...

Blink onceWhy did you do that?Blink twiceWho screwd you over? Or instead, who have you screwd over?Blink a third timeWhat...

I've been down this path before
Seeing all familiar faces.
So many thoughts that I have had
Never met these dreadful...

Why be so fake?
That only creates hate?
You lose all of your so-called friends;
And have no fate.
Now why you wanna do that...

waking up
hair awry
you look up, and stare at the ceiling breifly
It's a new day
The sun streams in like crystal beams from...

Written by: Juwuan Dennis
We the people.
Land we people live on.
Live on and let live.
To waste time is throwing away a...

A woman says she wants to be a homemakerThe Union Says NoA woman says she wants nothing more than to workThe Union Says No

Go to college,
Get Married,
Be Happy.
Laugh until it hurts
Scream with delight
Have tears stream down from joy
Not terror...

I pray you see me.
I pray you see me as I see you.
Like the rays of the sun shining on the Earth.
Your light is the...

I eat, breathe and think school.
Because others may not be able to.
It is clear that society does not value...

This something that is so pure
yet so deadly
and one cut is all it takes
Wounds that will never heal
with reasons so paper...

Once upon a time, in a faraway land,
There lived a boy named Elliot.
Elliot was a kind and gentle boy,
And he lived in a...

The raindrops fall like tears on my cheek
He broke my heart and now I can't breathe
It's like I saw all of the signs, but it...

No one knows me better than i know myself
And what i know, can either kill me or save me
from heartache.
I know that you...

The dog lays cuddled in the corner of the lit house
enjoying the warmth from the comforting fire.
Occasionally a hand...

My life, defined by a roller coaster of trials and tribulationsLike the prisoner, thrown in a lion’s pit, unprotected and...

the person you don't know ?
the person you don't want to know
she is trying to reach out to you
she want you to understant...

The world is full of suffering,cries of mercy
Children, women and men cryingThey just need peace,freedom and unity

I thought you were the one, but I was wrong
I thought you were able to bring me down the stars and the moon, but I was...

All i want to do is become successful,
All i want to do is tell my mom she doesn't have to work anymore,
All i want to do is...

Although it seems to be in the trees,
or maybe that sun, or birds, or bees,
that make us all feel a bit more alive,
I think...

The parallels of wooden window frames
Race up the sides of luminescent figures
While the blinds sway microscopically in a...

Demons go up to me suddenly talking nonsense,i am like God is this real?He nods and says revelation apocalypse, so i kneel...

Judging her by the way she looks thinking you understand her but in her eyes she’s misunderstood by others like you… These...

I have wallowed in my pain
I have seen the worst and best
side of me.
I was lost, running on a beaten path
this was a life...

They don't understand because they don't live with you.His hate for you has progressively gotten stronger.Days become longer...

Beating the heat and fighting my body during marching season.Making it to most prestigious marching band competition, AREA....

words unspoken,unheard
ayli’u na ayskxe mi te’lan
i want to say it but I’m scared
that they’ll mean the world to me

SLAM!, another one: Blackie, Skinny, flat-chested, BAM!!: insult after insult, a wave of emotion pierce through my body.Will...

Go to school, get a degree, maintain a successful career, fall in love, get married, and you know... live the American...

Friendship blooms in the most beautiful way
It's everything about you that makes me stay
I love you for humor, your...

I see them talking to each other, smiling with pure joy
I know I can join in and be the same,
I know I could contribute to...

What would a phone do without a battery?
A phone is lonely without a battery
It's useless without power running through

It's not the fall that kills you,
It's the landing,
One step, One mistake, one moment,
Cords and rope do little,

My Dear Uncertain Heart,
People call us insecure, “Nothing there”, they say as they walk past.
They try their best to wear...

You see me as an athlete
I see me as powerful
You only see me active
You never see me still
I'm not who I seem to be

My mom is the north star
She shines bright in the darkest time
She will help you fnd your way
When you are lost
She will...

As I travel down the cool summer road, with the moon piercing through the cloudy sky.
Shining down its soft rays, the...

You are known to be in the heart of NASCAR country.
Your name is legendary like the great pass in the grass.
You gave Dale...

Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest. Music heals the heart and makes it whole. Music...

Even though I said I would never devalue myself or my wealth I for got within I was beautiful truthful. Im scared because...

The art of music quite defines
The social spectrum that’s divine.
Our broken world has suffered pain
That Eco friendlies can...

Four walls and a register ....That never fails to show's inner most partsFlawlessTis truly a wondrous form of...

Without a tongue how do we speak
Without love how do we feel
Without lungs how do we breath
Without faith how do we hope...

We were destined to be friends.It was as if the universe brought us together, and said you two need each other in your...

I could never see what I want to see in the heat of the moment
All those unspoken promises that never been broken
Refill my...

It was a dark night
With only one dim street light
Driving down the dirt road
That December night, it snowed
I pulled into...

My Grandparents are the best in the world
They had a great son and two baby girls
My Grandpa he works as hard as he can

bitter quarrel
bribed by sweet words
spoken from a man
veins that no more carry
deoxygenated blood to my heart ...

Soul of Darkness
Eyes don't lie
Heart filled with hurt
Mind filled with dirt
Lips always curled into a smile
Mouth filled...

I'll start the story off with, "There once was a man." Actually that's not true. There once was a boy of who's time to...

Forever? always. Often? never.
Often? peace. Forever? Terror.
These are the questions we often answer.
But those answers...

this child is my slavery and
blessing that has cursed me
a rite to life, robbing me of my gold
too damn selfish to be let...

By: Alejandro Barranco
Years have passed
Not one step has been made outside of this room
This small room
...Where am I?...

Every person is just another risk.Recyclable, used, stomped on all in the name of insincere apology.Thrown in the unwanted...

My flaws tell me one simple fact:
I am not perfect
My feet, my nose, eyes, hair proportioned
all wrong-apparently I’ve...

Oh so cold
It makes you want to fold
The stars so bright
It gives an amazing sight
It is fun to see your breath
But makes...

Stranded on an island, how can this be?
Do I need my tea, my skis, or my stuffed bumble bee?
The one thing that I am...

Hey their we need to talk.
Im hear to tell you that I need to let you go.
I have to let you go .
i can’t deal with you...

"New Start"
Beginning of a new start.
Dated a dude calling me sweetheart
Of course, I fell for his trap
Put up with one...

We’re the cause of our own problems, we control our own fate
We should learn that life’s a lesson, before it’s way too late...

I am for sure not the typical girl
It is hard being me when society is trying to change me.
Instead of getting wasted on a...

My quote is from the song “Coming Down” written by the hard rock band Five Finger Death Punch. The song is dramatically...

My mother chose the bottle over my bus fare. Just like when I was younger she chose her boyfriend over me who even he use to...

I know you don't see me the way i am. All you see is illusions of what real life ought to be. You see yourselves as a...

Lambency, The Gentle Glow:
Notes On Rebirth Before An English Channel Crossing
I remember mostly-
The raw horizon...

Romeo and Juliet?
Just stories
Kissing in the rain?
Wishing on shooting stars?
Walking along the beach?
My question...

Am the son of my father
so don't you give a dem
who can touch a cub
when he knows about a den
when the jungle roars
hope u...

A smiling face
Being like a beacon
From the crowd
Tired eyes and sad looks
Dominate the room
Gloomy looks dull the area

texas.don.g.nutt59,poem,my world, my world my life my time this world right in the poem of my hands like the almighty god im...

Running back is all they do. They never know until they lose you . Draining would be the word for that’s all people have...

When you’re around the world seems simple, the world seems to stand still.
Your way to enjoying the little things is...

Mirrior, mirrior on the wall who's the fakest of them all?
With the title of fairest claimed
My true identity has long been...

I embody the life of a young teen that’s struggling.
Going through high school not knowing what’s coming in.
I’m so obvious...

She rubbed her eyes so much
that the dark she saw every
Turned like a frivolous little inchworm
Turned big...

I am a writer, I write to ease my pain. Hear me scribble, yabble, and babble scrap!
And so I will write until day’s end, for...

You dream of life
I live a life of a dream
You enjoy the sun
I run from it
You have all the friends
I live to be along

My mind is a portal to worlds of possibilities of success. There I sit in my imaginary kingdom of ease and finesse While I...

I was ten when I started to learn about slavery in school and how it had affected the world.
I learned about Martin Luther,...

My life is a complication,
But I still stand strong and live,
I hide behind this curtain of the happy life, As I hide I cry...

I am bold, extravagent
Sepia, rise, valenica, and black and white
have no growth to represent I.
I am plain to the world

My mind is a hub for brewing ideas and conjuring thoughts that manifests into actions -
It is my control.
My eyes process...

I am who I am
A young girl with old ways, deep inside her
Beng the only child, the first grandchild, the first niece

A love, a memory, a habit,
Eyes of lunar luminance and
Fiery coldness-
This is what I remember,
This is what I know.

Have you ever just dreamed big? I have since I was a kid. To grow up dreaming to be a celebrity.
Then I realized, nah that's...

I, myself, am entirely strage,
But the things about me,
You never can change.
I'm goofy and silly
And excited non-stop.