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Being impeccable is over-rated,
unattainable, impossible, and even outdated.
I prefer my goofy smile,
and my spontaneous, overbearingly hectic lifestyle,
over that of a life monotonous with perfection.
To be brought and to age
in a world of masks
To be raised and trained
to forge my own
To be afraid to be without it
At the end of the day
I'm still me
I have feet that graze the ground with each step I take.
Legs so powerful that carry my weight
and knees that allow them to bend.
I have a stomach that supports the innermost parts of me
I am flawlessly flawed and that’s why I’m awed
to be in this world created by God.
Every hair on my head, even the ones still messy from bed,
Are exactly where he meant them to be.