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Part I:   Once upon a time not so very long ago Romantics aspired for high class views While maintaining minds that were opposed to prose.   In all their writings they embellished upon
That is exactly what was stated. As simple as can be found . Three times three is nine . It happens every time.   So , you want to throw in the color blue. That is just not what we do .
How is it? That after so long of waiting. Asking. I would recieve this gift, And forget.   How can it be? That after feeling complete peace. Love.
Pain is surreal. The awareness of what I’ve become is shocking, painful. As I glance around, bodies twist and keel Over my shoulder, I see a brother in arms fall, eyes glassy, yet full. Of love
Life is a toilet. it takes all your crap while letting you enjoy it, and when you stop giving a shit you are left with something useless.  
I am Junk Light your butane lighter I am the lifeless husk
Apprehension Waiting is the hardest Especially waiting for results Was it done right? How much was needed? How long to wait? How long How long Patience is a virtue
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