oh politics
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Freedom is not something that can be seen.
Freedom is not something that can be asked for,
because it is not to be demanded.
It can not be given to you.
What is the lesson they intend to instill?
Pretending to move forward in our best intent
But watch, back they run, now slipping and sliding
Forgetting all about promises made
To be one nation under God
America, America,Land of the free.Boast it all around the world.Equal opportunity.
America, America,What does it mean to be free?Tell it to the poor womanwho sits right beside me.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag”and sell my soul to it’s stars and stripes.And to the glory it all withholds.To a nation of spinning clockwork,Perfectly intertwined, two faced,and brainwashed as the injustices
Say "The Pledge Of Alligence" every single morning, to start the day off right. Hands over our hearts and the viel over our eyes.
(oh, politics)
are you only for adults?
the world is filled with children
who can't even voice their own opinions.
you raise us to be independent
you raise us to be proud