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i've always known
i've never been the favorite child
off kilter and distant
like a drunk on the curb
so i guess it makes sense
that you've finally let go
of my cold hands
She’d caught his attention at a football game
Somehow, from the back of the stands
And he stared without shame.
She liked him too
And he was happy like he’d never been
Poor Pluto
Was once a Planet.
Now its a Dwarf-Planet.
Who more a Planet.
Than some Gas Giant Planets.
Pluto, so far out in space.
Is its only fault.
~ Ricardo
Like Jupiter, his face always features at least one giant red spot
And Saturn's rings have found a second home beneath his eyes
The stifling clouds of Venus emanate from his throat
Dedicated to the man whose quest for wanderers
caused him to question that term's definition.