overcoming depression
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In between I see it
I don't know why
But I need it
I woke up in a cage
But it's fine
I was born in it
In a lifeless room
I was made from it
Losing touch in the world
Don't we all do?
Depression is a selfish illness in that it makes you think
solely about one thing; Oneself.
You try in vain to conquer these demons yet find it does little to
I recall our first sibling school picture,
me all curly haired,
smoothed skinned boy,
immaculate in uniform.
Later changing school,
being in the new house, 'our house' ,
Dear My Biggest Fear,
What are you?
This question has been lurking in my mind for quite some time now,
So I thought I'd just ask you upfront- what the hell are you?
A boy, so young, had fallen you see
and struggled, did he, to get off the floor.
He walked life's road abysmally
but this road of life he wanted no more.
He went through life like he had lost a fight.
A year in the life of Sarah Smith
Sometimes I felt like a myth
Had a rough time starting out
Hitting the floor and blacking out
Living in a room of isolation
Contemplating my creation
I am imperfectlopsided smilea single dimpled cheekan abundance of freckles and blemishescrooked spinethe scars that are scattered amongst my body tell my story