A Hater Is A Hater
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im a Legend yall can hate all you want i really dont care yeah
my life is making people happy im okay im just very tire of
people hate they should know there action always fine there
It's going to be about these days u know your bff but do u know they hated on u form behind your back no u don't so I'm going to be rapper about these hater I know ppl are tried of hater definitely me but keep on going to life don't let haters get
I’m smart, I’m clean, just hate me,
I’m dirty, I stink, just hate me,
They say I’m not talented, they say I’m stupid, just hate me,
Words become unspoken
memories are left to be broken
distance seperates you from me,
and time gets in the way of everything
don't blame me
I'm just a human being
My emotions wilt like a will tree
There is a boy who wishes he was a daughter,
Dresses in skirts and dresses who bothers
can't tell the world, not even his own father.
They call him a faggot,
they call him a dork,
A hater is a hater not by...
The color of their skin or...
The clothes they wear or...
The car they drive or...
The house they live in.