im a Legend yall can hate all you want i really dont care yeah
my life is making people happy im okay im just very tire of
people hate they should know there action always fine there
way of coming two them im just trying two live my life yo
peja Anne is my friend yall can get mad all you want shes
from the rock sqaud ya shes my friend yall can hate on
her she really dont care i really dont care bout my haters
as well im a legend yall can be anything you want in
life thinks xxxtention rest in peace your a Legend
im a Legend part of being a Legend work hard make it
this far and you will be one as well you know that Liltjay
is a Legend as well yall can be one two never let any haters
stop you not even your mom and dad follow your dream
if they didnt support yall dont forgive dont give them money
dont even talk two then okay i would do that as well 13 forever
yeah i know right so im a Legend peja Anne is my friend as well She dont
care if she gets hate comments i dont care if i get hate as well shes
famous shes my friend and im gonna be a Legend. Like sub comment