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They gave me a nametag and a uniform
I count coins and wonder "who will be hungry today?"
Sausage-like fingers grip thick wads of bills and sticky cards
I tap on the screen and say "seventeen dollars"
You propped your torso above the sweaty mat,
resting on tense arms, arms
rippling and sculpted and
wrapped in serpentine tattoos
I'd long stopped crunching my body into a pretzel
Dear Hip Hop and Rap and other types of music that were traps for what I thought was a good beat but ended up being everything but that.
I gaze blankly into the sky and the
Tears are dry.
Maybe it’s just my uterus
Talking—the smooth,
Smug woman’s voice on the ad tells
It happened today, for the first time.
On the train,
First carriage.
I don’t know when he arrived,
I didn’t even notice him until halfway through the ride.
On the Contrary
if you look in the Dictionary
you'll see that the term you Use
has been the subject of great Abuse.
One must be Visualized
in order to be Objectified
not merely faux-Traumitized
My spirit was invaded today, my pride was conquered
The strongest, surest part of me crumbled to bits before him
And I could only back down,
Shy away,
Stare blankly like the thoughtless, emotionless being,