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This little part, our corner
Our little dot in the galaxy
We’ve made something for ourselves, didn’t we?
Some things feel like freedom
but it isn't.
A kiss can hold you still
like a shake in your breath.
It can rattle your heart
and break your chest.
dreams can come true
and dreams can shatter
the first time i hated myself, i was 9 years old.
groups of soulless children followed me around the schoolyard
calling me diseased ridden, disgusting, fat...
the laughed as my tears splashed on the table at which i sat
Twenty doves have flown into the graces of an almighty God...
Awaiting with open arms he welcomed in twenty innocents to gather upon his sheep...
“Good Morning Children!”
“Good Morning m’am”
“Today we’ll learn to read and write,
Under the pillars
And under the trees
Lived a man
Known as Dee
He loved to dance,
Read and write
Hair like ebony fuzz upon her head
With ancient dry skin drooping down her face
Square spectacles frame her weary eyes red
Tired from the toil she must embrace
Ashy, hairless arms splotched with burns and scars