Sun and Moon
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The Sun rises, shedding its golden light on everything a fox runs gracefully across the colorful leaves and the bare tree dances on the wind blows. Some twinkle and flutter like the shadow of a beautiful dove, the rest lie hidden in bed of shadows
The sun shines down like a bright starI feel its warmth beating on my bodyI embrace its energy The sun shines so bright I feel its strength I embrace its energyThe sun shines like a diamondI feel the richnessI embrace its energyThe moon shines bri
She ran to the outside and stood in the highest peak,
She looked up at the Sun, who looked like he was going to weep,
His rays, tired they were
As the sun finally falls from the sky and the moon takes her place on the other side. As the angels sing softly their sweet lullabies. As this everlasting waltz is finalized. Two forbidden lovers shall finally have their night.