Sun And Moon
The Sun rises, shedding its golden light on everything a fox runs gracefully across the colorful leaves and the bare tree dances on the wind blows. Some twinkle and flutter like the shadow of a beautiful dove, the rest lie hidden in bed of shadows, just waiting to become shapes again. The branches of the trees touch the sky making delicate music as they sway to and fro, the sound like the flow of a river. The Moon still dances with her mane looking as graceful as ever. The little river dances too and the breeze touches its surface making it dance even more. The sun can't bring the snow back but it can make the winter beautiful and all its colors do their part to warm up the days of summer. The grass is greening up even in places where you wouldn't have noticed it before and a rabbit appears from nowhere, loping across the garden like an artist. The first buds of spring, a little more fragile than others, already open and allow the white petals to bloom. White horses, white mice, some brown, and some pink but all as pretty as a birthday cake. The clouds dance over the flowers, breathing life into them until they finally get to dance themselves. Days and nights pass and everything is still as it has been. The sun goes down, the Moon rises and they live in harmony for one more night. The magic that the sun and the Moon brings into their lives, makes them smile even more, the magic of spring, of nature's beauty and of love. For all those years we shared our love and our dreams with each other.