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texas,don,g,nutt,59,poem,fear never ever no bone crusher scared have no fear have no scare no nightmare are bad dream never ever scared to flex are plex its no fear to be me in an out this texas streets i aint never ever been fear feared are scare
tting switches im up im texas.don,g.nutt.59.poem.hitting switches im up im high im on knodd leaning in the slabb seat three wheeling in the 3rd coast this one for my cali folks my peoples im in it just point blank win it stole it peeled off top ba
texas.don,g,nutt,59,poem,so, real so nice so right so dedicated for me to be me so compassionately me as i stroll to the next faze in this lime you see the realness i be i have begun this is the beganing of just won dedicaited to me im the
texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem,cuddy,me girl cuddle me close in for the night its me an you entwained no mark twain the groove vine shorty so fine she rigt we close an tight cuddy me girl ill cuddy close an closer as i get to you cuddy me girl this way
ltexas,don.g.nutt,59,poem,strictly me you know the crip gangsta swagg it be me drapped up dripped up all colors of blue strictly me it gots to be the bad boy known from street to street as i mobb i deep you wanna trip feel this now feel me find me
texas.don.g.nutt,59,poem,river,flow,row row row your boat gentley down the river flow stream its the rock the roll the shake dont break its not a take are a lifes stake this riverflow,as the river stream goes an go in it deep let the sail boat roc