Baby miscarriage
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I close my eyes
Feel the wet grass beneath my splayed body
His hands all over my shrinking frame
Hoping if I fade away enough
I will be too small
And he will leave me be
So I lie there
I loved you from the start and thought that we'd never be apart
Seeing you before birth was a tearing moment for your dad and I
Getting ready for your arrival ; setting up your baby crib
every year for as long as i can remember
my mom has tried to grow a rose bush.
key word tried.
When I was 15 I planned out exactly what Love would look like
Love was tall
Love was strong
Love played the piano
Love was smart
and funny
I loved you even though I didn't know you
I held you even though you were never in my arms
You were with me even though I didn't know it
That special moment,
The instant bond between mother and child
The crazy range of emotions ending in excitement
You are a family.
That instant there is nothing more important
Nothing more beautiful
As I sit in this room today,
I see a bright futures of
Doctors that will find a cure for cancer
Lawyers that will participate in the trial of the century
Ears that never heard a voice.
A mind that never made a choice.
A hand that never had a hold.
Cheeks never bit by the cold.