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Thick adolescent throat choked on a string
connecting a warm baby held to bare fleshwith a shaking man
on an empty trailer floor.
Somehow the boy
feels foregone warmth
Time is a powerful concept that we live our lives by.
Even before we are born we have our lives mapped out and have a deadline to accomplish our goals.
When you were dying, I was dazed yet ambushed.
We were fusing, and I got cold feet.
Who knew I wasn't cunning, firm, nor merciful of your love.
The content was only in text, and a dial was abundant.
You gluttonous creature.
Never enough.
You gluttonous creature!
Will your ever grow tired
Of this cycle?
Dear brother, you're busy,
So I won't talk long.
I hope that my worries
Are actually wrong.
I don't mean to scare you,
(Well, maybe I might.
There certainly are things
Much worse than a fright.)
Dear Time,
I hate you.
You destroy everything,
You make everything meaningless,
Decay beauty and kill childhood.
You are a murderer
You are the serial killer with the highest death toll,
Time is like water
So easily lost
So easily wasted
But we can’t give everyone the water they need
Tick, tock, goes the clock
Sixty, Fifty, Forty-two
Pencils scribble furiously
Thirty, twenty, fifteen, ten
Brains scramble rapidly
Nine, eight, seven, six
Checking - double, triple - answers